"Er... What's Dong Wang's situation? Why should he Feng collect the debt from the finance department?"

"That money, money state all confiscates to come back how many, he Feng can take back again?"

"I don't understand. Wang Dong first tried his best to push he Feng to this position. Now he has to set up an almost impossible problem for him. It seems that he has to get down from this position. What does that mean?"

Everyone looked at Wang Xiangyun with a puzzled face, and didn't understand what routine she was playing.

"To recover the foreign debt in one month, Mr. Wang, is this task a little difficult?"

It was yuan Yashi who spoke. She didn't understand what Wang Xiangyun meant, but as a woman, she noticed something on the faces of Wang Xiangyun and Gong Wei.

These two women are obviously making trouble for He Feng and digging holes for him Feng.

This made her feel sorry for He Feng. Although she married Wang Xiangyun and slept in the same bed, Wang Xiangyun didn't seem to love him at all.

This man, life is a little hard.


Wang Xiangyun did not expect that the person who helped He Feng speak would be yuan Yashi.

She was a little stunned.

Gong Wei also looks at Yuan Yashi suspiciously. Isn't the relationship between sister yuan and he Feng very common? Why did you suddenly help him?

"I admit that this task is indeed a bit heavy, but it can also test whether he Feng has enough strength to successfully assume the position of finance minister. If he doesn't have absolute ability, I'd rather have the position of director of the finance department vacant all the time than just pick someone to cram in. "

Wang Xiangyun put away his doubts, looked at He Feng and said, "He Feng, do you think you can be competent?"

For a time, people's eyes again focused on He Feng's body.

Now, a few individual people have seen the way.

Wang Xiangyun is not promoting He Feng, but creating difficulties for him.

At this time, if he Feng flinches directly, it shows that he is timid and lacks self recognition ability.

But once he meets the difficulties, the end will be even worse. If he can't recover all his debts and leave the position of finance minister, he will become the laughing stock of the whole company.

Therefore, no matter he Feng is not the minister, he will become a joke.

Wang Dong's method of rectifying people is too high!


Isn't the relationship between Wang Dong and he Feng very close? Why should he Feng be treated?

Everyone was puzzled, especially Zhou Heng, but he still didn't dare to look directly at He Feng.

He just prayed that Wang Dong would directly kick He Feng out of the Cloud City Group in a month, otherwise he would have to be a man forever.

"Mr. Wang, you want me to take back all the debts of the finance department in one month, don't you?"

Under the gaze of everyone, he Feng asked with a smile.

"Yes, can you? If you can't open your mouth early, no one will say you are incompetent. " Wang Xiangyun said.

Everyone can't help but smoke. No one will say he Feng is incompetent, but don't you already say that now? As long as he Feng once back, it is not to admit his incompetence?

"I didn't say I couldn't do it, I just wanted to know more about it."

He Feng rolled his eyes and knew that the woman was trying to fix herself, but he was not afraid of things. "I want to know how much debt the finance department has outside. If I collect all these debts, can I get a commission?"


Everyone is stunned, did not expect that at this time, he Feng has the mind to talk about commission.

Wang Xiangyun said: "of course, there is a commission. The percentage of commission is five thousandths. For example, if you take back 10 million, you can get a 5% commission. "

"What if it's from my employees?"

"If you are an employee, he can only get a 3% commission. The other two thousandths belong to you. "

"I see!"

He Feng nodded and then said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, you know, our Cloud City Group is not as good as it used to be. The debt of the finance department is very difficult to collect. Therefore, I hope that Mr. Wang can raise the percentage of this commission a little bit? It's good to encourage employees to work hard to collect debts. "

Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes. This is not the key to the problem at all, OK?

But since he Feng opened her mouth in front of so many people, she naturally would not refuse and said casually: "no problem, no matter how much debt your finance department takes back, I can directly give you 10%, that is, 1% commission. As for how these commissions are distributed, it's your own business. "

"Haha, thank you, Mr. Wang. It's generous enough to double his achievements."

He Feng gave Wang Xiangyun a thumbs up, "in addition, I also want to know one thing, that is, in addition to the financial department, other departments of our company outside whether there is foreign debt?"

Wang Xiangyun frowned, feeling he Feng too much, but patiently said: "of course! I have just read all the company's bills. The external debt of the finance department is about 300 million, while the external debt of our whole company is nearly 1 billion. Why do you care about this? "

"Because, I want to ask Mr. Wang, if I have collected all the debts of the finance department, can I collect other debts of the company together?"

He Feng blinked and asked the key question, "after receiving these debts, can I get a commission?"

People are rolling their eyes, you care too far, right?

The debt of the finance department has not been received, and even want to help other departments to collect debt?

Wang Xiangyun impatient way: "I can give you commission."

"Or one percent?"


Wang Xiangyun was afraid that he Feng would ask some messy questions again, so he went straight to the topic, "can you answer me now, you should not be the head of the finance department? If you become an accountant and you can't recover all the debts of the finance department within one month, you haven't finished the task. At that time, not to mention the position of Finance Director, or even the position of assistant to the chairman of the board, you can't think of doing it. I may directly transfer you to the security department or the freight department, and let you be a porter. "

He Feng chuckled, "ha ha, Wang Dong, a month, do you think it's possible?"

This words a, the public looked at He Feng's eyes, one after another is to show the color of ridicule.

It seems that this guy chose to shrink back.

Also, even the cloud city group at its peak, when Qian Zhou was in charge of the finance department, failed to recover these debts.

He Feng can't do it!

Although his active retreat would make people laugh at him, it is also a manifestation of self-knowledge, which would not make a big joke.

"He Feng, what do you mean? After asking so many questions and quitting now, are you kidding me? "

Wang Xiangyun obviously thought he Feng was ready to retreat.

"Who said I quit? I just think that your one month deadline is too long. Well, at least I'm your assistant. You don't know me very well. You gave me such a long time limit. "

He Feng sneered: "since the commission you gave me has doubled to one percent. Then I'll shorten the debt collection period by half. Within half a month, I promise to get all my debts back. "

"Half a month? Are you sure? " Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng.

Everyone on the field is stunned, this guy is too arrogant, right?

"Of course!" He Feng said firmly: "if I didn't have something else to do, I would be able to help you in two or three days."

He Feng is very good at debt collection.

When I was abroad, I don't know how many people borrowed money from him, even from some countries. Later, these people thought he Feng was alone, and they were all ready to default. But in the end, these people not only have to pay back the money, but also pay more interest than the principal.

"He Feng..."

Yuan Yashi, who is standing behind he Feng, can't help pulling him. He Feng is too impulsive.

None of those debts is easy to collect. It can be said that they are bad debts. How can he Feng collect them in just half a month?

He Feng turned to look at Yuan Yashi and said with a smile, "sister yuan, what are you pulling me for? It's just debt collection. You can rest assured. When I get those debts back and earn tens of millions, I'll immediately replace you with... Tianyue. How much more aggressive than your Q3! "

When he saw Ji Xinyu driving Tianyue before, he felt that the girl was really aggressive in driving this car, so he wanted to replace yuan Yashi with a Tianyue.

If he can, he even wants to buy a batch of Tianyue directly. In the future, which girl he likes, he can send a Tianyue directly. He just doesn't know if there are enough quotas in Jiangbin city and Jiangshu province. Don't even have enough money to buy it.

Yuan Yashi suddenly speechless, how suddenly pulled to the car?

They all shook their heads and laughed. They thought he Feng was too pompous.

How can such a person be competent for the position of Finance Minister?

"Well, since you have said that, I will promise you. In half a month, I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer. " Wang Xiangyun said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang. If I can't give you a satisfactory answer, I will take the initiative to pack up and leave." He Feng grinned: "if there's nothing else, I'll go directly to the finance department now?"

He can't wait to call Xia Menglu to his office.

"Well, let sister yuan take you there. Before, Qian Zhou's office was for you. How about it? " Wang Xiangyun said.

"I don't mind!"

He Feng shrugged.

Of course, he has no problem, because the sound insulation effect of that office is quite good.

Immediately, he and Yuan Yashi walked out of the office.

"He Feng, you were too impulsive just now. Do you know how hard those debts are to collect? They are basically bad debts. I remember two times Qian Zhou went to collect debts with Minister Fang Kan and several security guards. They almost used violence, but they still didn't get a cent back. "

As soon as he walked out of the office, Yuan Yashi scolded him: "although Dong Wang has given you such a difficult problem, at least he has given you a month. He has some hope. Maybe he will get some money back with good luck. But now you shorten the time to half a month. It's like digging a hole for yourself

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