
Huo Lun's fresh corpse fell heavily on the ground. The artery in his neck was like a burst water pipe. The blood spurted out and shocked everyone!

In other words, it scared everyone.

"My God, brother Feng is so violent." Xiao Xi patted his proud upper wall and couldn't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng.

It's strange that Xiao Xi doesn't think Zhao Chengfeng is terrible. Maybe his ruthlessness can only be used on the enemy.

"What? What are you all doing? Will you not avenge your young master? " Zhao Chengfeng waited for a long time, but he didn't see those people of the blue and white Club start. He couldn't help asking.


The rest of them couldn't bear the pressure and turned around and ran.


Zhao Chengfeng raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and the small dagger shot out like he didn't want money. Several people fell to the ground in an instant and didn't breathe.


No one spoke at the scene. Even Yunhe forgot to thank Zhao Chengfeng.

"Pa Pa!"

Zhao Chengfeng patted the dust on his clothes like a nobody, and said to Brandon, "what are you doing in a daze? Hurry to collect the corpse. Do I have to do such a thing myself? "

"Yes, my Lord, I will go now." Brandon was startled by the roar and got busy.

Don't mention that Brandon is much more proficient in collecting corpses when he works with Zhao Chengfeng. After dealing with several corpses, he cleans up the bloodstains in the hall, as if nothing had happened except the rotten table.

"Brother Feng, thank you, I..." cloud crane finally slowly recovered, calm down for a while, once again to thank Zhao Chengfeng.

"Don't worry about thanking me."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, interrupted Yunhe and said, "do you know that today, when we come to the White Bear Club and the blue and white flower club, there will be some white tiger club that will trouble you in the future. After all, the basic strength of Wansheng building is gone. If I do this today, it may become your life charm, and many people will want your life."


Smell speech, cloud crane body suddenly a stiff, immediately and wry smile way: "don't you kill people, they will let me go?"? No, they won't let me go unless I watch them take everything from the crane people. "

"Brother Feng killed some of them for me, which at least made me feel more comfortable. At least it proved that I was not waiting to die. At least they paid the price."

"You've seen it through. It's rare." Zhao Chengfeng nodded admiringly, and more and more admired Yunhe.

Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng had been waiting at the stairway when the people of the blue and white Festival came in to pick things up, but he didn't go downstairs immediately, just to test Yunhe's ability.

Perhaps, Yunhe is average, but Zhao Chengfeng admires Yunhe's backbone. Knowing that he and wanshenglou have been schemed by the blue and white club and the city master's office, he doesn't choose to be humiliated. He even dares to spit on Huolun's face, which is why Zhao Chengfeng is convinced.

This is called integrity. This is pride. Zhao Chengfeng was deeply moved by the style of Chinese soldiers.

"Brother Chengfeng, you see things so thoroughly, why do you keep making trouble for yourself?" Yu Fei shakes his head and grins bitterly. He really doesn't understand how Zhao Chengfeng plans to do it.

It's true that Yufei admits that Zhao Chengfeng is very powerful, but after all, he is not unique in the world. He is so smart that he can't help but know the truth that "the wood shows in the forest, and the wind will destroy it". Such a high-profile and swaggering killing is to make trouble for himself? Once these troubles break out in a certain node, they will bring disaster to themselves!

If it's Yufei, Yufei will never choose to make enemies in such an extreme way, at least not before his strength is not strong enough!

"Do you think if you don't ask for trouble, trouble won't come to you? You are still too young. " To this, Zhao Chengfeng does not agree, have a few helpless again.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng quietly returned to Beihai City for a blind date. At that time, Zhao Chengfeng was very resistant to Xia Bingbing, but Zhao Chengfeng enjoyed the life of urban white-collar workers. Every day, he went to work to brag with a group of security guards, tease beauties, go back to a small hotel to tease Beibei, and flirt with Chen Shuxian. How comfortable those days were.

At that time, Zhao Chengfeng thought that if he could live a carefree life all his life, he would be satisfied. However, how can the reality be so simple?

Po Tian and other major forces slowly come to the door. Finally, they come to the inner gate, then to Chiba world. Now they wander to this damned strange world, and they are in constant trouble. Are all these things provoked by Zhao Chengfeng? no

In a different world, the same is true. Zhao Chengfeng didn't mean to come forward, but in order to find her companions on the earth, Weiwei and Xiaogui, Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to do so. It's not trouble, it's responsibility!

"All right."

Feather flies to think, since speechless, "need to help time say a, ability range I absolutely have no two words."

"Thank you very much." Zhao Chengfeng grins and likes Yufei's personality.

In fact, Yufei's character is very similar to that of ah long. They are all indifferent people, but they can make people feel at ease and give them the greatest help when you need them most.

"Cloud crane, are you afraid of trouble? Or are you afraid of life and death? Do you want to be bullied all the time in the future? " Looking back, Zhao Chengfeng looks at Yunhe again.

Yunhe didn't understand what Zhao Chengfeng meant, but he said truthfully: "of course I don't want to be bullied. Of course I'm afraid of death, but I don't control my fate, so..."

Cloud crane words did not finish, in the end can only helplessly shake his head. There is a big gap between dream and reality, which can not be realized if you want to.

"That's right."

With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng was as comfortable as the prestige of spring. "Let's go to the blue and white fair together and do a big business. Isn't someone pushing the waves secretly? Then let's turn the black street city upside down! "

"Brother Feng, you, you still want to go to the blue and white Club headquarters?" Cloud crane's eyes widened and he was scared.


Zhao Chengfeng asked: "are they allowed to make trouble in Wansheng building instead of going to the blue and white club?"

"..." Yunhe stopped talking and felt his head buzzing. But Yunhe never dared to think about this kind of thing. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng decided to do it directly.

"Brother Feng is right."

Xiao Xi's decision to Zhao Chengfeng is one hundred supports. He pouts his little mouth and says, "why can they bully sister Yunhe? We can't bully them. It's unfair!"

"Come on, let's kill them all."

With Xiaoxi's encouragement, Brandon and Liuli are also excited, but Yufei has no choice but to smile bitterly.

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