"White cloud helps nine elder brothers?" Hearing the name, he Feng frowned.

"How's it going? Are you afraid? Hum, hurry to apologize to Haige. The 20 million will be transferred to my account, and then kneel down and kowtow to me three times. Of course, the woman around you must come with me tonight. "

Haige stands up and points to Gong Wei.

He saw he Feng Lengshen, thought he Feng heard the name of "nine brother", afraid, so dare to say these words.

"With you?"

He Feng grinned and suddenly came to Haige.

Kick it out, right at Haige's knee.


A crisp crack of bone suddenly sounded, Haige's two legs were kicked off at the same time.


Haige made a terrible cry.

Gong Wei saw that he Feng was so cruel, and frowned: "He Feng, why do you want to abandon him directly?"

She felt that he Feng's hand was too heavy. She just taught him a lesson and broke his two legs. It was too cruel.

He Feng rolled his eyes and asked: "Wei Wei, what do you think will happen to us tonight if my strength is not as good as theirs? What will happen to you, in particular? "


Gong Wei opened her mouth and could not speak, but she was full of fear.

Compared with his own kind of result, he Feng's lesson to Haige seems to be light.

"Boy, you, you will regret it."

Elder brother Hai's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He said angrily, "elder brother Jiu will take revenge for me. At that time, no matter you or your woman, it won't come to a good end."

"I'm sorry. I want to ask, what is the ninth brother you're talking about?" He Feng asked suspiciously, "listen to you mention him twice, it seems that he mixed very well?"

Haige laughed when he heard the words, "ha ha ha, it seems that you are really a loser. You haven't even heard of Jiuge's name. I tell you, brother Jiu is the core of our Baiyun gang. There are many elites in his hands. Even if I follow brother Jiu, brother Jiu treats me as a brother. Now that you have abandoned me, brother Jiu will surely take revenge for me. "

"Yes? Please call brother Jiu now and say I've abandoned you. " He Feng said with a smile.

"He Feng, what are you doing? Anyway, these people don't know who we are, or let's go as soon as possible? "

Gong Wei is still worried that he Feng will cause big trouble.

After all, Haige has just made it very clear that he is following Jiuge, and Jiuge is the core figure of Baiyun Gang, which is not what they can easily provoke.

"Why do you want to leave? I'm waiting for them to settle with me."

He Feng to sea elder brother impatient urge way: "Leng Dai why ah, still don't hurry to call you nine elder brother?"? Otherwise, if we really leave, you may never find us in the future. "

"OK, OK, I'll fight now."

After confirming that he Feng is not joking, Haige quickly takes out his mobile phone and dials a call.

However, although the phone was dialed, no one answered.

Haige frowned and didn't know what to do for a moment.

He vaguely guessed that Jiuge was doing something now.

He Feng said: "keep fighting. Why do you stop? If no one answers, call two. If no one answers, call three or four. In a word, today, you must connect me with brother nine. Otherwise, you would not have broken your legs. "

Haige didn't dare to delay, so he dialed the number again.

"Hello! The number you dialed is on the line.... "

This time, just a few seconds after the call, it was directly hung up.

The sea elder brother's face suddenly becomes very ugly, he can foresee, at this time nine elder brother is how unhappy to him. It's estimated that after nine elder brothers finish their work, they will let him go and admit the punishment.

If nine elder brother is in a bad mood, he may be chopped up tonight and thrown into the river to feed the fish.

"Go on!" He Feng's slow way.

Haige's mouth began to smoke, but now that it was over, he had to grit his teeth and continue to dial the number.

This time, the phone was finally connected.

"Damn, if you don't have something really important, I will chop you up and feed my Tibetan mastiff tonight."

There was a man's roar on the other end of the phone.

In addition to the roar, there are women's breathing and singing.

Obviously, Haige guessed right. That Jiuge is really doing something that men and women can do.

"Brother nine, i... I was beaten disabled. I gave you your name, but he didn't give you face at all. Instead, he forced me to call you." Haige said uneasily, now he can only blame He Feng.

"Don't give me face? Who eats the bear heart leopard gall guy, unexpectedly does not give me face? " Nine elder brother says, and the action on the body all stopped.

"Nine elder brother, you don't stop, let others continue to cool..." a woman full of dissolute came out from the phone.


Haige also want to say what, mobile phone has been a Hefeng to grab in the past, "don't give you face is Fengge, Fengge named Hefeng, heard?"

"He Feng?"

Nine elder brother there Leng for a moment, then seem to think of what, surprised way: "you are that killed the person of black wolf?"? I heard that you killed all the black wolf's men with one shot at noon today. Besides, Kang Biao was killed in the afternoon. Is that true? "

He Feng light smile way: "ha ha, this matter you believe it, it is naturally true.". If you don't believe it, you can say it's not true. In a word, I'm calling you now, not to make you believe or not to believe that I didn't kill those people, but to tell you something, so that your people don't provoke me he Feng again in the future, otherwise, maybe you will become the next black wolf and Kang Biao. "

"Ha ha, brother he Feng is very interesting. Even my ninth brother dares to threaten me. However, I like your personality. You are as arrogant as me. You are qualified to follow me. "

Nine elder brother not only didn't get angry, on the contrary, he laughed loudly, "how about following me? As long as you follow me, I guarantee that you will soon become a man of the year in Jiangbin city. If you want money, money and women, even those officials will give you face. "

"Dudu, Dudu..."

He Feng is too lazy to talk nonsense with that nine elder brother again. He hangs up the phone directly, and then throws his mobile phone back to Haige.

"Vivi, let's go."

He Feng said directly.

"Oh... Good."

Gong Wei quickly follows He Feng.

On the way, she kept looking at He Feng, eyes full of complex colors.

After getting on the car, he Feng starts the car. Seeing Gong Wei staring at himself from time to time, he says with a smile: "Weiwei beauty, you don't like me, do you? Always stare at me. If you like staring at me so much, why don't I ask yunyun for a day off and go to your house to sleep tonight? That way, you can stare at me all night. Of course, I'll stare at you, too. And in the meantime, we can do something lively and interesting. "

"Hooligans! I'm not going to let you sleep in my house! "

Gong Wei stares at He Feng, and then looks complex and asks: "I just want to ask you, what are the black wolf and Kang Biao, who are they? Are they... Are they really killed by you? "

He Feng thought about it, looked at Gong Wei and said, "if I say that I did kill a lot of people, do you think I'm terrible?"


Gong Wei didn't know how to answer.

Murderers, of course, are terrible.

However, at this time sitting next to her is He Feng, just talked with her, how suddenly become a murderer? Her heart couldn't get used to it right away.

"Moreover, the ninth elder brother just now, if he really comes to me for trouble, his result may disappear in this world forever, just like black wolf and Kang Biao." He Feng continued.

Smell speech, Gong Wei not from pursed lips, looking at He Feng's eyes, gradually revealed a trace of fear and confusion.

Why does this man make people feel sunny and intimate occasionally; Occasionally, it makes people feel that he is very mysterious and can't be seen through; And sometimes, it makes people feel that he is terrible and cruel.

What kind of man is this?

"If we left directly just now, they might not be able to find out our identity, and they would not be able to have conflicts with us any more. In the future, the well water will not offend the river water. But why did you take the initiative to challenge him? To create such a huge contradiction? "

Gong Wei can't help throwing this doubt out.

She can't figure out why he Feng wants to provoke nine elder brothers. Is it because he is powerful, so he is not afraid to make enemies everywhere, or to deal with him?

At that time, even if he is powerful, many people will be killed and injured, right?

"Vivian, are you too naive? As the local leaders of Jiangbin City, they will not even be able to find out the identities of the two living people? "

He Feng shook his head and said: "if they really want to deal with me, I might as well dig out the potential crisis and let him explode in front of me. In this way, at least I have a chance to deal with it. "

"The chance you say is to kill them?" Gong Wei stares at He Feng.

"Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!"

He Feng didn't answer directly, "Miss Gong Wei, if you think I'm cruel, vicious and cruel, then... Don't come near me any more."

Then he opened the door and got out of the car.

Gong Wei opens her mouth and wants to stop He Feng, but she doesn't know how to open her mouth.

How about leaving him? Do you really want to be friends with a murderer?

"No! If I just want to be an ordinary friend, I should be able to accept it. After all, as long as I'm sure he won't hurt me. "

Gong Wei pursed her red lips and silently looked at the direction he Feng left. There was darkness in front of her.

"Don't I treat him as an ordinary friend in my mind? But... He's yunyun's husband! "

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