At this moment, Gong Wei seems to have made a decision in her heart.

That is to give up this man!

And, help him, promote the relationship between him and yunyun, let their nominal marriage, become worthy of the name.

"Wei Wei, yunyun and I really need your blessing. But... "

He Feng paused and said with a smile, "yunyun and I can only have children. We won't hold weddings."

"Why not have a wedding?" Gong Wei asks suspiciously.

"It's very simple, because polygamy is not allowed in China. So I'm not going to get married. " Hefeng road.

"Polygamy is not allowed in China?"

Gong Wei was stunned.

The next moment, she immediately understood what he Feng said!

"You mean, you don't marry yunyun because you're looking for other women outside?"

Gong Wei's expression suddenly became quite complicated.

There are surprises, joys, worries and so on

"Cough, as you know, I'm very playful, but I have a strong sense of responsibility. As long as I like women, I can't bear to abandon them. So in the future, if I want these women to stay with me, I can't have a wedding. "

He Feng quite some embarrassed said.

"This bastard, it's really direct enough!"

Gong Wei looks at He Feng and doesn't know what to say for a moment.

However, her heart is still very conservative and feudal.

In her heart, she hopes that he Feng can be alone with Wang Xiangyun.

"He Feng, you'd better take it easy. Yunyun is a very good girl. If you have her, don't provoke her any more. "

Gong Wei gritted her teeth and said.

But as soon as this sentence came out, she felt as if she was very distressed. Her chest was like a stone, which was very uncomfortable.

"Why, Wei Wei, why did you say that all of a sudden?"

He Feng looked at Gong Wei in surprise and said with a smile: "if I don't feel wrong, you should also have a good feeling for me, right? It's just that I like you more. I'm even thinking about how to catch you and make you my girlfriend. "

"I... I don't like you. How can I like you if you are so amorous?"

Gong Wei retorts directly, and the more she says, the more excited she is. "Moreover, you have to have a baby with my best friend yunyun. Even if I like you, I can't be your girlfriend."

Hearing this, he Feng blinked.

It seems that Weiwei really has a strong liking for herself.

However, she was too conservative in her heart. As soon as she learned that she was going to have a baby with Wang Xiangyun, she was ready to flinch.

"Wei Wei, as long as you like me, I won't let you quit alone."

He Feng moved his chair and leaned back to Gong Wei, with a serious look: "because once you quit, all the pain and sadness will be borne by you alone. Such a thing, I will not allow it to happen. Besides, if you are not my girlfriend, who else in the world can be worthy of such an excellent girl as you? "


"No, but!"

He Feng's voice was a little higher, and his tone was full of overbearing atmosphere. At the same time, he put Gong Wei in his arms, "you must be my woman!"

Voice down, he Feng regardless of three seven twenty-one, directly lowered his head to kiss Gong Wei's lips.

No matter how Gong Wei resisted, he held the woman firmly in his arms, and his tongue was extremely overbearing.

Under the strong attack of He Feng, Gong Wei, who has a good feeling for him Feng, soon gives up the resistance and falls into He Feng's arms.


Since I like this man, let's be willful.

Love, there are not so many rules.

When it's time to be presumptuous, it's time to be presumptuous.


Since he said he had to be his woman!

So, tonight, be his woman for once.

After thinking about this, Gong Wei not only no longer resists He Feng's strong kiss, but starts to cater to it. Although her movements are clumsy, this kind of cooperation completely ignites He Feng's evil fire.

He Feng can feel that Gong Wei has completely let go.

It seems that this girl has figured it out.

Even his hand, constantly stroking Gong Wei's body, testing step by step.


Gong Wei sends out a low light chant, her breath is more and more urgent, and her cheek is also showing a flush.

He Feng kisses and touches his hands.

A moment later, his hand fell on the button of Gong Wei's shirt. As if he was familiar with it, he quickly untied all the buttons, and then the palm of his hand swam in like a snake.


Gong Wei's mouth sends out a light call again, the hand that holds He Feng's back is more forceful.

Breathing is more and more heavy.

Exhale like orchid!

It smells delicious!

"Dong Dong, Dong Dong..."

But just then, a knock on the door suddenly rang.

"Vivi, are you home?"

Then a man's voice came in.

The two people in the room stopped for a moment and stopped all their movements.

"Who is it?"

He Feng knows that Gong Wei is weak now, so he opens up the woman and asks in a low voice.

At this moment, he Feng was angry by tiduo, and he wanted to open the door immediately and leave the people outside.

Gong Wei's pretty face was flushed, and she didn't dare to look into He Feng's eyes. "Listen to this voice, it's like the security manager in the community."

"Then let's ignore him and go on?" He Feng said.

Gong Wei hesitated for a moment, a little did not know whether to continue.

However, he Feng's hand has fallen to her chest again.

See, Gong Wei did not resist, let he Feng Shi for.

He Feng raises a smile on the corner of his mouth and bows his head to kiss Gong Wei.

"Dong Dong, Dong Dong..."

However, the knock on the door was repeated.

"Vivi, I know you must be at home. Would you open the door?"

"Dong Dong, Dong Dong..."

The knock on the door was obviously a little hasty.

He Feng's eyes suddenly suffused with a strong sense of anger, let go of Gong Wei, and stood up directly, "Wei Wei, you wait here, I'll blow that man away."

He has decided that even if he doesn't leave the other party downstairs, he will have to slap two ears.

It's so annoying!

"He Feng, I'd better let him go."

Gong Wei saw he Feng's posture, and knew that he was ready to hit people. She stood up and said, and quickly buttoned up her shirt.

After putting on her clothes, she went to the gate, opened it and said, "manager Xu, what can I do for you?"

Standing outside the door is a young man wearing a light blue Lapel T-shirt and black frame glasses. He looks quite handsome, but his manner is a bit arrogant, which makes people uncomfortable.

When the young man saw Gong Wei open the door, his eyes immediately showed his deep admiration and made no secret.

"Weiwei, two of my cousins came to my house for dinner today, and they made me a rich dish. Would you like to join me?" Xu Nian said with a smile.

Gong Wei shook her head and said, "excuse me, manager Xu. I've already eaten it. You can eat it yourself."

With that, we are ready to close the door.

Xu Nian can't let Gong Wei close the door like this. He presses the door with his hand and says: "Weiwei, I've introduced you to them. When they know about you, they all want to see you. You must give them face. Otherwise, they will laugh at me if I go back alone later. "

"Manager Xu, I'm really sorry. There's a guest in my family today. He's having dinner with me now. I'll go another day."

Gong Wei frowned.

Xu Nian is the property manager of junshanghai community. She met her when her house was newly renovated, and then she would approach Gong Wei whenever she had a chance. She even gave her flowers on Valentine's day at the beginning of the new year.

Almost all the property department and Security Department of Shanghai county know that Xu Nian is pursuing her.

In this regard, Gong Wei refused every time.

It's just that Xu Nian helped himself a lot when he was decorating, and that both of them lived in Shanghai county. She didn't tear her face directly.

"Is there a guest at home? That's just right. Let your guest come to my house to eat together. It's more lively. How's it going? " Xu Nian said reluctantly.

If it is in the past, he will certainly not disturb Gong Wei, lest cause Gong Wei antipathy.

But this time, he just heard from the security department that Gong Wei's car was driven back by a man, but the man was dressed in ordinary clothes, and he was just a loser.

Therefore, Xu Nian came to Gong Wei's house in person to confirm whether the man was Gong Wei's boyfriend.

If so, is that man more powerful than himself?

"Manager Xu, I just want to have dinner with my friends today, so don't disturb me, OK? Besides, if there is no serious business in the future, please don't knock on my door, OK? "

Gong Wei see Xu Nian has been entangled, the face has become a little ugly.

"But, Wei Wei, you know what I mean to you, you can't give me a chance..." Xu Nian said.

Hearing the speech, Gong Wei's face changed slightly.

Will Xu Nian's direct expression of his feelings make the man in the room dissatisfied?

"I'm sorry, brother. You really don't have this chance."

Just as the saying goes, Gong Weigang is worried about whether he Feng will be dissatisfied. He Feng's voice rings in her ear. As soon as she finishes speaking, people come to her side, and in front of Xu Nian, they hold her in their arms.

"Because Vivian is my woman now. You, please don't disturb my Weiwei again. Otherwise, even if Weiwei is easy to talk, I will go directly to your property company to complain about you. "

"Are you Vivian's boyfriend?"

Xu Nian sees he Feng embracing Gong Wei directly, his face is very ugly.

At the beginning, he just had this kind of speculation. After all, Gong Wei never took the man back to the community. This time, she not only took the man, but also let him drive. It's really a couple relationship.

That's why he can't wait to run to verify!

But I don't want to. It's really

However, when his eyes swept a circle on He Feng's body, a touch of disdain and ease suddenly appeared on his face.

"Brother, can you be worthy of a goddess like Wei Wei? I advise you to be wise and go away early. "

Xu Nian raised his head and snorted to He Feng.

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