The news of Bai Changfeng's death spread wildly in one day, and almost everyone knew it. There were so many rumors all over the world. Some people were provoked by experts, and others said that Bai Changfeng was calculated by other forces.

But it's strange that one day has passed, and there is no news from the White Bear Club. No one even sees the leader of the White Bear Club, that is, Bai Changfeng's Laozi, come forward to say something. The white bear will be surprisingly quiet.

"How could that be? Is there a big problem inside the white bear society? " Wan Sheng Lou Yun he always pays attention to this matter. After all, Bai Changfeng's twelve men died in Wan Sheng Lou, and Bai Changfeng almost died at the gate of Wan Sheng Lou. It's reasonable that he can't get away from it. Even if Bai Xiong doesn't tear down Wan Sheng Lou, he has to send someone to ask.

However, Yunhe was frightened for a long time, but he didn't respond at all. Yunhe felt that he was too worried, but he didn't dare to relax.

Compared with the tension of cloud crane, Zhao Chengfeng is resting upstairs like a nobody, but before he can sleep, Xiao Xi comes to find trouble. With a beautiful face and a concave and convex figure, Xiao Xi undoubtedly makes Zhao Chengfeng's blood boil.

"Xiao Xi, you said you sneaked into my room again. Are you going to promise me by yourself?" Zhao Chengfeng rubbed his hands. He was very excited.

Zhao Chengfeng is a normal man. He has been away from the earth for several months. There is a great demand for that. It's just that I have no time to enrich my "life" because of my great responsibility.

In the past, Zhao Chengfeng would never take the initiative to provoke women from other countries. After all, he had an agreement with his son before going out, and he could never find another mother for his son.

However, people have taken the initiative to send them to the door, which is different. Don't take advantage of it, you son of a bitch.

"Oh, brother Feng."

Xiao Xi's face turned red, like the blush after getting drunk, with a bit of hazy temptation, which made people want to kiss Fangze.

"Don't be embarrassed, hehe."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "besides, when you were a little fox, I should hold you and touch you? What's the matter? After you become a human, you will lose your skin? "

Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that Xiao Xi would be so beautiful after he became a human being. He was a first-class beauty. The key is that Zhao Chengfeng thinks Xiao Xi is pure and pure, a little silly, white and sweet.

This kind of girl usually makes men's adrenaline soar rapidly, and at the same time, it can stimulate men's desire to protect women to the greatest extent. In the most popular words on earth, Xiao Xi is a grinding goblin.

"Brother Feng, you are good or bad. If you do this again, people will ignore you." Xiao Xi blushed and said strangely.

However, anger with a touch of shame looks more tempting, even if the eyes are rolling people feel good-looking.

"Xiao Xi, we have a saying on earth that's what we say." Zhao Chengfeng is not angry, but laughs: "men are not bad, women do not love. I think this is true. Since you think I'm bad, you must like me very much, don't you? "

"Brother Feng, you have a thick skin." Xiao Xi was so angry that he felt like a spring was coming.

Xiao Xi is young and has never experienced what is called "love". After all, "love" is extremely luxurious in a different world. On this issue, people seem to be very direct. Once a man falls in love with that woman, he will tell her directly that if a woman agrees, she has to agree. If she doesn't agree, she will fight directly.

Of course, if an extremely powerful woman falls in love with a man, she will do the same. In short, the law of the jungle, the weak have no choice. It's like Bai Changfeng's reason that when he falls in love with Xiao Xi in front of the city Lord's mansion, he has to move forward. As a result, the beauty can't get it. Instead, she loses her life.

At that time, it was also because of this incident that Xiaoxi and his father entered Guiwu mountain. Xiaoxi had a bad life and was turned into a strange animal. If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng and his party, Xiaoxi would have been killed and taken the crystal nucleus, or would have been a strange animal all his life and died in the vast mountains and forests.

Therefore, Xiaoxi is grateful to Zhao Chengfeng. At the same time, because Zhao Chengfeng is from another world and especially wants to know this man, he gradually has other feelings.

Once a woman has curiosity about the opposite sex, her love will not be far away. At least, in Xiaoxi's life, no man will work hard for himself except his father.

"If you don't have the cheek, you can't eat enough." Zhao Chengfeng looks at the change of the expression on the woman's face. He is very happy. He knows that it is not difficult to win Xiaoxi, but Zhao Chengfeng is not in a hurry.

What Zhao Chengfeng enjoys is not the thrilling pleasure of embracing men and women naked, but the pleasure and emotion of conquering women. Otherwise, what's the difference with the wild dog on the roadside?

"Xiao Xi, you said that I was sleeping, so you came in to find me, not to make a promise, but for what? Don't you just like brother Feng? "

Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin, very confident, you know, although brother Feng's face is not as good as that group of Niang paoer on the earth, but at least it is quite masculine.

In addition to the continuous growth of their own strength, the proportion of perfect figure to the extreme, giving people the feeling is not amazing, but absolutely enduring, belongs to the type of the more you see, the more you like, otherwise, how can brother Feng suppress so many beautiful girls in the harem? By blowing? Bullshit!

"Brother Feng, I just want to play with your mobile phone. Can you stop thinking so evil about you?" Xiao Xi shakes his head. He is convinced by Zhao Chengfeng.

"Cell phone?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng complexion a stagnation, suddenly a little embarrassed, grandma, wind brother confident for a long time, its charm is not as attractive as the mobile phone? What is this called?

"Yes, why else would I come to you? You won't go out with me." Xiao Xi mumbled his little mouth, which seemed to be very resentful.

I don't know how many years I've been turned into a strange animal. Xiao Xi really wants to make up for all the good years he lost. He wants to play every day.

"Cough, what's fun with mobile phones? There's no internet here." Zhao Chengfeng turned his lips and didn't think so.

For Zhao Chengfeng, where there is no Internet, the best mobile phones are useless. At most, Zhao Chengfeng can take a look at the photos on his mobile phone to ease his love for his wife, children, brothers and parents. In addition, mobile phones are useless.

"It's fun. I like taking pictures best." When it comes to mobile phones, Xiao Xi jumps up with excitement, shaking with the giant objects on his chest, blinding Zhao Chengfeng's eyes.

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