"You didn't say anything wrong. I was wrong!"

Gong Wei takes a deep look at He Feng, and then ignores He Feng, who feels more and more puzzled. She goes by with He Feng and leaves directly.

Since this man is already the husband of his best friend, I'd better keep a distance with him as soon as possible.

Even if it makes him feel confused.

Even if, he may become a stranger in the future.

Even if

Even if my heart hurts a little.

"I'll go. What's the matter?"

He Feng frowned, subconsciously want to call Gong Wei.

But when I think about it carefully, I really didn't say anything wrong just now, and I didn't intentionally peek at what I shouldn't have seen.

Shaking his head, he was too lazy to think more.

After all, it's not normal for women to have a few days in a month.

After washing his hands, he Feng went back to the office, and then continued to play the game.

Before playing the game, he first took out his mobile phone, opened an app called reading, checked the update of listening to the wind in the next night, and found that the latter actually broke out five chapters. He quickly read it first, and the game was not played for the time being.

Gong Wei did not go to his office, but directly came to Wang Xiangyun's office.

After sorting out her emotions, she knocked on the door and pushed her way in.

"Yunyun, what's the matter with you asking me to come here so early today?" Gong Wei looks at Wang Xiangyun sitting at her desk and asks.

Eyes, subconsciously reveal a touch of envy.

"Vivi, are you here?"

Wang Xiangyun quickly stood up, walked over and took Gong Wei to sit down, "last night, really not angry with me?"

Gong Wei knew what Wang Xiangyun said and said with a smile, "of course I'm not angry with you. Do I look like such a mean person?"

"Well, of course, I know our Vivian is very generous, and always let me, will not be angry with me."

Wang Xiangyun's eyes narrowed with laughter.

"Of course, who let us have such a good relationship?" Gong Wei said.

"But, Wei Wei, why don't you care about me at all? Why did you marry he Feng? What's more, you didn't ask when we got married and what kind of relationship we are in now. Although I said last night that I would tell you today, you didn't ask me a word. You are too calm. "

Wang Xiangyun is a sudden change of words, "it can be seen that you are still more concerned about this matter."

Gong Wei can't help but be stunned, and then can't help shaking her head and sighing.

I'm not as smart as yunyun after all.

Although the cover up is very good, but it is because the cover up is too good, Wang Xiangyun saw the flaw.

However, she didn't say anything about it. She just said with a smile without any trace: "it's just a little complaint. You don't tell me anything important about your marriage."

"Haha, it's right to be angry. I'm afraid you won't be angry."

Wang Xiangyun then laughed, "but ah, I really can't blame it, because I didn't really worry about marrying him before. And married, I will not be He Feng on the heart. It's just that I've overlooked one thing, which I don't trust. You'll care more about it. "

"Don't worry about marriage, don't worry about He Feng?"

When Gong Wei heard this, Xiumei couldn't help picking and said, "yunyun, what do you mean? Aren't you husband and wife? How could... "

"Wei Wei, if I told you that two months ago, I didn't even hear the name" He Feng ", would you believe it?" Wang Xiangyun asked.

"Er... You mean you've only known each other for more than two months?" Gong Wei is surprised.


Wang Xiangyun nodded, "moreover, in the past two months, apart from meeting occasionally and chatting for a few minutes, I didn't have much communication with him at all. Before obtaining the license, the total chat time between the two of us is not even more than 60 minutes. "

"Well, how did you, how did you get married?"

Gong Wei has been completely messy, "and last night I saw a picture of you holding hands with He Feng in Tianyun shopping mall. It seems that you have a good relationship?"

"Ah? So you saw the picture last night? " Wang Xiangyun said in surprise.

"Yes, I saw it by accident. I didn't take it seriously at that time. I thought the photos were synthetic." Gong Wei understood that she had let slip, so she quickly found an excuse.

Wang Xiangyun did not pursue too much. After all, yesterday she held hands with He Feng in Tianyun shopping mall, and it was normal for some people to take photos.

"The photos are not synthetic, but I was just making a scene with He Feng at that time. The reason why he Feng and I got married is because of the pressure of our two families... "Wang Xiangyun told Gong Wei about his marriage as a transaction in detail. In fact, he repeated what he said to Yuan Yashi yesterday.

Even a year later, she divorced He Feng and gave him a hundred million yuan divorce fee. She told Gong Wei.

"It turns out that you two are really getting married in a fake way."

Gong Wei's mood suddenly becomes extremely complicated.

Yesterday he Feng also told her that their marriage is a deal, but she didn't believe it, and he Feng didn't explain it clearly.

Now that they are really fake marriage, Gong Wei has no idea what kind of mood she is in.

There was shock, joy, excitement

There is guilt, tension, uneasiness

He just suddenly said those words to He Feng, which should make He Feng feel very confused, right?

Is he angry with himself now?

Next time we meet, will he talk to himself?

"Yes, and now that he has become my husband, those who wanted to pursue me and annoy me in the past will definitely not disturb me any more. I am peaceful." Wang Xiangyun said with a smile.

Gong Wei suddenly asked, "yunyun, do you think he Feng won't really like you? After all, you are so beautiful, he stays with you day and night, maybe he will be fascinated by you. You know, you are one of the four beauties in Jiangbin city. Few men can resist your beauty. "

"I don't think so. Although I stay with him day and night, I won't let him take advantage of me. Besides, I have already discussed with him. I allow him to look for other women outside, as long as he doesn't bring them home. "

Wang Xiangyun said casually: "after his physiological needs are solved outside, he should not be very interested in me when he comes home, right? Moreover, as far as I know, he is pursuing a little girl named Xia Menglu in the finance department. That girl is quite beautiful. If he Feng catches her, even if I don't ask for a divorce a year later, he will take the initiative to ask me for a divorce. "

"Xia Menglu? Is He Feng after her

Gong Wei recited the name, and a sexy and charming face appeared in her mind. A sense of crisis suddenly appeared in her heart. She said hurriedly: "yunyun, having said that, I think even if he is looking for a woman, it's better not to look for people from Yuncheng group. Otherwise, in case yunyun's relationship with He Feng is known by the company's employees, and he Feng is in love with Xia Menglu, it will have a bad impact on you. "

Wang Xiangyun didn't think of this at the beginning. After listening to Gong Wei's words, he realized that the problem was still very serious. "What should I do then? I have promised he Feng that he will be the Minister of the finance department today. "

Gong Wei also frowned and thought, "if not, you can let him stay in the position of minister of Finance for a few days. Later, you can find a reason to withdraw him. At the same time, see if you can find an opportunity to transfer Xia Menglu to an outside branch. In order to compensate her, we can give her a promotion and a raise. "

After learning that Wang Xiangyun and he Feng are falsely married, Gong Wei immediately makes a decision in her heart, that is, she must not retreat any more, she must catch him up.

Therefore, for Xia Menglu, who can strongly threaten her feelings with He Feng, she must find a way to "get rid of her.".

"Well, you have a point." Wang Xiangyun nodded, "let's think about it together, what method can quickly transfer He Feng from the financial department."


While the two women are discussing how to deal with He Feng and Xia Menglu, they are staying in the moon club at 99 crescent street, Jiangbin city.

In a simple and quiet room, Ji Xinyu, wearing a black Nightgown, stands in front of the window on the third floor, calmly looking out at the weeping willows by the lake.

Although the robe is loose, it still can't cover her full and graceful body.

If you look at her cold and beautiful face again, I'm afraid any man can't help but turn into a hungry wolf and throw her to the ground.

"Dong Dong..."

Outside the door, there was a slight knock.

"Come in!"

Ji Xinyu opens his mouth indifferently, but his eyes are still looking at the willows below.

When the wooden door was pushed open, a middle-aged man bowed his head and came in. His eyes did not dare to look directly at Ji Xinyu in front of him. He only dared to look at the front with the remaining light from the corner of his eyes.

However, his heart is full of excitement and expectation, the corner of his eyes also occasionally tentatively glanced at the part of Ji Xinyu's delicate body, his heart is more and more hot.

"Leader, young master Xiaogang, I've got some ideas about what he told me to check last night."

The middle-aged man said in a low voice: "the man who attacked and killed the leader last night was the master of Baiyun gang. One is good at driving, the other is good at shooting, and both of them are good at tracking. It was their joint efforts that caused the gang leader to be frightened yesterday. "

"Baiyun Gang? I guess I'm right. Their plan has already been put into action. " Ji Xinyu murmurs in a low voice.

"What plan?" The middle-aged man asked subconsciously, with his head slightly raised.

Eyes, instantly fell on Ji Xinyu in pajamas.

Seeing that the latter was only wearing a black sexy lingerie, the middle-aged man's eyes suddenly brightened, his inner evil fire burst into flames, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

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