Yuan Yashi said: "my brother's illness appeared ten years ago. I remember that he seemed to have been out of his way in an exam. He was too self reproached and angry. He roared and fainted. In the following years, he occasionally fainted inexplicably, and the syncope time was longer and longer. Especially five years ago, he secretly came to Jiangbin city to see me. Because of one thing, he suddenly became impulsive and fainted directly. He hasn't woken up until now. "

When it comes to the back, Yuan Yashi's face has been full of self reproach.

"Sister yuan, don't be sad. Your brother's life is not good because of this disease. It has nothing to do with you. How about this? Next time you go to the hospital, I'll accompany you to see him. " He Feng said.

"Well, I usually go to the hospital on weekends, and then we'll go there together." Yuan Yashi laughed, but did not refuse.

"Today is Wednesday, and the weekend is coming." He Feng nodded.

"He Feng, my sister still has some materials to clean up. I'll go back after finishing."

Yuan Yashi said, ready to go out of the office.

"Sister yuan, how can you go back so late? Don't tell me you're going to take a taxi. It's early in the morning. I can't rest assured if you take a taxi. " He Feng stood up and said.

Yuan Yashi spends a lot of money on her brother every year. He doesn't think yuan Yashi will buy a car.

"Cluck, you seem to care about your sister. But you can't ignore Dong Wang. "

Yuan Yashi said with a smile: "when I first became her assistant, she already gave me a car. Besides, it's Audi. "

"Oh, feelings, Wang Xiangyun, that woman is quite generous!" He Feng surprised way.

"That's right, so you have to work hard to win Dong Wang as soon as possible. If you need my sister's help in any place, just say that I can basically promise you everything except helping you to Wang Dong. " Yuan Yashi said.

He Feng said: "sister yuan, you look down on people. I want to push down a woman. Do you still need to do this?"

"Yes? I'll see. "

Yuan Yashi suddenly walked into He Feng and murmured in his ear: "by the way, if you can't push Wang Dong down all the time, it's really hard. Tell your sister that she can continue to help you."

With these words, she just blushed out of the office.

Seeing yuan Yashi leave, he Feng takes back his eyes with a bitter smile.

Although yuan Yashi's last words made him very excited, he still suppressed the impulse.

If yuan Yashi is a woman who has experienced the affairs of men and women, he may take yuan Yashi to do bad things for three days. But since Yuan Yashi is still a serious "yellow flower girl", he can't do it any more, or he will be too sorry for other girls.

Unless, Yuan Yashi is really like him, not purely to repay.

In the next few days, instead of playing games or reading novels, he Feng turned on his computer and inquired about the underground world of Jiangbin city.

He went through all the major figures in the major forces.

He didn't want to deal with the underground forces in Jiangbin city. After all, these forces are no different from children's family. But now he knows several friends in Jiangbin City, and his real "home" Jule welfare home is in Jiangbin city. He must ensure the safety of these people.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to understand some underground forces in Jiangbin city.

"The Wolf Gang, a mob. Although Baiyun gang has many experts, it is no different from the Wolf Gang for me. The scorpion gang... Well, their boss, Medusa, is Ji Xinyu, a beautiful woman who looks colder and even fiercer than Wang Xiangyun, but Ji Xinyu doesn't mess around and does not threaten me. It's this film group... "

He Feng frowned, "the information of the film group is very secret, there is no useful thing on the Internet, and they don't even know where their headquarters is. However, the film group's existence in Jiangbin city in these years, but the other three forces never dare to provoke the existence. This shows that the shadow is mysterious and powerful. However, if they dare to provoke me, no matter how mysterious and powerful it is, brother Feng will destroy it. "

He Feng turned off his computer at 1 a.m. and then went directly to the underground garage.

Soon after coming down, Wang Xiangyun also came.

"Daughter in law, what kind of research are you doing today? Why are you so late? And they don't ask for help

To be Wang Xiangyun on the car, he Feng asked curiously.

"It's nothing to do with you!" Wang Xiangyun is lazy to answer, lazy lying in the back seat, slightly closed his eyes to rest.

"Why does it have nothing to do with me? You are my daughter-in-law

Without waiting for Wang Xiangyun to speak, he Feng continued: "indeed, our marriage is just a deal. But just because of this, I need you to pay more attention to your body. Don't give me a hundred million yuan when your body breaks down a year later. "

Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes and said, "don't worry. You can't get away with that hundred million in a year's time. Even if I sell my shares, I'll give you the money on time. "

"All right!"

He Feng shrugged, did not go to ask more, but the heart is more curious, Wang Xiangyun is doing what research? Don't even want to reveal a word to yourself?

Half an hour later, the two returned to Xinghui villa.

After entering the house, Wang Xiangyun goes directly upstairs and warns He Feng that if he dares to step on the second floor again, he will tear up the agreement and terminate the marriage immediately.

In this regard, he Feng is not too angry, after all, accumulated a few days of evil fire, today has vent once.

He is just a little depressed, because it is difficult to push Wang Xiangyun down in a short time.


The next morning, he Feng got up early to exercise.

In addition to practicing real Qi every day, he occasionally runs outdoors in the morning, because when he first started practicing martial arts, he ran at least 30 kilometers every day, and running has long become a habit.

After running, aunt Zhan has cooked porridge and ground some soybean milk.

He Feng drank two bowls of porridge and two cups of soybean milk, and then drove to Yuncheng group with Wang Xiangyun.

When he came to the company, it was only more than eight o'clock, and there was still more than an hour to go to work. He Feng went to the office to play some games.

However, after just sitting for more than ten minutes, he felt a rush of urine. It seemed that he drank a lot of porridge and two cups of soybean milk in the morning.

Came to the bathroom convenient for a while, he Feng came to the sink to wash his hands, in front of the mirror fiddled with the next board inch hairstyle, muttered, "I really want to see them earlier, and then asked them, they were in a good mood that night, in a strange good state, so I was born so handsome."

Just then, a woman came out of the women's room.

"Wei Wei?"

See the person, he Feng said with a smile: "good coincidence, even the toilet met."

"It's no coincidence. It's only once in a while."

Gong Wei looks at He Feng's eyes with some resentment, and her tone is relatively flat. Then she checks her make-up in the mirror.

Today, her face is thicker than what she used to be, because after last night's call with Wang Xiangyun, she had no sleep. She slept two or three hours a night.

"Wei Wei, didn't you sleep well last night?" He Feng is acutely aware of the dark circles around Gong Wei's eyes, and says with some heartache: "if you go back in the evening, don't work, go to bed early, and wait for the day to get busy!"

Obviously, he thought that Gong Wei didn't sleep well last night because of too much work.

However, Gong Wei didn't thank him for his concern. Instead, she was suddenly angered. "What does it matter to you if I'm busy with my work? What do you care about? "


He Feng Leng next, be fierce have no idea, "Wei Wei, I didn't say wrong what?"

Gong Wei was angry just now. Even she didn't expect that her reaction would be so fierce.

But she didn't give he Feng the meaning of apology, who let this guy and yunyun actually really is husband and wife relationship.

At the beginning, when she saw he Feng, she didn't like him. She was just a little curious. She didn't understand how he Feng suddenly became Wang Xiangyun's assistant. After he Feng saved her in the hands of Duan Ming of Yuhua group, she just had some good feelings for him Feng, and her curiosity became stronger.

It's also the first time she's really curious about a man

Also because of this, she met he Feng yesterday, will let he Feng act as his fake boyfriend.

This fake boyfriend, she is not a casual person. The reason why she let he Feng be her fake boyfriend is that she likes him and is curious. She subconsciously wants to get to know him.

During this period, due to He Feng's performance, her favor for He Feng has greatly increased, and she has even moved her heart for this man.

Gong Wei, who has never been in love before, suddenly starts to stir up her inner feelings. She thinks she may have some sparks with this man.

However, before the spark came out, the man suddenly changed into his best friend's husband.

Not a boyfriend, but a husband.

It's a double blow to her. She was in a bad mood, so she couldn't sleep at all last night. She didn't sleep until four or five o'clock in the morning.

Now see he Feng, her heart is more angry, even if she feel completely unreasonable.

Now that you have a wife and your wife is still my best friend, why do you want to enter my world?

Besides, it makes me feel for you.

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