"I'll thank brother Feng first." Cloud crane a bow, heartfelt thanks to Zhao Chengfeng.

The crane clan was already lonely. Yunhe wanted to change the fate of the crane clan by relying on the crane jade of the time. However, the whole Wansheng tower was almost destroyed in this action. Wuhe steward and his younger brother all died. Yunhe was also frustrated. He was surrounded by a group of big men that day. He thought that if he died, he would die. He had no responsibility and no pain, How nice.

However, after being rescued by Zhao Chengfeng and his party, Yun he gradually understood that living is the absolute principle, and as long as people live, there is infinite possibility. Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng is so powerful that with him, it is not necessarily that the crane clan can not grow up again.

Even if the crane clan can't grow, it doesn't matter. With this man, his life safety is guaranteed. Why not?

"What can I thank you for? Aren't we all friends?" Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, but he was thinking about how to use his new weapon 98K.

On the earth, Zhao Chengfeng often uses thermal weapons. With the improvement of his strength, he seldom uses thermal weapons, but it doesn't mean that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't use his guns well. Now, in a different world, I have to go back to my old business.

"Well, it's getting late. Go back and have a rest. I'm sleepy, too." Zhao Chengfeng yawned and went back to his room to study 98K.


The so-called back garden of the Lord's mansion in the black street city is no different from the backyard of the imperial palace of the ancient emperors on earth. To put it bluntly, it is just a place for the emperor's family to stay and live.

The same is true of the back garden of the city Lord's mansion, where all the relatives of the city Lord Lihu live. However, with the death of the Lord of Lihu, the people in the back garden changed a lot, or killed a lot. The only thing that hasn't changed is that the hostess of the backyard hasn't changed. It's still Mrs. Honglian, but she's waiting on other men now!

After the white flower round rolling body came down from the man, she wiped the sweat all over her body. Mrs. Honglian put on an extremely enchanting posture and poked at the man's chest. She was very shy and said: "Oh, you really hate it. You make people crisp. You are so powerful."

"Hey, hey!"

The man on the bed laughed straight and reached out to touch the woman. He said with a smile, "if I'm not strong, can I kill Lihu? Sao Niang son, you can be really cruel, even their men are willing to kill, you say, in the future you will also quietly give me medicine ah? "

With that, the man pinched a woman's tender meat.

"Ah, you hate it."

Mrs. Honglian ate the pain and pretended to be angry: "what nonsense are you talking about? You are the only one in my heart. The ghost has already died. How can I lay hands on you? "

"That's about the same."

Hearing this, the man's face looked much better, but he still said: "the dog Lihu has been dead for several days, but I can't make a big show of his position, which makes me very unhappy."

"Don't worry."

Madame Honglian comforted quickly and said: "the following people have come up with a message that the girl from Murphy city has come back. I've asked people to release the news. She must have run back to report it. At that time, I'll kill Murphy with a beauty trick. At that time, not only the black street city is ours, but also the Murphy city is ours. Why not?"

"Damn, you are quite calculating." The majestic man nodded after hearing the words, but he admired the wisdom of the girl.

"Of course."

Red lotus madam unavoidably some complacency, raised the man's chin, the fox flatters a way: "if I am not clever words, can make you go to bed?"

"Smelly girl, it seems that you are not comfortable yet!"

When the man heard this, he turned over and went away... But he didn't find a pair of eyes on the door frame. He was watching all this. He left after a long time.


At dawn the next day, Zhao Chengfeng got up from bed. It wasn't Zhao Chengfeng who got up early, but Liuli came back and had to get up.

"Brother Feng, all investigations have been made clear. The city leader of Lihu was really harmed by someone. That person is Madame Honglian, and there is a man. They collude with each other secretly, and they get mixed up, so..." Liuli doesn't know how to describe that kind of thing on the bed, and his face turns red.

Had it not been for Zhao Chengfeng's command, Liuli would have been too lazy to watch the "live broadcast" for so long, making people uncomfortable.

"I'll go to that one!"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing, "you, do you mean that the Lord of Lihu is not only dead, but also green headed?"

"Well." Liuli blushed.

"I'm a little fucked up. What a world." Zhao Chengfeng has no choice but to shake his head. At this moment, he has a little sympathy for the Lord of Lihu.

Even if a man dies, he will die anyway. It's just a matter of time. But it's a great shame for a man to be greenheaded. Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng can't stand it.

"By the way, brother Feng."

Liuli didn't want to talk about "green hat", so she quickly digged off the topic and said, "I also found Elsa's place of detention. She's having a bad time now."

"What about Jason?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, for Elsa's experience, Zhao Chengfeng is not surprised.

Don't talk about a different world. Even on earth, stepmothers are not good to their children. It's human nature.

"Jason is also in custody, but he looks much better." Liuli replied truthfully.


Zhao Chengfeng is a little puzzled. Why is Madame Honglian so cruel to her own son? It's just acting. There's no need to take it seriously.

"Besides, Madame Honglian seems to be the mastermind, and that man seems to be just an accomplice." Liuli then said: "I feel that lady Honglian is not simple, but that man is just like a man. What they want is not only the whole black street city, but also Murphy city. Say what's done. "


In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng is not surprised at all, "OK, you've been busy all night, and you can go back to rest early. Maybe we'll have something to do soon. Hurry up."


Liuli nodded and blushed twice. This time, the task was the most difficult one Liuli had ever met. After all, watching a man and a woman do that kind of thing is also a test for women.

"Brother Chengfeng, you've been busy since early in the morning. You really can't spare time." As soon as Liuli left, Yufei came out and said hello to Zhao Chengfeng.

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