Who's not to be offended, but this evil star? Don't you mean to block yourself?

Of course, what shocked Yufei most was Zhao Chengfeng's shooting. Just when Zhao Chengfeng was sniping Bai Changfeng, Yufei stood by and watched. The distance was at least 800 meters, and Bai Changfeng was afraid that Zhao Chengfeng would snipe him. So when he ran away, his direction was erratic, fast and slow, and he couldn't take aim at all.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is raised his hand to shoot, a shot hit, clean and neat in a mess.

"I said that my marksmanship is accurate. You don't believe it. Can you blame me?" Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and saw the glass with a calm face on one side. Suddenly he thought of something, "cloud crane, do you still have a sniper gun? Yes, that's what I have

"This kind of gun is very easy to get. Although I don't have it here, it's not difficult to get one." Cloud crane thought a way, also was shocked by Zhao Chengfeng's shooting.

It's amazing!

If you have such a powerful shot, even if you don't have any strength, it doesn't matter. Most people die before they can get close to you.

"That's good."

Zhao Cheng wind way: "then you get me one back, by the way more ammunition, the gun to Liuli, her shooting is not bad."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao. I..."

Glass Leng Leng, did not expect that Zhao Chengfeng is actually prepared for their own firearms, greatly unexpected glass. The firing technique of Liuli is really good. After all, it is the key training talent of the Japanese nation. It can be said that they are proficient in all kinds of weapons, especially firearms, because Liuli has another identity in the Japanese nation - soldiers.

How can soldiers on earth not play with sniper guns?

Liuli also knows the importance of sniper guns, and even knows that there are sniper guns in other countries, but Liuli is too poor. Zhao Chengfeng bought all her clothes and saved all her life. How can she ask Zhao Chengfeng for money to buy a gun?

Besides, Liuli has no face to mention these things. After all, Liuli had a very big opinion on Zhao Chengfeng at the beginning. Even the Japanese wanted to kill Zhao Chengfeng, because Zhao Chengfeng was so powerful. Because of the existence of Zhao Chengfeng, Japanese people will be bullied by him from time to time, but they can't beat him. Can we not kill him?

However, in recent contact, Liuli found that Zhao Chengfeng was really a good man. Maybe he used to think that he was cruel and cruel, but now it doesn't seem that way.

Zhao Chengfeng has never been soft hearted to his enemies. He is even more evil than the devil. However, he is absolutely the boss of his conscience when dealing with his own people. No matter his friends or his subordinates, he will take care of them one by one.

Just because of this, the killing intention to Zhao Chengfeng in Liuli's heart has gradually dissipated, and more gratitude is in his heart. In the future, we must help Zhao Chengfeng with his work without asking for any reward.

"Don't call me Mister. I'm not a teacher. I'm not that particular." Zhao Chengfeng directly interrupted Liuli and said, "I know your strong points very well. Taking a gun can maximize your effectiveness. I don't have to protect you at any time. You don't have to thank me."

"In addition, if any of them want to learn how to shoot, you can teach them by the way. Don't compare with me. You can't catch up with me." With that, Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and went upstairs to rest.

"Brother Feng, don't go."

Cloud crane hastened to chase up, look nervous.

"What for?"

Zhao Chengfeng saw that Yunhe was almost chasing his bedroom. He was a little excited. "You, you don't want to thank me because I helped you. So, that's why you're going to make an offer?"

Zhao Chengfeng said, and his eyes also looked at Yunhe closely. Not to mention, Yunhe is also a beautiful woman. Although she is not as coquettish as Xiaoxi, she is more mature and has the temperament of a lady. Besides, she has a good figure and is concave and convex. Anyway, it's much better than Youya.

"Oh, brother Feng, what time is it? Are you still in the mood to joke?"

Cloud crane also ignore Zhao Chengfeng tease himself, urged: "hurry to go, don't go will not come, Bai Changfeng a death, white bear will certainly find in the shortest time, I'm afraid the whole black street city will be in chaos, that is white bear's only son."

"What about the only son? Kill him, and it's a disaster to keep him." However, Zhao Chengfeng does not take it seriously.

Maybe the king master is very powerful, but Zhao Chengfeng is really a bit humble now. He wants to fight with the king master to determine his strength in the different world.

Before the war with Lieshan, Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel too much pressure. The reason why he suffered a little injury was that it was within Zhao Chengfeng's control.

Zhao Chengfeng also estimated that Lieshan's strength should be at the Duke level, so how can the king master do it? Zhao Chengfeng said he was looking forward to it.

"..." when Yun he heard this, he was dumbfounded. On the contrary, he didn't know how to dissuade Zhao Chengfeng.

"Don't worry, let people deal with the corpse downstairs. I didn't sleep well last night. I'll go back to make up for it first." Zhao Chengfeng yawned and got into the bedroom.

"Brother Feng, this time really..."

"If you want to come in and make a promise, I'll leave the door for you." Zhao Chengfeng's voice came out again.


On hearing this, Yun He blushes and has nothing to do with Zhao Chengfeng. He has to stamp his feet and turn around to go downstairs. There are more than ten bodies waiting to be disposed of.

But fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng is not very reliable, only responsible for killing people, but Brandon and Liuli have a lot of insight, and take the initiative to help dispose of the body.

Just as Wansheng building was dealing with the corpse inside, the black street city was also boiling. People's comments could be heard everywhere. The topic of discussion was just one - Bai Changfeng died!

The young master of Tangtang White Bear Club died and was killed with a sniper gun!

"Damn, who has the courage to break the ground on the head of the white bear society?"

"Did other forces do it, or..."

"Come on, let's not guess. We don't care about that. Don't ask. No matter how Bai Changfeng died, someone will come forward to solve it in the end. We'd better not start a fire. "

"Yes, let's just look at it. It's better not to talk about it."

We all know that this is the truth. In the Black Street City, who doesn't know that the white bear will be extremely hegemonic. This time, even the little master of the white bear will be dead. The white bear will be furious. I'm afraid that many people will suffer a disaster.

Instead of asking about it, it's better to stay away earlier and not be killed by the white bear.

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