The black street city is as lively as ever, with all kinds of peddling. These ordinary people don't seem to know that there has been turmoil inside the city Lord's mansion.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

Zhao Chengfeng is about to move forward a few steps, but unexpectedly, he has arrived at the gate of the city Lord's mansion. Two guards directly stop Zhao Chengfeng.

"Oh. It's nothing

Zhao Chengfeng quickly said with a smile, "isn't this my friend Elsa, who lives in the Lord's mansion? By the way, she is the daughter of the leader of Lihu. Let me go in and have a look at my friend. "


The two guards looked at each other as if they were making eye contact. The last guard said to Zhao Cheng, "I'm sorry, Miss Elsa went out the other day. You haven't come back yet. Please leave."

"Well, that's just too bad."

Zhao Chengfeng sighed, but he couldn't help looking at the city Lord's mansion. Unfortunately, he couldn't see the truth at all.

"Wow, what a big wall."

On one side, Xiao Xi doesn't know what Elsa doesn't. She only has fun in her head. She keeps taking photos with Zhao Chengfeng's mobile phone all the way. In addition, she has been away from the city for a long time, so when she comes back for the first time, she is bound to be a bit unrestrained.

"Brother Feng, if only we could take pictures on the wall, I think it would be very beautiful." Xiao Xi suddenly some regret, "unfortunately, we can't go in."

"There's nothing you can't enter. If you want, I'll take you in now." On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng had an idea.

The more you don't allow yourself to go in, the more you want to go in and have a look. By the way, you can find out the details of Lady Honglian and see how vicious she is. Or you can see what powerful helpers lady Honglian has found.

Although Youya has gone back to her father for help, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know her father's strength, let alone how many powerful masters there are hidden in the city Lord's mansion. At least, after wandering around the city Lord's mansion, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know what powerful figures there are.

Even if Liuli visited the city Lord's mansion last night and brought back some useful news, although Liuli's strength was very general, Liuli's ability on the earth could be displayed after he got the authority, and the Ninja technique was the best in Japan? Just the glass will be invisible, let the glass to spy on the enemy is more appropriate.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is a very cautious person. It's better to believe in yourself than others. He decided to go in and have a look. Now, isn't it a great opportunity?

"Really?" Hearing the words, little Heaton was in full bloom.

"What's wrong with that? If I say yes, it will be OK!" Zhao Chengfeng said, looking back at the two guards, his eyes full of provocation.

Want to do it? It's time for brother Feng to test his shooting skills.

"Brother Feng, you are so kind to me." Xiao Xi is very happy.


As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was more excited. Where does the man's motivation come from? Isn't that a woman's compliment? As the saying goes: "a successful man, there are always many beautiful women behind the support!"

Sometimes, Zhao Chengfeng is also pondering, why is nine-year compulsory education, but he is better than others? After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng comes to the conclusion that there are too many women in brother Feng, and he is beautiful. Can brother Feng not be excellent?


The guard stopped Zhao Chengfeng and Xiao Xi and said coldly, "boy, have you got donkey hair in your ears? I said, "no entry. Please leave at once."

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and squinted at the latter, "if you don't let me in, I won't, isn't I very shameless? Besides, aren't you a watchdog? What's the right to tell me what to do in front of me? Get out of my way, or I'll kill you

"Son of a bitch, take him!"

When the guard heard this, he burst into a rage. He was the captain of the guard of the city Lord's mansion, but now he was called a watchdog. No one could stand it.

With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen guards rushed out of the city's main residence, armed with long guns, and rushed at Zhao Chengfeng and Xiao Xi one after another.

"Brother Feng, let's not go in. They seem very powerful. Let's not make trouble." Xiao Xi is a little scared. After all, there are many people on the opposite side.

Seeing that the city Lord's mansion is so grand, the people who live in it must not be simple. If you really want to break into it, it is tantamount to a catastrophe.

"That won't do."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said: "brother Feng is a man. He spits on a nail. How can he not count what he says? Go, I'll take you in right now

Zhao Chengfeng grabs Xiaoxi's soft hand and strides forward!

"Kill them!"

The guard's eyes glared, and his eyes burst out with a strong spirit of killing.


In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people rushed up, and more than a dozen long guns stabbed Zhao Chengfeng's face. As for Xiao Xi, maybe it was because of pity for jade, and no one aimed at her.

"A bunch of rubbish!"

Zhao Chengfeng's mouth is full of mockery. Suddenly, his feet move slightly. His whole body disappears in the same place, leaving only a shadow.

"Bang bang!"

Zhao Chengfeng is like a fish in water when he enters the crowd. He moves around. More than a dozen guards have fallen to the ground, whistling in pain, and haven't got up for a long time.


The guard captain was stunned and fixed his eyes on Zhao Chengfeng. He thought it was incredible. This guy is so fast and fierce. He is still waiting to see a good play. Unfortunately, all his people have fallen down.

"A bunch of rubbish!"

Zhao Chengfeng said sarcastically, "with this strength, do you want to stop your uncle? Can you come out of the room and fight with me? "

"Well, you wait for me!"

The guard captain is blushed with shame. The most important thing is that he is afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's sudden attack on him. The guard captain knows that he is not his opponent. If he stays, he will only be beaten!

"OK, you can call someone. I'll take some pictures on the tower first, and then have a good fight with you. It's better to find some powerful ones. Don't let brother Feng even have no chance to sweat." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and took Xiaoxi to the tower.

Along the way, some people stopped Zhao Chengfeng, but it's a pity that they all fell to the ground. Xiao Xi looked silly. This guy is too violent. No, it's too expensive to take photos!

"What are you doing? Don't you want to take a picture? Shoot it now. " Zhao Chengfeng urged him to light a cigarette and sit on the wall, smoking happily.

Looking at the city outside, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of the emperor era on earth.

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