Is Xiao Xi's three and four miserable? Yes, they were strange animals when they died, but they were forced to become strange animals by secret method. Has anyone asked their feelings?


Moreover, since it is the law of the jungle, then there is no one who is not cruel. If Zhao Chengfeng is not cruel to the enemy, I'm afraid he has not stood here for a long time.

"What do you want to do? Why kill my father? " Although Lieji is angry, she can't do anything about Zhao Chengfeng. This guy is so strong that he even failed his father!

Isn't he already the Duke, or even the Duke?

"Ha ha, that's interesting."

Xiao Xi couldn't get used to it. He hummed coldly: "your father wants to find a place for you. Unfortunately, his strength is not so good. He was killed by brother Feng. Now he asked why brother Feng wanted to kill your father? Why don't you ask your father if he's brain sick? "


Lieji almost died of anger when she heard that her father was dead, and she was insulted like this. What's hateful is that she can't deal with her opponent!

"Who is brother Feng? Aren't you five thousand years old? " Although Lieji was very angry and angry, she was calm enough!

The most urgent task is to find a way to send away Zhao Chengfeng, the God of plague, and to find a good opportunity for revenge in the future. What makes Lieji most curious is Wuchen Qianzhi's identity.

Injured these days, although Lieji is recovering, she also sends someone to investigate the identity of Wuchen Qianzhi, and learns that Wuchen Qianzhi is just a waste in the family. Lieji is silly when she is in the family. Are you worse than a family trash?

But just now this woman called him "brother Feng". Who is he?

"Wuchen Qianzhi is just my borrowed name. You can call me Zhao Chengfeng." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, and then said: "today I come to the dragon soul nest, not to send you your father's body, nor to kill you, I just come to ask you to a person, if you give this person intact, the dragon soul nest still has the need to exist."

"Otherwise, I don't mind destroying the Earth Dragon Soul nest and letting your father and daughter die together!"

In the end, Zhao Chengfeng's face is still with a smile, but the smile makes people feel cold at the bottom of their heart! Lieji can't help shivering - this is a cruel man!

Besides, it's a man who can say and do!

"Who?" After a short meditation, Lieji made a compromise.

"Liuli, a woman."

Zhao Chengfeng said, and handed the prepared portrait to Jill, and then said, "don't try to deceive me. I have an eye liner to see your people take her away. On the way, the whole soul nest is a woman. You will not tell me that she is not here."

"When I give you the man, you go at once?" Lieji did not answer immediately, but frowned.

This woman is really in the Earth Dragon Soul nest, and it is Lieji who catches her, but this woman doesn't seem to be particularly obedient, and she is still being held up.

"Of course."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he had a bottom in his heart and said, "as long as you give me the person, I will leave immediately. The enmity between you and me will be written off and let bygones be bygones."

"If so?" Reggie was a little excited.

In fact, Lieji is really afraid that Zhao Chengfeng will turn over and refuse to recognize others. This guy is too powerful, let alone seriously injured himself. Even at the peak, he is not his opponent. Even his father is planted in his hands, which shows that he is powerful!

Once turned over, the Earth Dragon's soul nest will no longer exist, and he may not even have the chance to revenge.

"Believe it or not, I'm easy to get along with!"

Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "you can get in touch with me. After all, you have a good reputation. Of course, if you don't get along well, you should find out more about yourself."


Lieji rolled her eyes and said, "isn't that funny? Does it have to be Laozi's problem if he doesn't get along well? Fuck you!

"Bring people."

Lieji doesn't want to talk to Zhao Chengfeng anymore. She asks people to bring out the glaze directly. At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng is talking and laughing, and his face is light. God knows when he will go away. It's better to stop his mouth earlier than that.


One side of the feather fly straight shake his head, also did not expect Zhao Chengfeng will be so shameless, and initially see Zhao Chengfeng gap is too big, feel is not a person.

Perhaps, everyone is wearing a mask in life, this is the most real him.

"My Lord, why are you here?"

Soon, glass was brought up, glass first saw Zhao Chengfeng, immediately red eyes, almost cry out.

"Nonsense, of course I'm looking for you. Why? You don't seem to have a good time Zhao Chengfeng's face changed slightly, and he turned his head to stare at Lieji coldly.

I haven't seen you for a long time. It's obvious that Liuli is much thinner, her clothes are messy, and even there are some scars on her face. However, it seems to be more pitiful. It's like the Japanese women in the movie all like this, and they all like to be insulted like this.

"Not bad." Liu Li's tears fell down. At the moment, Zhao Chengfeng was a Chinese.

Because in his most critical time, it was this man who saved himself.

"But you said that as long as you take people away, you won't go to the dragon soul nest in danger." Lieji is staring at by Zhao Chengfeng. She says that her subordinates are really rubbish. Before she takes people out, she doesn't know how to change clothes and wash them casually?


Zhao Chengfeng snorted heavily, "I'm Zhao Chengfeng's word. Today, I won't embarrass your dragon soul nest, but I warn you, don't make trouble with me in the future, or I'll kill you!"

"..." Lieji shivered and didn't say a word.

"Let's go."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and left the Earth Dragon Soul nest with four people swaggering.

"Brother Chengfeng, there is one thing I want to say." Just out of the dragon soul nest, Yufei couldn't help but frown and said, "why do you want to let Lieji go? Don't you worry that she will take revenge on you in the future? "

"Do you think she will be my opponent in the future?"

Instead of giving a positive answer, Zhao Chengfeng laughs and is not satisfied. Don't say that Lieji is not her opponent now. In the future, the gap between Lieji and herself will only be bigger and bigger. How can she become her opponent?

"I always think it's a problem for this woman to keep, and it's better to solve it." Yufei shakes his head and insists on his own point of view.

"I think so, too."

Brandon followed: "this girl is too overbearing. It's time to kill her spirit and let him know that she can't afford to offend us!"

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