"Damn, I didn't think it was big when I held it, but now it's like lactation..." Zhao Chengfeng thought so wickedly that he felt a little excited.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't feel that he is lustful and shameless. If he is faced with a top-notch beauty, he doesn't have any dirty ideas or physiological reactions. He doesn't respect the beauty too much.

"Brother Feng, you say your people are so smart. It's much more convenient and faster than our portraits." When it comes to mobile phones, Xiao Xi is very excited. Unconsciously, he sits beside Zhao Chengfeng's bed and says, "click, it's like a real person in front of him. It's too vivid and lifelike. You're too powerful."

"That's great?"

Zhao Chengfeng allowed the woman's soft body to lean on her side, lit a cigarette, and said, "you haven't been to us. There are more interesting things on your mobile phone. What's a photo? Cut

"There's something interesting? What is it? " Xiao Xi was obviously interested, and even his eyes widened.


Zhao Chengfeng Kwai tiktok and smoke a deep breath: "for example, the king's pesticide, love elimination, bingo Xiao Xiao Le, and so on, even playing a day without heavy weight, yes, we also have some software that is fucking great, quick hands and jitter, these two software can make you laugh day, laugh your cheeks are painful, do you believe it or not?"

"So powerful?" Xiao Xi can't wait, "well, brother Feng, tell me quickly. How can I play? I haven't played before."

While talking, Xiao Xi can't help but grasp Zhao Chengfeng's arm and tug his body. His body inadvertently leans on it, but it makes Zhao feel comfortable.

"Ah, I also want to teach you to play, but the conditions in your place are too poor. You can't play without Internet." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders and deliberately supported him twice, with a look of regret.

Xiaoxi frowned, "network? What is the Internet

"Network is..."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng wants to explain, he suddenly feels that he is a bit of an idiot and mentally retarded. To explain the Internet with a person who doesn't understand the earth is like playing the piano to a cow, which is useless.

"When there is a chance in the future, I will take you to the earth, and then you will know what is called network, and then you will know how powerful our earth civilization is." Speaking of this, Zhao Chengfeng was filled with infinite pride.

It is true that there are many dirty people, even dirty countries, on the earth. However, it can not be denied that the earth's civilization is really great, especially in the age of Internet information. Online shopping, takeout and payment collection are all network integration, which greatly improves people's quality of life. Of course, some people may say that people on the earth are too lazy, But I have to admit that it is because of the lazy people who have greater inventions and creations.

For example, cars, airplanes, ships and even high-speed railways, people used to walk and have excellent physical fitness. With the rapid development of transportation, people can travel all over China in a few days. This is the information age and the speed age.

There are always people who live with an iron rice bowl mentality and wait to die, but they have been unconsciously eliminated by the times, leaving no room.

"Really? Brother Feng, are you going to take me back to earth? Great Smell speech, Xiao Xi excited straight jump feet, followed by the proud on the Wai once again tremble, shake people's eyes are spent.


Zhao Chengfeng cleared his throat and said, "of course, don't you like mobile phones? I'll send you ten and eight mobile phones. You can take photos as you like and play as you like. We lack a lot of things on earth, but there is no shortage of mobile phones. Almost everyone has a mobile phone. The cowherd in the countryside has a mobile phone. "

"Great, brother Feng. It's very kind of you." Xiao Xi is so excited.

"But there's a small problem."

Zhao Chengfeng's mind turned, his face suddenly faded, and his eyelids flashed a bad smile, aiming at Xiaoxi.

"What's the problem?" Xiao Xi quickly asked, any problem can not affect their own to the earth is, otherwise how to take photos ah?

"Well, you don't know something."

Seeing that Xiaoxi was deceived, Zhao Chengfeng sighed: "I'm definitely willing to take you to the earth, but if you're not my wife, taking you to the earth will inevitably attract criticism. I agree with you to go to the earth, but what if others don't? So the only way you can go to earth is to be my wife. "

"That's it?" Xiaoxi after listening to is a face of disapproval, "then I'll be your wife chant, what does it matter ah, it's not difficult, it's not a problem."


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was a little confused. What's the matter? This girl agreed to be his wife so easily? This, this strange world girl is also too easy to soak. It's a little ugly. It's no different from picking up a wife on the street. It's very easy.

"You agree to be my wife?" Unable to believe his ears, Zhao Chengfeng asked again, "do you know what wife means? You have to think about it. "

"What is the meaning of wife? I really don't know." Xiao Xi's face doesn't matter, "but it's also simple. Why don't you explain it to me? It's not hard at all. "


Zhao Chengfeng looks embarrassed and speechless. After a long time, NIMA doesn't know what his wife means. No wonder he agrees so happily. However, Zhao Chengfeng did not lose heart. He patiently explained and said:

"The so-called wife is a man's partner, a partner who will never leave. For example, as my wife, you should not only accompany me for a lifetime, but also accompany me to sleep, and have children for me in the future. Now do you understand the meaning of wife? "

"I see. Isn't that what daolv means?"

Xiao Xi's face turned red, and his voice became much smaller.

"Would you like to be my wife?" Zhao Chengfeng is looking forward to it.

"Brother Feng, can you let me think about it?"

This time, Xiao Xi didn't answer immediately. On the contrary, she was more cautious. There was still a rosy glow on her face, shy and charming.

"Well, think about it."

After hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was even more happy, at least proving that Xiaoxi was not a casual girl, nor a woman who would do anything to achieve her goal.

You know, no matter it's a different world or on the earth, there are more people who are unscrupulous, not to mention selling their bodies, even if they sell all their families.

"But you'd better hurry up. Maybe I'll leave soon." At the end, Zhao Chengfeng gives Xiaoxi a little pressure.

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