"My Lord, I didn't find anyone, but I found some clues."

Brandon said: "I went to Guiwu mountain and found all the strange animals I trained. It seems that the person you are looking for is taken to the Earth Dragon's nest."

"Seems to have been taken to the Earth Dragon Soul nest?" Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and was not satisfied with the uncertainty of "as if".

Despite Zhao Chengfeng's daily idleness, he has never been formal. However, he is very strict in dealing with certain things, and absolutely can not allow any mistakes, let alone saving people.

Of course, the reason why he wanted to save Liuli was not that Zhao Chengfeng really thought about the Japanese girl. Although the girl was good, Zhao Chengfeng didn't have that idea. Even if he wanted to solve some problems, Xiaoxi was much more beautiful than Liuli now.

But, after all, glass is earth people, if you find glass, Zhao Chengfeng will feel something to say, at least will not let himself too lonely.

"My Lord, please make atonement."

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was not happy, Brandon said: "you know, once a stranger enters every soul nest, the owner of the soul nest will be aware of it for the first time. Now I can't enter the Earth Dragon Soul nest rashly, so..."


Zhao Chengfeng thinks it's true that Brandon's affairs with her are well known by the crazy lady Lieji. Although Lieji is seriously injured now, her greatest reliance on her is her father, but she is the boss of the Earth Dragon Soul nest. Who can guarantee that there is no strong one around her? Brandon's strength might have been destroyed. No, he would have been turned into a strange beast.

"Let's go to the dragon soul nest and find someone to make a decision."

After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng says to Xiaoxi, "do you two have any plans now? Of course, if you have other things to deal with, don't follow me. I have my own things to deal with

"I'm not going."

Xiao Xi was not born at all. He grabbed Zhao Chengfeng's arm, pouted his little mouth and said, "you can't get rid of me."

"..." Zhao Chengfeng was speechless for a while, and he was afraid.

Although Xiao Xi was a fox before, the real Xiao Xi was even more fox spirit than fox spirit. Every twinkle and smile had an irresistible temptation. Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng was more or less out of control.

"I have nothing else to do now. I'll follow you." Yufei shrugged his shoulders with a bitter smile and muttered: "besides, there is a big contradiction between me and my family now. If I can't explain it clearly, I guess someone in my family will come out to kill me from time to time. I'll be safer with you."

When he says this, Yufei always feels a little depressed. At the beginning, he was also the high priest of the temple's soul nest, but now he has a new soul nest. His strength is not weak, but he needs Zhao Chengfeng to protect himself. It's really hard to say.

But the fact is, Zhao Chengfeng is really powerful, powerful to the point of palpitation!

"OK, then go to the Earth Dragon Soul nest and find people."

Zhao Chengfeng thinks about it for a while, and then asks Brandon to take the body of Lieshan with him. A group of four people go straight to the dragon soul nest. Outside the world of God's corpse, there are still many people waiting for the treasure to come into the world. What makes Zhao Chengfeng a little disappointed is that none of the people in Wansheng building have seen it. Zhao Chengfeng rarely feels guilty. After all, he promised Wansheng building, but now


Yufei has a very clear understanding of all kinds of soul nest worlds. The soul nest is simply a small world, an isolated small world. It's easy to enter just by finding a passage. Even if the entrance of the soul nest is guarded, it's not difficult to enter. Either announce it, or break in directly with hard power!

"Who? Dare to break into the Earth Dragon Soul nest, you want to die, don't you

As soon as the four of them landed, a group of female soldiers surrounded them. Isn't the leading woman the twelve elder sisters under Lieji's right hand?

"It's you, Wuchen Qianzhi!"

Twelve elder sister also recognized Zhao Chengfeng, instantly became alert, gritted her teeth and said: "what are you doing here?"


Zhao Chengfeng asked Brandon to throw the prepared gift directly. The poor mountain fell to the ground, and the smell of blood filled the air. When she saw it, she was immediately dumbfounded.

"Tell Lieji that crazy woman that I'm here, let her get out of here, or I'll ruin her father's body!" Zhao Chengfeng looked around with a cold and proud face.

The aura of the Earth Dragon's soul nest is nearly exhausted. No wonder Lieji wants to capture a new soul nest. It seems that although the soul nest is good, it's not a long-term solution, just like the earth.

Thousands of years ago, the earth was also full of aura, and there were many powerful people. However, with the increase of population and the destruction of the environment, the aura is exhausted, so the earth is not suitable for human cultivation, and there are few masters.

Thinking of this, Zhao Chengfeng has to admire Zhao Feilong's ability to cultivate such species as Tianzhu. Although it's just pirated Tianzhu, it contains a lot of aura, which is beyond reproach.

From this point of view, Zhao Feilong is a talented person who knows how to be flexible. However, his flexibility is not used in the right way, such as the energy gun developed by Zhao Feilong. If this kind of gun can be widely used in the army, the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army can be instantly improved by several grades, and it is not impossible to become the first in the world!



Twelve elder sister stared at the corpse on the ground. It took a long time for her to come back to her senses. She stared at Zhao Chengfeng in horror and ran to report the news. Soon she came back and took Zhao Chengfeng and his party to the hall.

Lieji has been in the Earth Dragon Soul nest for many years, and built a house, or her own city, in which the total number of people is more than 2000, while Lieji lives on the top floor of the main center.

"It's strange that I didn't find a man in the dragon's soul nest?" As he walked, Zhao Chengfeng pondered in his heart, wondering if Lieji, the crazy woman, was also a lesbian? Don't like men, only women?

It's possible!

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thinks of Ye Zhuqing. Ye Zhuqing was also the elder sister of the underworld. She was surrounded by all kinds of beauties, one by one protruding forward and backward, plump and incomparable. In the end, ye Zhuqing also fell in love with Chen Shuxian, so they had contact and connection. It's really predestined.

"Wuchen Qianzhi, you are too cruel!"

Into the main hall, pale Lieji glared at Zhao Chengfeng, subconsciously squeezed his fist, a pair of want to work hard with Zhao Chengfeng.

"Yes? I think it's normal. "

However, Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders in disapproval and did not take it seriously.

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