"Dare to beat our young master, I will kill you!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's words are finished, the man of the blue and white club who talked with Yun he thinks that the opportunity to make contributions has come. He rushes to Zhao Chengfeng and wants to give him some color.

"Go away!"

Just as the latter rushes in front of Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly raises his foot. The second one comes first, and he directly puts it on the latter's belly. The whole person flies out in an instant!

Pure power, absolute speed!


The man hit the front and fell on the ground, opened his mouth, said nothing, the whole person fainted, and could not speak any more.


Zhao Chengfeng's ferocious kick made everyone at the scene take a breath of cool air, including Xiao Xi. He just thought Zhao Chengfeng was very fierce, but he didn't expect to be so cruel. A word of disagreement is a kick in the past!

"Sister Yunhe, are you ok?" Xiao Xi goes to Yunhe and holds him.

Although Yunhe was not beaten or hurt, Yunhe was hurt, and he looked very depressed. Today comes the blue and white Festival. Tomorrow, maybe the people from the white tiger society will come, and even the city Lord's mansion will send someone to come. Now Yunhe knows that the real villain is Madame Honglian. This woman doesn't show the mountain and doesn't show the mountain. She plays a small trick easily, and Wansheng building almost falls into the land of destruction. This woman is cruel enough!

"I'm fine."

Yunhe shakes his head and looks at Zhao Chengfeng. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's hand, Yunhe can't help his tears. At the critical moment, it's this man who helps him.

He is not a relative of his own, not even a friend, but in the invisible, cloud crane is more and more dependent on him.

"Thank you, brother Feng."

Cloud crane whispered, and finally tears still fell silently. No matter how capable Yunhe is, she is still a woman. Women are always vulnerable.

"Take a rest, and I'll take you to a big business later." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, his face disapproved.

Perhaps, for Yunhe, the blue and white club is a colossal thing that can not be shaken. The blue and white club and the city master's Office jointly calculate that Wansheng tower is like an ambush on all sides, but for Zhao Chengfeng, it is rubbish.

To deal with the enemy, Zhao Chengfeng will also use some unconventional means, beating muggers, kidnapping and extortion, but he will never bully a woman like this.

"Huo lunshaozhu, don't be silly. Let's talk about how to deal with the aftermath today." Zhao Chengfeng takes out a cigarette and lights it. He comes to the panic stricken front.

Huo Lun was beaten by Zhao Chengfeng and his face changed. He was scared by Zhao Chengfeng's foot. Now he seemed to be a bit silly instead of full of spirit.

"Well, by the way, I'll introduce myself to you. I'm not Wuchen Qianzhi. My name is Zhao Chengfeng." Zhao Chengfeng vomited a cigarette ring, grinned, a row of white teeth exposed outside, looking very kind, "of course, you can call me uncle Zhao, you can also call me father Zhao, I will agree."


Huo Lun is confused by Zhao Chengfeng. He doesn't know what Zhao Chengfeng is murmuring about. However, it sounds like he's a bull. Huo Lun is not really stupid. He knows that he's kicked the iron plate today, so he can't refuse to be soft.

"Mr. Zhao, what happened today is that my blue and white club has gone too far. We are willing to compensate for all the losses of Wansheng building." Huo Lun is much more straightforward, no way, who let others fierce?

Huo Lun still doesn't know how strong Zhao Chengfeng is. It's unwise to be an enemy of an enigmatic guy. It's too much to hate Madame Honglian and join hands with the blue and white club without telling Wansheng how powerful the building is.

"Young master Huo Lun is a wise man." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng smile more and more happy, recognize counsellor is good, "so, see in Huo Lun young Lord so wise of the share, I give you a 20% discount, damaged Wansheng building things, scared cry cloud crane big beauty, you compensate 3000 life plant, I this calculate fair, I......"

"What? Three thousand years old? "

On hearing this, Huo Lun's mouth was so angry that he was paralyzed. Three thousand Shouzhu, not three thousand rizhu, even Huo Lun's young master had to suffer for a long time. What's the difference between this and robbery?

Needless to say, 3000 Shouzhu can buy a lot of women to play with. Why?

"What? Huo lunshaozhu thinks it expensive? " Zhao Chengfeng's eyes narrowed into a slit, but his face kept a sweet smile from beginning to end. It seemed that human and animals were harmless.

Huo Lun was not sure about Zhao Chengfeng's pulse. He nodded and said in a low voice: "it's really expensive. After all, I don't have so much money with me..."


However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't wait for Huo Lun to finish his speech. A white light in his sleeve flashed away. One of the members of the blue and white Club fell down. He fixed his eyes and inserted a small dagger into his forehead. He went straight in and lost his breath.


Huo Lun is silly. His legs are shaking like chaff. He stares at Zhao Chengfeng in horror. Even though the man is still smiling, Huo Lun feels a chill in his heart!

This absolute force is a madman, killing people without saying hello, too, too his mother's overbearing, too fierce.

"Huo lunshaozhu, do you think life is important or longevity is important?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't know where to take out a dagger and put it on his hand.

When the dagger turned over, the cold light on the surface just reflected on Huo Lun's face, which made Huo Lun shudder and almost couldn't help the flow of excrement and urine. This is a threat!

Naked threat!

"I'm going out!"

Huolun is not too tangled. After all, his life is much more important.

"Well, that's right."

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng laughed even more happily, happily took over Shouzhu, counting and saying: "Huo Lun, you are still young, and your experience is too shallow. I have to tell you some truth."

"What truth?" Huo Lunjiao a smoke, although guessed Zhao Chengfeng no good words, but still can't help asking.


Zhao Chengfeng spits out a long smoke ring and says: "Shouzhu is a son of a bitch. If you don't have it, you can make money. But if you lose your life, you will lose everything. "

"..." Huo Lun said nothing.


Regardless of Huo Lun's reaction, Zhao Chengfeng then sighed: "the saddest thing in the world is that there are still a lot of Shouzhu not spent, but the life is gone. Do you say sad or not?"


Huo Lun didn't speak, but there was a bad feeling in his heart.


Sure enough, the moment Zhao Chengfeng stood up, the white light in his sleeve flashed again, Huo Lun's body suddenly froze, and he fell down straightly

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