
In the backyard of the city Lord's mansion, Madame Honglian stood up in excitement when she heard the report from her subordinates.

"Do you mean all the people in Wansheng building went out and went straight to the blue and white Festival?" Madame Honglian seems to have guessed something, but she can't understand some things.

What's the strength to fight against the blue and white Festival? Why is he?

"Yes, ma'am."

The subordinate then said: "not only that, it is said that Huolun and the rest of the blue and white club were all killed by Wuchen Qianzhi. By the way, that person is not Wuchen Qianzhi at all. It seems that his name is Zhao Chengfeng or uncle Zhao."

"Isn't it Wuchen Qianzhi?" Madame Honglian changed her face again and chewed the words "Zhao Chengfeng" carefully, but the whole person was even more confused.

This name has never been heard of. There is no such expert in the black street city. Besides, how many experts are there in the black street city? Can Madame Honglian not know?

"Yes, it is said that this man is not Wuchen Qianzhi, but Zhao Chengfeng. It is not clear where he came from." The man then said: "this man first appeared in the black street city with Youya. Maybe Youya will know his origin."

"You go down."

Madame Honglian rubbed her forehead and said, "pay close attention to the trend of the blue and white Festival, and report to me as soon as possible."

"Is it necessary for us to inform the blue and white festival in advance?"


Madame Honglian shakes her head and thinks that it's only stupid to inform them in advance. It's good for them to bite each other. The four forces of black street city are too powerful. It's time to weaken each other. Since a Zhao Chengfeng comes out of thin air, let him do the knife.

"Hum, no matter how you toss, Wansheng building must be mine." Madame Honglian pondered for a moment, and a cruel and cruel smile appeared on her coquettish face again.


"Brother Feng, in front of the blue and white show is the headquarters of the blue and white show."

After entering the Western District, Yunhe looks a little nervous. It's the first time for Yunhe to do such a crazy thing. Can he not be nervous?

"Oh, this blue and white meeting is very rich. It has made a small city." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the manor in front of him and couldn't help laughing.

The building is not tall, but the building area is not small, and the door is written with "blue and white meeting", which looks particularly frightening. There are two guards on both sides of the door.

"Blue and white will certainly have money."

Yun he said: "the blue and white guild ranks second among the four major guilds in the Black Street City, second only to the white bear guild. But the blue and white guild is the largest one among the four guilds. Although there are not many top strong guilds, there are a large number of them. Moreover, most of these guys are training outside, killing and cutting fruit, which is extremely vicious. "

"There are a lot of loose repairs to exchange items in Wansheng building. It is often said that the people of blue and white Club bully people, rob other people's equipment and crystal nucleus, and so on. As long as they don't give them, they will kill them. If they give them to others, they will be in vain. Do you think the blue and white club can't have money?"

"Then brother Feng is acting for heaven today. There's nothing to feel guilty about killing them." Zhao Chengfeng grinned and strode up.

"Stop, who is it?"

As expected, before Zhao Chengfeng reached the gate, two bodyguards pulled out their swords and stopped him.

"Of course it's the people who want your lives. You're so stupid." Zhao Chengfeng grinned, a row of white teeth is particularly obvious, looking at people and animals harmless.

The two guards were stunned. Maybe they didn't expect that anyone would dare to trouble the blue and white Festival. After all, no one has ever made trouble at the blue and white festival for so many years, and it's still in broad daylight. They didn't react for a moment.

"What? Didn't you hear me? I want your life, will you give it or not? " Zhao Chengfeng is a little unhappy. Grandma has a leg and doesn't react at all. It's too boring.

"Ha ha ha, boy, are you brain sick? Do you know where this is? "

The guard burst into laughter and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with the same look as an idiot. "Boy, was it hard to use his head when he was a child because it was clamped by the door?"

"If you dare to insult Mr. Zhao, I will destroy you!"

Brandon knew that it was time for him to act. He burst into a rage and rushed straight up. Brandon's strength is average, but it's easy to deal with a few guards.

"Bang bang!"

In an instant, they all fell to the ground, their eyes staring at the eldest, and their faces were not willing.


The shrill alarm sounded, and the headquarters of the blue and white Festival suddenly became lively. As soon as Zhao Chengfeng entered, he was surrounded.

"Who are you? Dare to break into my blue and white club, I.... "

"That's a lot of nonsense. Kill them!"

Zhao Chengfeng impatiently interrupts the latter, the voice falls, but he is the first to rush out, the whole person is like a shadow flickering in the crowd, only to hear a murmur ring, only to see one after another of the flesh and blood flying out, the scene is bloody for a time, less than a minute, the ground has been full of bodies.

"What a freak

Yufei looks at the three or four people who died in his own hands, and then looks at the body beside Zhao Chengfeng. His face becomes extremely ugly. Yufei always feels that there is not a big gap between himself and Zhao Chengfeng. Now it seems that he underestimates his strength. You know, he hasn't used his artifact, let alone used his amazing shooting technique.

It's just the destructive power of the fist!

"Isn't the blue and white festival very powerful? Now it seems that's all Zhao Chengfeng finally stopped, clapped his hands, habitually touched out a cigarette and lit it. He took a mouthful of it and glanced contemptuously at the remaining ten people.

What kind of guild can we do with this strength? It's a shame. Brother Feng is so strong that he doesn't want to form gangs. Is brother Feng proud?

"Who are you?" The head of the guard captain looks frightened and stares at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him. After searching in his mind, he can't imagine that there is such a master in the black street city.

"Ha ha."

Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to speak, Yun he stood up first and sneered, "you blue and white people will want to capture my Wansheng building. Now they ask us who we are. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Wansheng building?" The captain of the guard looks at Yunhe and finally has an impression, but he is even more puzzled. What powerful master can Wansheng building have?

"Yes, Wansheng building is Wansheng building bullied by you. I am Yunhe." Cloud crane forward a station, momentum does not reduce.

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes narrowed and his head slightly nodded. Although Yunhe is a female, he is also a narrow-minded person. Even though he thinks that he may face the pursuit of the blue and white club in the future, he refuses to let go at this moment, and even takes the initiative to take the trouble in the past.

That's a lot of loyalty.

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