"The relationship between husband and wife?"

Gong Wei heard Wang Xiangyun's answer, but she was silent.

Although she thinks he Feng won't cheat herself, she is still sad to hear Wang Xiangyun admit.

"Weiwei, I don't mean to hide you, because he Feng and I have just been married for two days. In fact, not many people know about it. I just don't know how to say it for a while."

Wang Xiangyun thinks that Gong Wei is angry. After all, they are very close friends. They have been classmates for many years, and now they are comrades in arms in business. It's really hard to tell each other about their marriage.

"Hum, don't you know how to say it? Yunyun, you will be punished by me tomorrow. " Gong Wei quickly adjusted her mood and said in a feigned angry tone.

As soon as Wang Xiangyun heard Gong Wei's tone, he was immediately relieved and said with a smile, "well, well, you can't punish me any way you want tomorrow. Originally, I wanted to tell you the details about my marriage with He Feng, but it's too late now. You have to come to the company early tomorrow. I'll tell you about it tomorrow. "

"OK, I'll go to bed first. Good night!"

Gong Wei finished and hung up.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Wang Xiangyun also put away his mobile phone, and then looked at He Feng with a trace of shock.

How many skills does this man master?

Martial arts, medical skills, hackers, and even killing people have made it difficult for Wang Xiangyun to digest.

Now, he Feng has another skill to show.


Moreover, it's even more powerful than master gamblers like Zhong Xun.

"Daughter in law, don't look at me with such adoring eyes. In fact, I just did something I should do." He Feng is very modest said, but his face is full of satisfaction.

"Bah! I don't admire you. Maybe you're just lucky today, so you just won

Wang Xiangyun curled his lips and said.

"OK, good luck is good luck, but in shopping malls, luck is also a part of ability. If you want to make money, you need both ability and luck. " He Feng said with a smile: "so, I won our gamble, right?"

"Give me the 20 million first!" Wang Xiangyun said.

"Don't we bet ten million? Why do I have to transfer all 20 million to you? "

"Did you earn your 20 million with the million I gave you?"


"That million is not my personal money, but I transferred it to you from the company account. As an employee of our Cloud City Group, you make money with the company's money, which naturally belongs to the company. As for your... Well, I'll give you the Commission and call you the next time I get paid. " Wang Xiangyun vowed.

"No, I can only transfer 10 million yuan to you."

He Feng didn't believe Wang Xiangyun's words. He estimated that after the 20 million yuan was transferred to her, the last one that could reach him would not even have 2 million.

"No? OK, the bet ends with you breaking the rules. You lose! " Wang Xiangyun grinned and said, "from now on, you have to listen to me in everything."

"Damn it, you are naughty!" He Feng glared.

"It's not me who is naughty, it's you!"

Wang Xiangyun narrowed his eyes and said, "as a man, you don't mean what you say. You bully a weak woman. What kind of man are you


"Or is bullying women your greatest skill?"

Wang Xiangyun sneered: "if so, you'd better not be the head of our finance department. I'd rather leave the post of head of finance department vacant."

He Feng took a deep breath, "OK, you win! I'll call the bank now and transfer money for you! "

For the position of finance minister, in order to often communicate with Lulu beauty in private, spit blood.

No more than two minutes after the call, Wang Xiangyun's mobile phone received a short message to remind him of the arrival of the account.

After reading the text message, Wang Xiangyun nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "tomorrow I will hold a high-level meeting of the company and announce that you will succeed as the director of the finance department. However, even if the proposal is approved, it will not be so easy for you to hold the position. In addition, if the financial situation of the company does not improve significantly after you become the director of the finance department, I will replace you and let more capable people sit on it. "

He Feng grinned: "you can rest assured that as long as I become the head of the finance department, there will be no problem with the financial situation of the company. Even the finance department will create huge profits for the company. I'm a little embarrassed if all the other departments do not make money yet. "

"Hum, if there is such a situation, it is that I, Wang Xiangyun, am incompetent!"

Wang Xiangyun couldn't see he Feng's proud face and hummed softly.

"Well, you're better than me, aren't you?" He Feng does not argue with Wang Xiangyun.

In any case, my position as the head of the finance department will hardly be any more unexpected.

At that time, I have more time and opportunities to get along with Lulu beauty. Occasionally, when I have nothing to do, I can let Lulu go to my office to talk about life. Oh no, it's about work.

Besides, don't you have a secretary? I can make Lulu my secretary.

There's a saying that's not true. If you have a secretary to do something, you have nothing to do


This scene happened to be watched by Wang Xiangyun.

Her face darkened at once.

"He Feng, are you thinking about something dirty again?" Wang Xiangyun asked coldly.


He Feng came back and said, "what filthy thing? I'm thinking about how to lead my brothers and sisters in the finance department to get rich. Since I'm going to be their boss, I'm sure I'll make them drink spicy food every day. "

"I hope you don't think so, otherwise... I'll let you sleep in the yard tonight."

Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng, then looks at Yuan Yashi and says, "sister yuan, give me a snack. You've been busy for so long. Just go back and have a rest. Don't be too tired. You'll have to go back to the company early tomorrow to have a meeting with me."

Yuan Yashi handed the supper to Wang Xiangyun and said, "Wang Dong, you should go back to have a rest as soon as you finish your work. I'll go back to the office and deal with some things."

With that, he turned and walked toward the elevator.

Wang Xiangyun see he Feng still stay in place, not from frown way: "you still stay here for what?"

"I'll accompany you, of course. When you get off work, we'll go home together."

"I don't need you to accompany me. Just go to your office and wait for me. Just wait for me in the garage in an hour." Wang Xiangyun light said a, then carrying the night turned into the laboratory, and then closed the door, he Feng also heard a voice of anti lock.

"What is this woman doing in it? They don't even let outsiders know. "

He Feng was a little curious, but he didn't want to think much about it. He figured out what new products were involved. It was a matter of trade secrets. He couldn't let outsiders know at the right time.

"Sister yuan, wait for me..."

He Feng quickly turns to chase after Yuan Yashi.

Yuan Yashi heard he Feng's voice and stopped to wait for a while.

"Wang Dong didn't ask you to wait for her in the lab?"

When he Feng comes to him, Yuan Yashi asks in surprise.

She saw Wang Xiangyun let himself go back to rest, thought it was to let he Feng to wait for her in the laboratory.

After all, the two are already married, and they have already obtained the license. Even after listening to the conversation, they have already cohabited.

As for the divorce after one year, Yuan Yashi did not believe it any more. He said that they might have children one year later.

But don't want to, he Feng unexpectedly also by Wang Xiangyun to drive away.

"She probably didn't want me to see what she was studying, so she kicked me out."

He Feng touched his nose, some embarrassed way: "this is normal, after all, my marriage with her is just a deal."

"Well, aren't you all sleeping together?" Yuan Yashi looked at He Feng and asked, "or are you just in the same room, not sleeping in the same bed?"


He Feng drew from the corner of his mouth, and his face was a little red.

Too no face, it feels like a woman questioned his ability.

"Who says we don't sleep in the same bed? Yunyun and I shared the same bed last night. " He Feng said.

"So you two are married?" Yuan Yashi asked.

"I..." He Feng couldn't answer all of a sudden.

"Cluck, still cheat elder sister, do you think elder sister is so easy to cheat?" Yuan Yashi said with a smile.

At this time, the two have entered the elevator.

He Feng gave a bitter smile and said, "sister yuan, do you mind if I smoke?"

"You smoke. I don't hate the smell of cigarettes, as long as I don't smoke secondhand cigarettes for a long time." Yuan Yashi is indifferent to Tao.

He Feng lit one and said melancholy: "sister yuan, you know yunyun better, and you are older and more experienced. I want to ask you a question. Is there any good way to push yunyun down in a short time?"

"Even asked my sister this question? It seems that you are in a bit of a hurry Yuan Yashi said with a smile: "is it so charming to be with yunyun at night and watch her in sexy pajamas dangling in front of you

He Feng laughed, "brother Feng, I'm a normal man. She's so sexy and charming. Of course, I can't help it. To tell you the truth, I stayed with her these two days, especially last night when the fire almost didn't burn me alive. "

"Ha ha, you are exaggerating enough." Yuan Yashi had no image of a laugh.

At this time, the elevator stopped, the elevator door slowly opened, Yuan Yashi stopped smiling and said: "OK, the elevator is here, let's go out."

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