"If you don't recognize it, I won't agree." Yufei laughs, "Why are you carrying a gun? Are you going hunting? "

Yufei is attracted by the sniper gun behind Zhao Chengfeng. He thinks it's strange that Zhao Chengfeng is so powerful. Can he still use guns?

It's a waste of energy!

"I'm not interested in hunting." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "from now on, it's my weapon."


Yufei almost lost his chin, as if he had heard the best joke in the world.

"Your strange red long sword is a weapon, but don't you think it's funny that you use a gun as a weapon?" Yufei shakes his head and thinks that Zhao Chengfeng is sick.

"Why isn't that a weapon?"

Zhao Chengfeng is very depressed. He says that Yunhe is just a girl. He doesn't know the importance of sniper gun. Doesn't Yufei know it? What's more, didn't Yufei make an air cannon?

To put it simply, the sniper gun is a mini version of the air cannon. Although it is not powerful enough, it has high accuracy. As long as one shot blows at the head, it can also bring great deterrence to the enemy.

At least, Zhao Chengfeng believes in his shooting skills.

"Chengfeng, I don't know what you're thinking." Yufei really didn't know how to explain it. When Brandon got up, he said to Brandon, "come on, Brandon, please explain to brother Chengfeng why sniper guns can't be regarded as weapons, or why few people use sniper guns."

"Because it's not easy to hit the target, right?" Without waiting for Brandon to explain, Zhao Chengfeng asked directly.

Yufei nodded, "that's what it means. How can a hand weapon even fail to hit the target? You said, "what's the use of such a weapon?"

At this moment, Brandon also understood what was going on. He took Yufei's words and said, "the high priest is right. This kind of sniper gun has a very general effect in the battle. It can be said that it is dispensable, because we are all experts and can avoid it calmly. More is used for hunting, ambush in advance, while it is not prepared to kill. But if you fight with a strong enemy, let alone no effect, it is estimated that some powerful prey may not be able to kill it. "

"But what if I shoot correctly?"

Zhao Chengfeng gave them a look. He really didn't know what to say about them. They couldn't shoot one by one. He also blamed the sniper guns for their inefficiency. Isn't it that they can't pull out the excrement, instead, they blame the earth for its lack of gravity?

"If you shoot accurately, it may have some effect." Brandon didn't die, but he didn't believe Zhao Chengfeng's words. No matter how accurate the shooting method is, people can hide faster. How can you aim and shoot?

Maybe, before you find someone, they have rushed to you with a big knife, and you will be killed easily. It's better to use that sword than that.

"Forget it. I'll stop nagging you. You don't know what I'm good at." Zhao Chengfeng feels boring. Why don't these guys believe in brother Feng's strength?

Yes, Zhao Chengfeng admits that he is very good at boxing and footwork, but guns are not good either, OK? When Zhao Chengfeng was still in the army, the name of sharpshooter was not taken away by others. This is the strength of Zhao Chengfeng.

Of course, in addition to these powerful, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that his kung fu in bed is not bad. The eyeball son subconsciously aimed at not far Xiao Xi, this Niang son is really beautiful.

Even if you sit on one side and don't say a word, you can't ignore her. Even if you gently raise your hand, it makes your heart and soul tremble.

"Xiao Xi, if there's nothing wrong, let's go shopping. You haven't been to this black street city before. There are so many interesting places." Zhao Chengfeng and Xiaoxi made an invitation.


Xiao Xi nodded as soon as he heard that he was going out to play. "Let's go out shopping now. Seriously, I haven't been shopping for some time since I entered Guiwu mountain. I really miss it when you say it."


Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said: "brother Feng will take photos for you in person in a moment. He will make you beautiful and sexy..."

"Thank you, brother Feng." Smell speech, Xiao Xi smile more happy, but still ask: "what is sexy?"


Zhao Chengfeng touched the wings of his nose, pondered for a moment, and explained: "sexiness is a feeling of people in general. For example, I think you are very beautiful. Wearing a certain dress will make you more sexy. That's what it means."


Xiao Xi nodded vaguely and immediately laughed again, "brother Feng, you are also very sexy today."

"It was."

Zhao Chengfeng's face is not red and his heart is not beating, and his chest is flapping. "If you've seen brother Feng without clothes, then I'm more sexy. Do you want to have a look?"

"Ah, Pooh!"

Xiaoxi doesn't know that Zhao Chengfeng is taking advantage of himself. She blushes and looks at Zhao Chengfeng white.

"Ha ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng laughs, and they go out of Wansheng building together.

"Chengfeng's brother is really interested. The leader of Lihu city is dead, and he has been put in such a big trap. He even has the heart to go shopping. It's a talent." Looking at Zhao Chengfeng and Xiaoxi talking and laughing out of the door, Yufei has no choice but to shake his head.

Yufei really can't understand what Zhao Chengfeng thinks. There's a big thing going on in the black street city now, and there's something involved with Zhao Chengfeng. This guy doesn't want to solve the problem, but takes women around to go shopping. Isn't that a swagger?

At least, Yufei can't see Zhao Chengfeng's sense of urgency.

"What? The Lord of Lihu is dead? " Brandon turned pale with fright.

Yufei looks at Brandon and thinks that he's OK, so he tells Brandon what happened recently in the black street city. Brandon's eyes stare at him.

"Well, that adult's heart is really a little big, when it's time to go shopping with a sniper gun on his back." Brandon is a little sad. If Brandon is in such a big trouble, I'm afraid he'll run away long ago. Let alone go shopping, I'm afraid he won't be able to stay in this black street city.

"Maybe he has his own way."

Yufei thinks that Zhao Chengfeng is a man Yufei can't see through. Naturally, he doesn't know what Zhao Chengfeng is going to do next. Instead of guessing, he might as well calm down and wait.

Is Zhao Chengfeng really just shopping?

No, as soon as he got out of Wansheng building, Zhao Chengfeng intentionally or unintentionally approached the city Lord's mansion. The city Lord's mansion looked no different from the past, but it made Zhao Chengfeng feel more dignified.

Without any change, it shows that lady Honglian is more capable. This woman is so kind-hearted that she even has to deal with the man who sleeps with her!

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