"Wansheng building dare to come to my blue and white meeting. It seems that I don't pay attention to my blue and white." Without waiting for the guard to reply, a middle-aged man came out of the inner courtyard.

The middle-aged people are very popular. They are well-dressed. They have obvious fluctuation of authority, which makes the weak tremble.

"Count blue and white."

Yun he was also a little stunned. He was inexplicably worried. After all, he was the boss of the blue and white club. Although the outside world called him "blue and white Earl", his actual strength had already broken through the Earl level and reached the Duke!

For ordinary people, they may dream to improve their own strength, or be respected and loved by others. However, it is no longer necessary to be a blue and white earl. The three words "blue and white society" have great weight, which is enough to make people face up to it. At least, few people in the Black Street City dare to challenge openly.

Let alone wanshenglou, as powerful as the White Bear Club, they dare not take people to the blue and white club. Wanshenglou move, undoubtedly the greatest degree of anger blue and white, only with blood can wash away humiliation.

"You know I'm the count of blue and white, and you dare to bring people here to do wild things. Yunhe, it seems that your Wansheng tower really doesn't need to exist, or do you really think that I can't do anything with you if you have the city master's mansion as a backer?" As the voice fell, the blue and white tiger eyebrows stood up, and the air of killing and cutting jumped out in an instant, straight at the cloud crane.

"Count blue and white, do you really think I know nothing?"

Cloud crane was originally afraid of blue and white, but after hearing the words of blue and white, he suddenly laughed and asked: "your blue and white club has joined hands with the city Lord's mansion to capture my Wansheng tower, can't I resist?"


Blue and white were stunned, and immediately turned around and asked, "where's Huolun? He has been to Wansheng building. Where is he? "

Blue and white don't feel embarrassed when their mind is torn down. There's no shame in it. There's always intrigue among the major forces in the black street city. It's only a matter of time before blue and white can deal with Wansheng building. It's just that with the invitation from the city Lord's office, they can act in advance.

Blue and white is not a fool either. It's better to count the city Lord's mansion than to fight with one's own forces. Even if something happens in the future, someone will help to carry the damage.

However, such a confidential matter was actually known by Wansheng building. Isn't that son more sinister than lucky?

"He's dead."

Seeing blue and white's sulky face, cloud crane is not afraid. Now that he is happy, these damned bastards want to take advantage of Wansheng building. Now they finally get the retribution.

"Then go and bury him."

All of a sudden, blue and white rage, a great force to roll to the cloud crane, cloud crane and blue and white compared to the vast river on the sea of a flat boat, no resistance.

But cloud crane is not afraid, even handsome face with a smile, looking at blue and white angry, angry, cloud crane feel very happy.

"No, you'd better bury your son."

Sooner or later, when the blue and white is about to be slapped on cloud crane's chest, "whoosh", there is a figure in front of cloud crane. Who is Zhao Chengfeng?

Yunhe smiles and looks at Zhao Chengfeng standing in front of him. An unprecedented sense of security rises from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, Yunhe feels as if his heart has melted.

He managed Wansheng tower with his own painstaking efforts. He wanted to find the crane jade of the time, so he came to Zhuang Dahe's family and thought about how to make them strong. But did not expect, finally can give their own sense of security is indeed a just know soon man, cloud crane is willing to trust him unreservedly!


Blue and white can no matter who Zhao Chengfeng is, a palm to Zhao Chengfeng chest, issued a dull sound. What makes blue and white strange is that Zhao Chengfeng did not spit blood and die as he imagined. He still stood in the same place and stared at himself with a smile.

The smile cools the blue and white back.

"Who are you?" Blue and white watchfully stares at Zhao Chengfeng, by the way, takes a look at Yufei and others, and finally falls on Zhao Chengfeng.

Although blue and white has only the title of earl, its strength has already reached the level of Duke. Even though it didn't try its best, it also used at least seven points of strength. These seven points of strength are enough to annihilate the spirit of the Earl, even the marquis. But the guy in front of him who was younger than his son was able to resist himself without moving.

Who is this person? Why so powerful?


Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose and said with a smile, "let's make a self introduction first. My name is Zhao Chengfeng. You can call me uncle Zhao. By the way, I killed Huolun, your son who is not a tool. He didn't suffer any crime when he died. You don't have to worry about him, because you will see him soon."

Zhao Chengfeng still keeps the harmless smile of human and animal. The smile is like the spring breeze, but people can't feel warm, some are just cold.

"Good boy, I killed my son and swaggered into my blue and white Club headquarters. Don't you think my blue and white club will bully me?" Blue and white did not choose to start immediately, but carefully examined Zhao Chengfeng.

Although just used a move, he did not suffer any harm, but blue and white dare not underestimate Zhao Chengfeng, his strength is even better than himself.

Frankly speaking, blue and white have no absolute assurance of winning, so blue and white have counseled.

"Yes, isn't it bullying?"

Zhao Chengfeng shrugged, "if it wasn't for your blue and white will be good bully, I still don't come."


Smell speech, blue and white almost not alive to die, this guy put on the blue and white wound sprinkle salt, naked provocation.


Different from blue and white's anger, Xiaoxi can't help laughing and admiring Zhao Chengfeng. At this moment, Xiaoxi knows that Zhao Chengfeng is not only good at Kung Fu, but also good at Kung Fu.

"Don't you, my friend, to cover up your fear and fear." Zhao Chengfeng is some impatient waved his hand, "said so many have no what, if you have the ability to kill me, how to stand in the same place, hawing for a long time?"? In fact, you and I both know that the law of the world is the law of the jungle! "

Blue and white mouth straight smoke smoke, but have to admit that Zhao Chengfeng's words no problem.

"In a word, whoever has a hard fist is the master."

Zhao Chengfeng put his hands on his waist and put on the posture of a mountain king. "Today, you must have the ability to destroy us. From now on, Wansheng building will be yours; On the contrary, if you are all dead today, what's the use of blue and white? Give me a ride. "

Zhao Chengfeng's words are very simple, but also overbearing and powerful. However, Zhao Chengfeng's strength is based on absolute superiority!

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