Hearing Wang Xiangyun's careless words, Yuan Yashi couldn't think of the relationship between them.

Even if Wang Xiangyun continued to say that they were just pure relatives, Yuan Yashi would not believe it.

And Wang Xiangyun also reacted at this time. He was too worried just now and he let slip.

However, it's no wonder that she is too familiar with Yuan Yashi. From the bottom of her heart, she doesn't take much precautions against Yuan Yashi.

"Sister yuan, in fact, my relationship with He Feng is husband and wife!"

Wang Xiangyun had no choice but to smile bitterly, but he did not continue to hide it. Anyway, many people now know their relationship. Even if yuan Yashi knew it, it would not have any negative impact.

"Husband and wife?"

Even if there is a certain amount of speculation, Yuan Yashi's heart is still full of shock when hearing this from Wang Xiangyun.

At the beginning of the establishment of Yuncheng group, she was Wang Xiangyun's assistant and knew the latter very well.

She knows very well that Wang Xiangyun is a noble man and has high requirements for his male partner. Even song Yan, a young man like him, can't get into her eyes at all. She never takes a look at the thousands of talented young people in Jiangbin city.

But now, Wang Xiangyun is silent, and has a male companion.

What's more, they are not lovers, they are husband and wife.

"Wang Dong, when did you and he Feng become husband and wife? I don't think I've ever heard of you before. You have a boyfriend

After a long time, Yuan Yashi just calmed down her shock and asked in doubt.

"Well, sister yuan, I'm actually making a deal with He Feng. Although we've got the certificate, we don't have the reality of husband and wife. After a year, we will divorce normally, and there will be no emotional disputes. "

Wang Xiangyun explained patiently.

For this point, she did not conceal yuan Yashi.

"Divorce?" Yuan Yashi was more and more confused.

Wang Xiangyun said slowly: "you should know that in addition to the pressure from Song Yan and some other plutocrats, there is also the pressure from the Wang family behind me in the ice age of Yuncheng group? So that even many big banks that song Yan couldn't influence refused to give me loans. "

"Yes Yuan Yashi nodded.

"You may not know, just after I got the license with He Feng, the person in charge of those big banks have called me and said that they can provide us with loans at any time." Wang Xiangyun said with a smile.

"Really?" Yuan Yashi said suspiciously, "is it the Wang family that has relieved the pressure on you?"

Wang Xiangyun said with a smile: "yes, the reason why they put pressure on me before was because I didn't want to marry he Feng. Now that he Feng and I are married, their pressure is naturally relieved. However, because he Feng and I have no emotional foundation at all, our families are forcing us to get married, so we negotiated a fake marriage. After a year, we'll get a divorce. "

He Feng turned his lips, but he didn't agree.

Because he has refuted a sentence in his heart, before Maple brother is planning to fake marriage with you, but now Maple brother has been thinking about how to push you down.

Hearing this, Yuan Yashi fully understood.

No wonder as soon as he Feng arrived at Yuncheng group, he became an assistant to the chairman of the board of directors, and he was about to take up the post of chief financial officer. It turned out that he was married to Dong Wang.

"Wang Dong, I understand. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about you two. " Yuan Yashi promised.

"Now that I've told you, of course I believe you."

Wang Xiangyun nodded, then looked at He Feng and asked: "that ten million, you earned it?"

"It's no nonsense. With my ability, with one million as the start-up capital, how can I not earn 20 million or 10 million?"

He Feng rolled his eyes, took out his bank card and shook it in front of Wang Xiangyun. He said, "I have 20 million on this card. I will transfer 10 million to you now."

"20 million? You made 20 million! "

Wang Xiangyun was stunned, then shook his head and said, "it's impossible. In the evening, I asked you, you haven't started to make money. It's only six hours since then, how can you make 20 million. You must have cheated, right? You asked the he family to call you directly, right? "

"Please, although I'm from the he family, I have no contact with them except for our marriage, OK?"

He Feng was speechless: "besides, you look down on people, right? Isn't it a little difficult to make 10 million yuan and a million yuan as start-up capital? What's more, I want to tell you that I only spent 300000 yuan on the million you gave me, and there are 200000 yuan left to give away. This 10 million... Oh no, it's 20 million. I only made it for less than 100000 yuan. "

"One hundred thousand dollars, twenty million?" Wang Xiangyun exclaimed.

Yuan Yashi also looks at He Feng with a shocked face.

She has now understood that he Feng's bet should be to make 10 million yuan from one million yuan, but she doesn't think that the latter is not to make 10 million yuan from one million yuan, but to make 20 million yuan from 100000 yuan.

If it's not a lie, it's a miracle.

"How do you prove that you made the money yourself?" Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng and asks.

Although she doesn't believe he Feng intellectually, she hopes he Feng's words are true. He earned 20 million yuan.

Therefore, she needs He Feng to give a reasonable answer.

"I went to antique street and found a leak, and I made 20 million." He Feng's understatement.

"Pick up the leak?" Wang Xiangyun smoked from the corner of his mouth.

She was thinking hard about how he Feng made 20 million yuan, but she couldn't think of "picking up the leak".

For her serious businessman, the word "picking up leaks" is relatively strange. She has almost never cared about the antique industry, because she thinks it is no different from gambling.

"Yes, in the antique street, I spent 100000 yuan to buy a piece of raw stone. After the stone was disintegrated, I sold it for 20 million."

He Feng nodded, "because you set a deadline for me, and I must earn 10 million yuan today. Otherwise, if you give me a little more time to operate, I will be very sure to turn the 20 million yuan into 50 million yuan. Although, I don't think it matters to earn 30 million less. "

Wang Xiangyun drew again from the corner of his mouth.

Yuan Yashi is also speechless.

However, two women's faces are full of doubt, obviously do not believe he Feng's words.

"You're not so much making 20 million by picking up leaks as by buying lottery tickets."

Wang Xiangyun snorted, "do you think I will believe you?"

He Feng waved his hand and put the box on the ground. "If you don't believe me, you can go to a place called mingyuzhai in antique street to find out if there is a handsome guy who spent 100000 yuan on buying raw stones in their shop this evening and finally made 20 million yuan."

"Ming yuzhai?" Wang Xiangyun frowned. She thought it was troublesome and time-consuming to run over and ask again, because she was busy doing research recently and didn't want to waste her time on it.

"Oh, by the way, if you think it's troublesome to go to mingyuzhai to inquire, you can also call Weiwei beauty." He Feng said: "after work this evening, I left with Weiwei. She saw the whole process of antique street. I don't think she'll cheat you, will she? "

"Vivian, right? OK, I'll call her now to confirm

Wang Xiangyun quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Gong Wei.

"Yunyun, why do you call me now?" Gong Wei just got home to take a bath and was about to sleep in bed when she received a phone call from Wang Xiangyun, which made her subconsciously emerge the figure of He Feng.

"Weiwei, he Feng just told me that he went to a shop called" mingyuzhai "in antique street tonight and spent 100000 yuan to buy a piece of raw stone. After the stone was disintegrated, he was bought for 20 million yuan. He said that you were present in the whole process. Is what he said true?"

Wang Xiangyun inquired directly: "he really made 20 million yuan in antique street with that 100000 yuan?"

Gong Wei replied: "yes, at that time, a master named Zhong Xun had already increased four gambling stones in a row, and said that there was no stone in the shop that could go up sharply, but he Feng bought a stone that went up 20 million. Oh, by the way, the boss also said that if he Feng is willing to operate, it's not difficult to sell that jade for 30 million to 40 million, but he Feng still sold it to the boss for 20 million. "

"It's true?"

Smell speech, Wang Xiangyun can't help but take a breath, shocked looking at He Feng.

She really doesn't dare to believe that he Feng can play with gambling stones, and the experience of gambling stones is better than that of Zhong Xun.

As for Zhong Xun, she has also heard of him. He is the president of Beiying group in Nanjin city. He has quite high attainments in gambling stones, and can be called a master of gambling stones. In the upper class of Jiangshu province, almost everyone knows.

He Feng's gambling experience is better than Zhong Xun's.

"I see. Weiwei, you can rest early. By the way, come to the company as early as possible tomorrow. I have something to discuss with you about the financial department. " Speaking of this, Wang Xiangyun is ready to hang up.

"Yunyun, you hang up later. I have something to ask you."

Gong Wei suddenly asked, "I want to know what's the relationship between you and he Feng..."

Although she had almost believed in the relationship between the two people, she still wanted to hear Wang Xiangyun say it in person.

"Between me and he Feng?"

Wang Xiangyun looks up at He Feng and thinks that he Feng told Gong Wei?

But she didn't get angry. Anyway, Gong Wei will know sooner or later.

Now that Gong Wei asked, there's no need to hide it. She said directly, "I'm married to He Feng."

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