"Well, it seems that people who are a little more normal can't accept my killing."

He Feng knows that Gong Wei is very concerned about it, so she is determined to leave, so she should give Gong Wei a quiet time to think.

Not long after walking forward, he saw a few yellow cars parked by the side of the road.

"It seems that Alipay can ride a bike?"

He Feng has never ridden a small yellow car. Now he can ride a bike to blow the wind, which is much more comfortable than taking a taxi. Anyway, it's still a little time before 12 o'clock. As long as he rides a little faster, he can get to Yuncheng group before 12 o'clock.

Immediately, he Feng after a few minutes of trouble, finally is the success of the small yellow car to unlock, and then toward the direction of the cloud city group ride.

Let the cool summer wind blowing in the face, he Feng's mouth rippling with a little satisfaction.

Although the quiet life of these two months is gradually broken, he Feng feels that life is becoming more and more colorful, and behind the wonderful, there is warmth and ordinary.

After he left China more than ten years ago, he never felt this kind of life again.

Now, he finds that he seems to like this kind of life.

To this end, he must try his best to guard, even if there will be some misunderstanding and contradictions during the period, but he believes that it is worth it in the end.

Unconsciously, he Feng's mouth hummed a song.

It's what he heard recently. It seems very popular.

"One to freedom, one to death

Forgive my commonness for dispelling my confusion

Well, it's always sloppy after daybreak

The sober man is the most absurd

Singing and singing, a trace of missing flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help lighting a cigarette for himself.

"I don't know how those smelly boys are getting along now. I left two months ago. They seem to say that they are bored and want to go out and break their own way. Won't anything happen? Don't make a direct fight with a country. "

Thoughts are floating away, he Feng seems to notice something, eyebrows suddenly wrinkled up.

"How did the gunfire come?" He had heard bursts of gunfire coming from a few hundred meters behind.

There are pistols, there are micro charging, and there is the sound of the car running at top speed.

It looks like there was a gunfight between two groups of people.

In addition, the sound of gunfire and the sound of the car from far to near, is fast approaching toward He Feng.

He Feng frowned, he now in Jiangbin city has caused enough trouble, don't want to ride this muddy water.

His eyes swept around. He stepped on the pedal faster and came to a dark place in front of him, hiding.

As long as the other party does not look carefully, it is difficult to find his existence.


Before long, a tire skidding on the ground suddenly came from the intersection behind. A black Bentley added a beautiful drift and appeared in He Feng's sight.

Almost at the same time, it is the Mercedes Benz open top sports car closely following Tim Yue.

The speed of the sports car is very fast, and the driver seems to be quite professional, holding the car steadily. In the co driver's seat, a man in black, wearing a mask and hat, is holding a micro charge, constantly shooting at Tim Yue, and Tim Yue is all kinds of evasion, from time to time will also stretch out his hand to shoot back at the sports car, but the person who chased her is obviously not ordinary people, her counterattack has no effect at all.

Even, the bullets in her magazine were almost consumed.

Once all the bullets are used up, there is a dead end to her.

"Eh, how could the person in Tianyue's car be her?"

Although there are still hundreds of meters away from each other, and it is in the dark night, he Feng's eyesight is quite good. He can see the woman sitting in Tianyue's driver's seat at a glance, and he is surprised to see Ji Xinyu, whom he just met not long ago.

"Sure enough, the people who followed her before have already started on her. Hey, before reminding her that she didn't believe it, now you know that you've met an expert? "

He Feng had a smile on his face, and then smoked a cigarette. He looked at it silently, not in a hurry to help.

Although Ji Xinyu is suppressed in the downwind, as long as she can run to the place where there are many people and cars ahead, I believe that the other party's pursuit will end in failure.


In Tianyue's car, Ji Xinyu shoots at the back again. The pistol makes a strange noise, indicating that the cartridge is empty.

"What's the origin of these two people? How can they know my whereabouts tonight?" Ji Xinyu frowned, not flustered, but heavily stepped on the accelerator, ready to speed up the escape.

As long as you enter the front of the city, I believe the other party will not dare to shoot blatantly, then she will be almost safe.


But at this time, she felt the whole body of a violent shock, toward the side of the past.

"Didi didi..."

There was also a burst of tire pressure alarm in the car.

A flat tire!

"That's the trouble!"

Ji Xinyu frowned deeper, but her hand was not slow. She calmly controlled the car, stepped on the brake, prepared to park the car on the side of the road, and then with the help of the cover of night, she ran into the wasteland on the side of the road.

Although doing so will increase your own crisis, this is the only way to escape.

"Well, this is..."

However, the next moment, when she inadvertently glanced in the rearview mirror, there was a strong despair and a trace of reluctance in her steady and calm eyes.

In the dark, beside Tianyue's car, the man in the Mercedes Benz sports car who used to hold the micro charge, I don't know when he has put the micro charge away, with a high explosive grenade in his hand, smashing heavily towards Tianyue.

It is because of this high explosive grenade that Ji Xinyu feels desperate.

The two men in the Mercedes Benz car, watching the high explosive grenade draw a beautiful arc, want to fly over the car, immediately laugh cruelly, at the same time, slow down, ready to see a beautiful spark.


Suddenly, under the gaze of three people, a bright spark suddenly appeared in the dark night, just like the light of fireflies, falling from the sky, hitting the high explosive grenade accurately.

This light seems weak, but it contains a lot of power. It directly changes the flight path of the high explosive grenade, flies towards the direction when it comes, falls to the ground and bounces twice.

Then, the Mercedes Benz sports car came at top speed and pressed the high explosive grenade under it.


Inside the sports car, two people screamed in horror.


There was an explosion.

The fire was blazing.

Bang Bang

The Mercedes Benz sports car flew out towards the front and fell heavily on the ground, then there were two explosions.

The small sports car was blown to pieces.

The two people in the car can't see half a figure. If it wasn't for the bloodstain on the ground, outsiders might have thought there was no one inside the Mercedes Benz.

"What's the matter? The fire just now... "

Ji Xinyu stops Tian Yue by the side of the road and looks at the fire nearby. Meanwhile, she remembers what happened just before her death. Her heart is full of shock.

Just now, the light of the fire seemed to fall from the sky and pulled her back from the abyss of death.

And the two enemies who pursued her were so dead that they lost their bodies.

"Who saved me?"

Ji Xinyu doesn't think that God is really helping her. She immediately thinks that someone has helped her and looks around.

"Pretty lady Medusa, didn't she scare you just now?"

At this time, a figure suddenly came out from the dark, pushing a small yellow car, looking at Ji Xinyu with a smile.

"It's you?"

Seeing the visitor, Ji Xinyu's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

She never thought that the person who saved herself would be the man who had not been paid much attention to before.

She opened the door, jumped out of the car and asked again, "did you just save me?"

"If it wasn't for me, wouldn't it be a ghost?"

He Feng said: "Ms. Medusa, this time I helped you. How are you going to thank me? I told you before that you don't want me to be a flower protector, but it won't be free for me to do it later. "

Ji Xinyu looks at He Feng's eyes full of curiosity, and his mouth is light: "how do you think I appreciate you?"


He Feng's eyes scan Ji Xinyu's body, licked his lips and said: "otherwise, you kiss me, this human relationship will be returned?"

"Are you sure you just want me to kiss you?" Ji Xinyu is surprised.

She saw he Feng has been staring at himself, think he Feng will directly let himself with his body, did not expect just kiss him.

Although Ji Xinyu is in a high position, what she doesn't like most is that she owes a favor to others. So after he Feng saves her life, she really doesn't know how to return the favor.

Therefore, if he Feng really made such rude requests, it would be quite embarrassing for her.

But if you just kiss

"Yes, as long as you kiss me, we'll be even." He Feng nodded.

"Well, I'll kiss you."

Confirm that he Feng doesn't seem to be joking, Ji Xinyu didn't think much, went straight to He Feng, asked: "do you want me to kiss face or kiss?"


This, turn He Feng to be stunned.

He said kiss, but just casual, because he felt that after he said it, Ji Xinyu would certainly refuse.

Who knows, Ji Xinyu promised so readily, which is difficult to hold he Feng.

"If you feel tangled, then I kiss my face and mouth?" Ji Xinyu continued.


He Feng opened his mouth and wanted to promise. After all, this is one of the four beauties in Jiangbin city. She is more beautiful than his so-called daughter-in-law.

However, is it a bit dishonorable to do so?

It's just a sign of gratitude!

He could see that the reason why Ji Xinyu agreed to kiss him was purely to repay his kindness and favor.

"Forget it! Don't kiss me. When you have time, you can treat me to a meal. " He Feng waved his hand. He felt a little distressed. After all, it was the kiss of the goddess.

In Jiangbin City, I don't know how many men want to kiss Ji Xinyu. Now Ji Xinyu offers to kiss him, but he refuses.

Even Ji Xinyu was a little surprised, "no? Are you sure? "

Don't all men want to take advantage of themselves?

The man looked at his eyes full of desire, and also put forward the conditions, finally he agreed, how did he suddenly back?

Ji Xinyu is full of doubts.

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