In detail, I really want to thank Zhao Feilong, the king of heaven. Because of Zhao Feilong, Zhao Chengfeng has eaten a lot of Tianzhu. His whole body and even his blood have infiltrated a lot of Tianzhu. His body has the ability of self-healing.

As long as Zhao Chengfeng doesn't die on the spot, as long as you give him time, he can recover quickly!


Lieshan could not speak any more. There was an obvious blood hole in his throat. His vitality suddenly dissipated. His tall body fell heavily to the ground, and he no longer breathed, even with his eyes open.

Maybe Lieshan didn't understand why he could kill himself even though he had defeated Zhao Chengfeng?


Brandon took a cold breath and was shocked again. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, he seemed to look down at the gods, revered and afraid. Even Lieshan could defeat him. What else could he not do? Brandon can't think of it!

"Hum, let's go!"

Green red pupil is also a shrink, Zhao Chengfeng's strength is too strong, a move will kill Lieshan, oneself stay can be his opponent? It's better to retreat quickly!


Xiao Xi's body leaps and stops Wu Chen Bai Fu and Qing Hong, who have fled quietly, with a mockery and a smile on his lips.

It's really a bunch of shameless bastards. I just wanted to kill myself by relying on more people. Now I see that Zhao Chengfeng is very powerful. He has to grease his feet and get ready to run. How can there be such a good thing?

"Smelly girl, do you mean to die?" Five Chen hundred blessings get the corner of mouth straight to draw to draw, but in the heart is to fear tightly.

Wuchen Baifu knows how much weight he has, not to mention that he is not Zhao Chengfeng's opponent. I'm afraid he can't even help Yufei. Today, he just wants to win some benefits, but now it seems that

"Ha ha, you just left, don't you take me Zhao Chengfeng as one thing?" Zhao Chengfeng walked over with a sneer, and stared at Wuchen Baifu with a cold and fierce look like a poisonous snake. He said, "here, Xiaoxi, she's just looking for death. Come on, let me see your ability. How are you going to let her die today?"


Wuchen Baifu didn't say a word, but the corners of his mouth twitched rapidly. His face was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a way to get in. She was paralyzed. She was so easy to kill. How could she wait until now?

"Oh, yes."

Zhao Chengfeng patted the brain door, pointed to the sword in his hand, and said: "don't you say this is your Wuchen's thing? Take it, come on, take it. "


Wuchen Baifu couldn't bear the pressure from Zhao Chengfeng. He wiped a cold sweat on his forehead and said, "my friend, it's just a misunderstanding before that. Don't take it seriously. In fact, I'm just passing by."

In order to survive, Wuchen Baifu has to be shameless. Zhao Chengfeng is really evil. God knows how powerful he is. Looking at the tragic situation of Lieshan, it's like cutting his flesh with a knife. Thinking about it, Wuchen Baifu can't help shivering.

"Ha ha, misunderstanding."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng is happy. He has seen too many such shameless people, just like those dandies on the earth. Once you are more powerful than him, you immediately admit it. Don't mention kneeling down to beg for mercy. Let him kneel down to call his father without hesitation.

It seems that all parts of the world are the same. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, tough guys and counsellors! Obviously, Wuchen Baifu is a big bag.

"Wuchen Baifu is a misunderstanding. You want to kill me and brother Yufei. Is this also a misunderstanding?" Zhao Chengfeng looks back at Qinghong, who is Yuqing's Laozi!


Green red eyes a MI, cold hum a way: "boy, I admit you are very fierce, but, I can tell you, you killed me, you also won't be good, you wait for the family crazy revenge."

"You're a tough guy."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng not only did not get angry, but nodded approvingly, and said: "well, you killed this big counsellor. Today I'll give you a chance to live. How about that?"

"Friend, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I..."

Five Chen hundred blessing smell speech complexion big change, repeatedly beg for mercy.


But, don't wait for five Chen Bai Fu to finish saying, green red hand short knife has cut five Chen Bai Fu's artery, eyeball son a stare, directly died.

"May I go now?" Qinghong looks at Zhao Chengfeng, still keeping a cold look.

Qinghong wants to live, but she doesn't want to compromise. After all, this man is the murderer who killed her son. How can she forget this hatred?


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, said: "go, it is impossible to let you go, this life is impossible to let you go."


Smell speech, green red complexion big change, where don't understand oneself by Zhao Chengfeng to play a pass, suddenly burst into a rage, "you bastard, you don't mean what you say, I kill you!"

Angry green red directly rushed to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Go to hell, too!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't look back. As soon as the sword swept away, Qinghong immediately stood in the same place and didn't go any further. Xuanyuan Shenjian was crazy at the moment, sucking Qinghong's blood essence. For a moment, Qinghong's face was as white as paper and lost its vitality.

"What a pervert you are

Yu Fei shakes his head speechless and comes over. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng is OK, he laughs bitterly. For Qinghong's death, Yufei doesn't feel wrong. Although they are all members of a family, he wants his own life!

This is the enemy!

"Brother Feng, you are so good." Xiao Xi is also in high spirits. He is so excited that he doesn't need it.

Zhao Chengfeng humbly waved his hand. In fact, Zhao Chengfeng could finish the battle very early. However, because Lieshan was an expert, Zhao Chengfeng wanted to fight with him. How could he know that this guy could only break his own defense? What else could he do? Just kill it!

You know, Zhao Chengfeng didn't even use the lethal sword.

In today's World War I, Zhao Chengfeng conservatively estimated that his strength is already in the empty state, and the real strength is only afraid that the strong who break the empty state have nothing to do with themselves. In the alien world, it is estimated that under the king, Zhao Chengfeng has the power of World War I!

After all, people in this world actually have no skills against the enemy, but Zhao Chengfeng has a lot of fighting experience, which is often where Zhao Chengfeng can rely on to fight the enemy.

"My Lord, I wish I were as good as you." Brandon came over and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with admiration.

"Why are you here?"

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at Brandon and said with no expression: "have you done all the things you were asked to do?"

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