"It's a big deal. Can we not be busy?" Zhao Chengfeng turns his mouth helplessly. Suddenly, he is a little depressed. Why can't he go anywhere quietly?


Smell speech, feather fly eyebrow a wrinkly, "what's the matter?"? Why don't I know? "

"There's something wrong with the Lord's house."

Yufei is not an outsider. Naturally, Zhao Chengfeng can't hide it. He tells Yufei everything that happened last night.

"The Lord of Lihu was plotted by his wife? This... "After listening to Zhao Chengfeng's words, Yufei is also unable to laugh or cry. What's the matter? I didn't expect that the Lord of the city finally died in his wife's hands.

It's just death. At last, my wife went to sleep with others. It's too much.

"Do you think it's a big deal?"


Yufei nodded and asked, "brother Chengfeng, do you want to intervene in this? I think you'd better think about it. I'm afraid it's very deep. "

"I can't ignore it."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know that the water is deep, but he can't stand by. After all, Youya has been involved in this matter. Although he doesn't have a deep friendship with Youya, he is at least Zhao Chengfeng's friend.

Brother Feng walks the world with honesty. When did he leave his friends behind? Come out to be honest!

"Then you'd better be careful." Yufei also knows Zhao Chengfeng's temper and says, "if you need anything, just open your mouth and I'll give you my life."

Finish saying, feather flies bright smile.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. This kind of human relationship is too heavy, which is enough to see that Yufei is a trustworthy and deep friend.

"Ah, good morning."

Two people are talking, Xiao Xi stretched into the living room, "did not expect you to get up earlier than me."

"Where's my cell phone?"

Zhao Chengfeng is very speechless. Xiaoxi doesn't live on the earth, or she will be destroyed by her mobile phone. You know, in a different world, mobile phone has no signal, and there is no Internet to speak of. There are many interesting things that can't be played. A camera function can make Xiaoxi love keep going. If she learns "the glory of the king", isn't it heaven?

"Brother Feng, you are so mean. Can't you play for me for a few more days?"

Hearing that Zhao Chengfeng wanted to get his cell phone back, Xiao Xi's beautiful and delicate smile disappeared instantly. He pouted and protested: "too stingy!"

"I'm mean?"

Zhao Chengfeng threatened: "do you want me to send you back to the original city, or let brother Yufei turn you back into a little fox?"


On hearing this, Xiao Xi immediately admitted counsels, Ma Liu er's mobile phone to give out, instant honest a lot.

"Little boy, I can't cure you?"

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng smiles with a sense of accomplishment and asks, "by the way, Xiao Xi, I'm afraid your father can't be found for the time being. Do you want to go back to the original city? Or, follow me all the time. "

Zhao Chengfeng must ask clearly about this. It's certainly no problem to follow him. Although he may be a little tired and more troublesome, he always has a beautiful woman around him, so he is in a better mood. But if Xiao Xi has his own plan, Zhao Chengfeng will not stop him. After all, Xiao Xi has become a human being. She can do whatever she wants.

"Brother Feng, don't you want me?" Smell speech, small xilima droops a head, pitiful and tearful stare at Zhao Chengfeng, "wind elder brother, is where I do not good enough, you just want to drive me away? You don't want to turn me out, OK? Can't I play with your mobile phone in the future? "

In the end, Xiao Xi's eyes were red and tears were about to roll out.

"Oh, don't cry."

Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of everything. He is afraid that women will cry in front of him. As long as a woman cries, Zhao Chengfeng is soft hearted and says, "I didn't say that I want to drive you away. Don't I respect your opinion?"

"To be frank, I have some troubles to deal with now. It may be very dangerous to follow me next. If you want to follow me, I hope you can be prepared. In addition..."

"What else?" Little heather.


Zhao Chengfeng cleared his throat, some can't bear it, "in addition, your strength is too poor, cough, you follow me, it's really a bit behind me."


Xiao Xi's face turned white as soon as he heard this. What's the truth? Can't he save some face for himself? That's too much.

"They have limited talent." Xiao Xi buried his head and replied in a low voice.

"That's all."

Zhao Chengfeng was too lazy to say anything more. He waved his hand and said, "if you want to be happy, you can follow me, but I have something to say first. If you don't obey me, I will drive you away at any time. Don't make trouble for me. Can you promise?"

"I didn't cause you any trouble." Xiao Xi looks innocent.

"Your face, your figure is a big problem!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but look at the woman more. He said, "why is the fox so beautiful? If you look a few more eyes, Zhao Chengfeng will soon lose control.

"Is it my fault to be beautiful?"

Xiao Xi understood, but was a little helpless.


In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and didn't bother to say anything. It's not self blame. It's obviously showing off. If other ugly women hear this, they will fight with her.

"Brother Yufei."

Looking back, Zhao Chengfeng said to Yufei, "I'm very grateful for your help. If you follow me, frankly speaking, I'm very happy. After all, you can give me a lot of help, but after all, you are the key training object in the family. Because of me, you have a conflict with the family. Yuzhan, Yuqing and Qinghong all die in our hands, Are you sure you don't need to explain? I don't want you to fall out with the family because of me! "

Zhao Chengfeng is a person who knows the importance. It's good for Yufei to help himself, but Zhao Chengfeng has to plan for Yufei. After all, he can't stay in this world for long, and he owes too much favor. What should he do if he can't help himself in the future?

At least, Zhao Chengfeng should make his words clear now, so as not to make Yufei difficult in the future.

"Brother Chengfeng, I say you are a man. How can you be so tough?" Feather flies to smell speech to pour is to smile, "since I have made a decision, that affirmation has my plan, say again, even if the person in the family comes to ask me trouble, you can sit back and ignore?"

"Certainly not."

"Isn't that the end?"

Feather flies to smell speech to smile, "since we are a friend, is a brother, should have blessing to enjoy together, difficult with when, advance and retreat together."

"OK, I'll recognize you as a friend!"

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