"Dig a hole for yourself?"

He Feng suddenly laughed, looked at Yuan Yashi and asked, "sister yuan, I have been abroad for more than ten years. Do you know what I have been doing for more than ten years?"

"For what?" Yuan Yashi asked subconsciously.

"I'm not very specific, but I can use two words to describe it. That's... Robbing money and collecting debts! " Hefeng road.

"Robbing money and collecting debts?"

"Yes, that's what I'm good at."

He Feng grinned: "what's more, the debts I robbed are not ordinary people's. almost all of them belong to some big people, such as a pirate group, an anti-government army or a small country. They don't want to pay back the money they borrowed from me, but in the end, they not only need money, but also pay me higher interest than the principal. So, do you think Yuncheng group's debts of several hundred million yuan can hardly defeat me? "

"He Feng, I seem to remember that you usually read novels besides playing games?"

Yuan Yashi said with a smile: "do you read too many urban novels and start to make up stories with me?"


He Feng shook his head with a bitter smile, but he didn't believe it when he told the truth.

"All right!" He Feng didn't explain too much, just said: "anyway, Wang Xiangyun dug a hole for me, I will definitely jump in. In that case, why don't I just do it? I still don't believe that those who have the ability to borrow money from Yuncheng group will not be able to return the money. "

Yuan Yashi pondered and said, "you're right. I've known about the companies that borrowed money before. Almost every company has the ability to repay. They just feel that the Cloud City Group has been on the decline before and may go bankrupt, so they deliberately default. In addition, there are also some real rogues who are not afraid of the cloud city group or even the judicial channels. You should pay a little attention to these rogues. I will prepare a detailed information for you later, and you can study them yourself. "

"Well, thank you, sister yuan." He Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, are you still polite to sister yuan?" Yuan Yashi looks at He Feng bitterly.

"Hehe, I'll invite sister yuan to dinner later."

"Well, I'll wait for you to invite me."

Yuan Yashi laughed, then suddenly asked in a low voice: "by the way, last night, did you still sleep in the same bed with Wang Dong?"

"It's not bad that the woman didn't let me sleep in the yard." He Feng's depressed way.

Yuan Yashi covered her mouth and said with a smile, "in this way, you are quite happy. At least you are not as miserable as the night before yesterday."

"Wang Xiangyun didn't make me feel bad, but now, sister yuan, you make me feel bad..."

He Feng's eyes swept yuan Yashi's chest without fear, but he didn't have too impulsive thoughts in his heart. He just let out a fire yesterday, and he could still bear it a little.

"Don't do that. It's not good for Wang Dong to see it if it's photographed by surveillance." Yuan Yashi saw that he Feng's eyes were so direct and domineering. He was flustered and felt guilty.

"Ha ha, don't worry, we are here monitoring is dead angle, monitoring is not shot." He Feng laughed, but he didn't tease yuan Yashi any more.

Yuan Yashi is relieved, but she is curious again. How does he Feng know that this is the dead corner of surveillance? She clearly remembers that there are two cameras nearby.

But she did not ask, straight with He Feng came to the finance department.

They just came to the floor where the finance department is located, and many people looked at them curiously.

"Mr. Yuan Dongzhu, Mr. He Dongzhu, I don't know what happened when you came to our finance department?"

Before long, a middle-aged man wearing glasses came quickly.

His name is Wen Xuan. He is the Vice Minister of the finance department. He is the oldest employee in the finance department. He has a high degree and rich experience. Before Qian Zhou arrived, everyone thought he could be promoted to the post of minister directly. Unfortunately, Qian Zhou's degree is too high, so he became minister directly. This made Wen Xuan unhappy for a long time.

At present, Qian Zhou is arrested for corruption. Wenxuan is very happy.

Because he felt that his opportunity had come again.

At that time, Yuncheng group was very famous, which attracted many talents like Qian Zhou. But now, it's good for Yuncheng group not to leave.

Under such circumstances, no one will compete with him any more? Should the post of minister be just around the corner?

"Minister Wen, please ask all the staff of the finance department to go to the conference room. I have an important appointment notice to announce." Yuan Yashi said.

"All right!"

Hearing this, Wen Xuan's heart is more excited.

This day has finally come.

He ran out in a hurry, quickly summoned all the staff of the financial department, and let everyone rush to the conference room now, immediately and immediately, without a moment's delay.

Therefore, in less than five minutes, 36 employees of the whole finance department have gathered in the conference room, leaving no vacancy.

"Why is He Feng here?"

Sitting in the middle of the crowd, Xia Menglu is a little curious when she sees he Feng, but she doesn't say hello to him. After all, she is in a meeting now.

"Mr. Yuan, now that we have all arrived, what appointment do you have to announce?"

Wenxuan tries to make his tone calm, but in fact, he can't wait.

Yuan Yashi was naturally able to detect Wenxuan's excited mood, which made her smile bitterly.

However, he Feng's appointment is Wang Xiangyun's personal decision, and all the senior management of the company have passed it, even if Wenxuan is no longer upset, it's useless.

Yuan Yashi cleared her throat and said, "well, this morning, Mr. Wang has held a group meeting of the company's top management. The appointment of the finance minister has been discussed and the decision has been passed collectively. I'm here to tell you about this decision. "

Before she finished, another junior vice minister sitting next to Wenxuan patted Wenxuan on the shoulder and said, "minister, Congratulations, you will really be my leader in the future."

"Good job, minister."

"Minister, it's a treat in the evening, isn't it?"


Listening to the compliments, Wen Xuan showed a satisfied smile on his face.

But he still tried his best to keep modest. After all, Yuan Yashi and he Feng are still on the stage. He can't be complacent.

"Don't make any noise. Let's hear what yuan Dongzhu has to say." Wen Xuan serious said, quite a bit of leadership authority.

He Feng naturally heard people's compliments to Wen Xuan, and his expression was a little strange.

Yuan Yashi did not seem to hear the voice of the public, and continued: "after the collective decision of the company's senior management, he Feng will be the head of the finance department for the time being."

The moment the sound fell, the whole conference room suddenly became very quiet, and the needle could be heard.

Wen Xuan, in particular, is a direct fool.

"Yuan Dongzhu, did you give the wrong name?" Wen Xuan some difficult ask a way.

"I'm sorry, Vice Minister Wen. I didn't give you the wrong name. The appointment of He Feng as director of the finance department was decided by Mr. Wang and other senior officials. I'm just in charge of informing you. I believe your company's e-mail will be informed soon. "

Yuan Yashi smiles. She knows that Wenxuan must be quite unbalanced at the moment, but this is not something she needs to care about. "Let's clap, congratulations to Hefeng."

With that, Yuan Yashi took the lead in clapping.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa

Under the leadership of Yuan Yashi, Xia Menglu was also the first to applaud, and some other employees applauded one after another.

Although they were all surprised and didn't understand why Mr. Wang directly asked Mr. He Feng to serve as Minister of the finance department, since the decision has come down, they naturally won't object.


Whether he Feng is minister or Wen Xuan is minister, in fact, it doesn't have much influence on them, and there won't be any change in their salary.

Only Wenxuan and the employees who have a good relationship with him are silent. Wenxuan's face is very ugly, as if a fly flew into his mouth.

However, he is very clear that since this decision was made collectively by Dong Wang and other senior officials, it is useless for him to oppose it any more.

"He Feng, do you have anything to say to us?" Yuan Yashi looked at He Feng and said.

"Of course I have something to say!"

He Feng spoke immediately.

Wenxuan suddenly stood up and said, "Yuan Dongzhu, I'm not feeling well all of a sudden. I'll go back and have a rest first."

Then, no matter what reaction He Feng and Yuan Yashi would have, he stood up and walked out of the meeting room.

Yuan Yashi frowned. Is Wenxuan too shameful?

But think about it and feel normal, if easy body and place, I guess it is also very uncomfortable, right?

He Feng didn't care at all. He continued: "it's not the first time I've met you, right? I found out that Qian Zhou bullied our colleague Xia Menglu and embezzled the company's property. I met you once. Oh, by the way, I remember kicking out the office door, right? Has that door been repaired

Everyone was speechless when they heard him. How could this guy care if the door of the office was fixed?

However, a few employees who wanted to get close to He Feng immediately answered his questions.

"Minister, the door has been fixed."

"Yes, yes, someone came to repair it that afternoon."

"Now that door is new."

He Feng nodded his head with satisfaction. After the door was repaired, he just didn't know the sound insulation effect of the new door.

This is what he is more concerned about.

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