"Manager Xu, how can you say that?"

Gong Wei was stunned when she heard Xu Nian's words. She didn't expect that this kind manager Xu would suddenly become like this.

"Vivi, don't blame me. I'm doing it for you. You are still young, especially in the emotional aspect, you may not have much experience, it is easy to be cheated. This kind of man, you'd better stay away from him. A loser like him is likely to be a liar. Maybe he's cheating on your feelings. When I catch you, I will soon abandon you. At that time, you will only be hurt and sad! "

Xu Nian said loudly.

"Xu Nian, please leave at once. Otherwise, I'll call 110 now and say that someone is harassing me here. " Gong Wei squints her eyes and says that she has no patience to talk to Xu Nian any more.

Hearing Gong Wei say to call the police, Xu Nian also knows that what he said is too direct, which infuriates Gong Wei.

However, since Gong Wei wants to call the police, she'd better leave first. Otherwise, if she lets the police come, it will have a bad effect on her work.

"Well, boy, you'd better be careful for me."

Xu Nian pointed to He Feng and hummed softly. Although he Feng was asked to be careful, he Feng was not asked to be careful. After finishing this sentence, he turned and walked into the stairway. He didn't even take the elevator.

After Xu Nian left, Gong Wei was relieved. She turned to He Feng and said, "He Feng, don't pay attention to this man. He is just too excited, so he talks nonsense."

"Wei Wei, perhaps, what he said is not totally wrong."

However, he Feng at this time is a sudden smile.

Originally, he was going to give Xu Nian a beating, but when he heard what Xu Nian said later, he changed his mind and decided to let him go for the time being.

Because he suddenly remembered that although Gong Wei and himself seemed very excited and cooperative, Gong Wei even actively catered to them.

However, in Gong Wei's body, he Feng does not feel any happiness and happiness.

This woman doesn't really want to do this kind of thing with herself. It seems that she only wants to do this kind of thing between men and women with herself.

"What do you mean?" Gong Wei doesn't understand what he Feng means.

"Vivi, I know that you may like me in your heart, but you may have something to worry about. If I guess correctly, it should be because I want to have a baby with yunyun. Do you care about it? " He Feng said it directly.

At first he didn't realize it, but now he wants to understand it.

Hear he Feng's words, Gong Wei can't help a Leng.

This man, actually read his mind?

In this regard, Gong Wei did not hide, gently nodded.

"Of course, how can I stand the situation of two maids and one husband? In particular, another woman is my best friend. "

Gong Wei quite some painful way: "moreover, even if I can accept, can yunyun accept?"

He Feng can feel the pain in Gong Wei's heart, but he doesn't know how to comfort her.

Because, between the two women, he definitely preferred Wang Xiangyun.

Even though he is not as fond of Wang Xiangyun as Gong Wei.


Let him give up Gong Wei, in terms of his temperament, the same can not be done.

"Vivi, I know what you're thinking. I'll give you a little more time. I believe that in the end, you can make a choice that satisfies you. "

He Feng grinned, touched Gong Wei's head and said, "don't be so stressed, brother Feng, haven't you eaten yet?"

Gong Wei blinked, "aren't you angry with me? After all... I really care about you and yunyun. "

After all, although she was willing to have that kind of relationship with him, she didn't really accept the relationship between them.

As soon as this matter is said, she is afraid that he Feng will be angry, because he Feng is too disappointed at the moment. I guess any man can't accept it?

"Poof! Who do you think I am? I can't understand such things? "

He Feng had no choice but to smile and said: "forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's continue to eat. I'm starving."

With that, he picked up his chopsticks and continued to eat.

See he Feng really don't look angry, Gong Wei just relaxed, and then also followed to eat up.

After they changed the subject, they also had a good chat. Gong Wei, in particular, regained her smile in He Feng's witty speech.

This meal has been eating for more than an hour, he Feng just put down his chopsticks, "Weiwei, you sit in the living room and watch TV for a while, I'll wash the dishes."

"Isn't that good? I'll do it. Cleaning up the kitchen is what we women do. "

"Nonsense, we men will clean up the kitchen, OK?"

He Feng directly stood up, picked up an apple on the table, said: "you wait for a while, I'll peel an apple for you first, later you'll eat an apple and watch TV."

After a while, he Feng peeled the apple, handed it to Gong Wei and said, "OK, go to the sofa and watch TV. I'll clean it up first."

Then he quickly put away all the dishes on the table and went into the kitchen.

Gong Wei holds a clean apple and looks at the busy figure of the man in the kitchen. Her thin and tender lips rise slightly.

This man, on the surface, seems to be bad and colorful. But if you contact him several times, you will find that he is actually much better than most men.

It's just

Think of He Feng and Wang Xiangyun between, she quite some helpless smile.

"Maybe I'm too tangled?"

"Maybe, slowly, I can think of it myself?"


"I hope you don't blame me!"

Thinking, Gong Wei took a bite of the apple.

Sour, sweet, straight to the heart.

He Feng busy more than ten minutes, will all the pots and bowls are clean.

"Weiwei, it's quite late now. You didn't have a good rest yesterday. Today, wash and go to bed early."

He Feng said.

"Well, yes. Where are you going next? " Gong Wei asked.

"Where else can I go? Of course, I'll go back to the company to play games and wait for Wang Xiangyun to get off work." He Feng shrugged.

"Or... I'll take you there?" Gong Wei doesn't want to be separated from He Feng so soon.

"What else can I get? I don't know how convenient it is to go outside and call a taxi. I can call didi on wechat."

He Feng laughed, "well, you don't want to leave me. Anyway, we can meet again tomorrow. If you don't want to give up, I won't leave tonight. "

"Ah? Then you go quickly. I'm really sleepy. I have to wash and sleep quickly. "

Gong Wei said quickly.

Although she has figured it out a lot now, it is because she has figured it out that she doesn't want to have that kind of relationship with He Feng so soon.

Before so cooperate with He Feng, that is because she was ready to give his most precious things to He Feng, completely give up this man's life.


She would not give away her most precious things so easily.

"Well, I'll go. Don't think about me."

He Feng just asked tentatively. Seeing Gong Wei's refusal, he was relieved.

It seems that this girl has figured out a lot.

Out of the door, he Feng pressed the elevator.

Gong Wei is leaning against the door, quietly watching.

"See you tomorrow!"

Waiting for the elevator door to open, he Feng waved to Gong Wei, grinned, and then walked in.

"See you tomorrow..."

Gong Wei also waved.

Watching He Feng enter the elevator, Gong Wei shows a happy smile on her face.


Now it's almost nine o'clock in the evening. He Feng is ready to return to Yuncheng group directly.


Before returning to the cloud city group, he has to go shopping.

Chicken wings!

I remember that there is a McDonald's near Shanghai community, where chicken wings should be sold.

So, he Feng went out of the gate of Shanghai community.

Because junshanghai is a new development, the surrounding supporting facilities are not mature enough, many buildings are under construction, and the occupancy rate is not high inside. Therefore, the outside of the community is quite cold, with only a few cars parked on the roadside, but few pedestrians.

He Feng just walked out of the gate of the community, a van parked on the side of the road suddenly started, drove towards him, and stopped right next to him.

Bang Dang!

As soon as the car stopped, the door of the van was quickly opened. Four men jumped out of the van and surrounded He Feng.

He Feng stopped and looked at the last man who got out of the car.

No one else. It's Xu Nian.

"Manager Xu, have you been waiting for a long time?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, boy, I didn't expect that you could still laugh now."

Xu Nian saw that he Feng was not afraid. Instead, he showed a smile and sneered, "you should know why I'm looking for you?"

He Feng grinned and said, "of course I know. It's just that I robbed the girl you like. However, Weiwei doesn't like you at all. She hates you. It's just that you helped her several times when she was decorating, so I'm sorry to tear my face with you. "

Hearing the speech, Xu Nian's face changed slightly. He said angrily, "impossible! Weiwei has a good feeling for me. As long as I persist for a while, I can definitely catch her up. "

He Feng was amused by Xu Nian's words, "poof! I've met a lot of self righteous people, but you are more special than them. Other girls obviously hate you, but you say you are liked by others. Well, I don't know whether you are an idiot or a fool. "

"Hum, don't try to deceive me. I know Weiwei very well. She must like me. Otherwise, how can she talk and laugh with me every time."

Xu Nian angrily stares at He Feng, "the reason why she will become your girlfriend must be because you are so close to the water, and then she says a lot of sweet words to cheat Weiwei."

He Feng noncommittal way: "that can only show that I have the ability than you."

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