"You're better than me? What do you have? You're just a loser! " Xu Nian scornfully stares at He Feng, but there is a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

This guy's dress is ordinary, his temperament is ordinary, and his appearance is not much better than himself. He can be the spokesman of diaosi. How can he compete with himself for Weiwei?

"Yes, I'm such a loser that I can catch Wei, but you as a manager can't. What does that mean, you know? "

Without waiting for Xu Nian to answer, he Feng said with a smile, "it shows that you are not as good as a loser as a manager, just a piece of shit."

"I'm sonima. You're looking for death, aren't you?"

By He Feng such abuse, Xu Nian can't help but get angry.

He Feng shook his head, "sorry, I don't look for excrement, but excrement came to me on its own initiative."

"Manager, I've been talking nonsense with him. Let the brothers teach him a lesson."

"Yes, manager, this guy is too much to beat."

"Don't worry, manager. I'll beat him so hard that he doesn't even know his father."

"When you beat him up, I'll see if Vivian will like him."

The four helpers brought by Xu Nian were all mumbling.

Xu Nian was not prepared to teach He Feng a lesson. He Feng should be warned to stop looking for Gong Wei.

Once he does, he may be dismissed.

After all, he is just a small property manager. There are many leaders in the company. If you let a leader know about it, he will not be easy to get along in the company.


As he Feng humiliates him, how can he bear it?

"Boy, you forced me! Today, I just teach you a little lesson. If I know you are still with vivi, the next time I see you, I will chop you up and throw you into the river to feed the fish. "

Xu Nian gave a vicious warning, and then waved decisively, "brothers, teach him a lesson!"


With his command, the four people around He Feng all waved their fists at He Feng.

Xu Nian snorted faintly. At the same time, he took out a cigarette to light it. "Damn, it's just a loser. He not only robbed women from me, but also humiliated me. Do you really think I dare not move you?"

Bang Bang

However, as soon as Xu Nian's lighter was on, he was shocked by the scene before he could light a cigarette.

See oneself bring of those four companions, before still aggressive, but just close to He Feng, inexplicably inverted fly out.

There was even one person who hit him directly.

That huge impact, will he give smash seven meat and eight vegetables, pain unceasingly.

At this time, he Feng had already walked to Xu Nian's body, stepped on his chest with one foot, and said indifferently: "since you haven't done anything too much to Wei Wei, I don't want to do it to you today. However, Weiwei thinks you are very upset. If you dare to harass Weiwei in the future, I won't step on your shit. I will bury you directly with soil! "

Finish saying this sentence, he Feng is also lazy to talk about Xu Nian again.

An ordinary property manager is just an ordinary person. He can't make any big waves at all. After seeing his strong skills, he doesn't dare to do it again.

Seeing he Feng leave, Xu Nian is still frightened. "How can he... How can he be so powerful?"

He thought he Feng was just a loser, but he didn't think he was a martial arts expert.

A face-to-face, will be their four men are down!

"Manager, are you all right?"

The four people Xu Nian brought were all security guards in the community. Their physical fitness was OK. They soon stood up and helped Xu Nian up.

"I'm fine!" Xu Nian shook his head, but his face was a little red. He was embarrassed and said, "brothers, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect that the boy was an expert and you were kicked."

"Manager, we are all a family. Don't talk about it."

One of the security guards immediately said: "however, that man, relying on his own skills, robbed the woman you like, and humiliated you and called you a lump..., cough, we can't just let him go."

Xu Nian also thinks of He Feng's abuse to himself at this time, and suddenly feels hot and uncomfortable on his face.

If he Feng's abuse of himself is not heard, he can bear it.

After all, he Feng's strength is really too strong.

But now, the four security guards have heard about it. Once it's out, how can they continue to be managers here?

Therefore, this revenge must be avenged!

"But... That man's skill is too strong. How can we get revenge?"

The other security guard shook his head and said, "besides, don't you think that man was terrible just now? If we dare to provoke him again, I'm afraid he won't really end up like this. Maybe he will send us to the hospital

Hearing this man's words, the other three security guards bowed their heads and thought, it's really a shame.

He Feng's last indifferent tone and indifferent eyes fully show that this man is not an ordinary person.

If they dare to provoke again, they will come to a terrible end.

"Manager, my daughter-in-law just called to urge me to go home. I'll go first."

"Manager, I have a friend calling me to play mahjong. I have to withdraw immediately."

"Manager, I went to bed too late yesterday. Now my eyelids are fighting. I'll go back to bed first."

"Manager, I have a stomachache. I want to poop!"

Four people, have found a reason, and then turned away.

Obviously, they all saw and felt the power of He Feng, and they did not dare to fight against him.

"You, you..."

Xu Nian looks at the four security guards who turn around and slip away. His face suddenly becomes extremely ugly.

Especially when the last security guard said "shit", he Feng's humiliation to himself echoed in his mind.

"I'm a piece of shit?"

Thinking about it, Xu Nian's breath was a little short. He was extremely angry and humiliated at the same time.

"Smelly boy, I can't deal with you even though you are good at it. But... "

Xu Nian's eyes turned to the direction where Gong Wei lived, and suddenly he felt a touch of madness in his eyes. "Boy, you humiliated me in public, and may even become a joke of Shanghai property in the whole county. I can't deal with you, but I can deal with your woman! "


After solving Xu Nian's problems, he Feng went straight to KFC.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I finally saw KFC's store, and the pace under my feet was a little faster.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw two familiar figures.

Tang Wen and Chu Yue!

"Eh, two beautiful police officers, they are still working outside so late?"

He Feng saw two hands carrying a bag of food, not from surprised way: "this is more than nine o'clock in the evening, you still eat so much, not afraid to get fat?"

However, after glancing around them, he said with a smile, "well, I'm wrong. Even if you get fat and grow meat, it grows where it should grow. You should eat more."

"He Feng, what are you talking about?"

Tang Wen didn't expect to meet He Feng here. As soon as she met him, the lecheron began to play a hooligan. She was not in a good mood. She immediately glared at He Feng and said, "nonsense again. Do you believe me to take you to the Bureau for the night?"

He Feng said with a smile: "if I spend the night with you in the Bureau, I would be very happy!"


Chu Yue saw that they were going to quarrel. He Feng, why are you here

"Of course I'm here to buy KFC!"

He Feng smile, see no one in front of the queue, he quickly walked in the past, "you wait a moment, I buy something first."

Then he went straight to the waitress in front of the counter and said, "beauty, do you have any chicken wings here?"

"Hello, sir. We have spicy chicken wings and Orleans chicken wings. Which one do you need?" Asked the waitress.

"Give me two of the same, right?" He Feng looked up at the price list and said.

A total of eight chicken wings, should be enough for Wang Xiangyun's food?


I can't afford it. KFC is too expensive. A pair of chicken wings costs more than ten yuan. After four pairs of calculations, it cost dozens of yuan.

"It seems that we have to work hard to make money again."

Paid the money, he Feng quite some distressed.

Now, his whole property is only a few hundred yuan. Even if he spends one yuan, he will be distressed.

"Yueyue, what are you still looking at? It's time for us to go."

At the door, Tang Wen sees Chu Yue waiting for He Feng in the same place. She can't help pulling the latter.

"Ah? Shall we wait for He Feng? " Chu Yue was obviously reluctant to leave.

Tang Wen looked at Chu Yue strangely, "why wait for him?"

"Didn't he just tell us to wait for him?"

"Do you want to wait for him, or do you want to continue the investigation?" Tang Wen did not have the good spirit to say.

"Just wait for a while. It won't take long."

Chu Yue narrowed her eyes and laughed. She took out a hamburger from her bag and handed it to Tang Wen. "Captain, why don't you have a hamburger first? It's so cool that you can blow the air conditioner inside."

"If you want to eat, you can eat by yourself. I don't want to stand here eating."

Tang Wen looked at Chu Yue's eyes more and more strange, and said directly: "Yue Yue, you don't have a good feeling for He Feng, do you like him?"

"When... Of course not, how can I like him?"

Chu Yue shook her head and vetoed without hesitation, "Captain, you don't know that he Feng and my sister have married. Even if I have a good feeling for him, I can't like him."

Just finish saying, Chu month regretted.

If you are not careful, you will be exposed!

Tang Wen was also surprised by Chu Yue's words. Previously, she just asked casually, but she didn't expect

This girl really has a good feeling for He Feng.

That smelly man, what's he good about? And it's so annoying!

"Yueyue, what do you want me to say about you? How do you like him? Can't you see that he's very playful? " Tangwen some hate iron not steel said: "and, you know, you must not like him. If you let your family know that you like a married man, what will they think? Maybe they'll find he Feng's trouble. "

"Don't worry, captain. I'll be careful. Don't you see that I always focus on my work? "

Chu Yue quickly explained a sentence.

But she was a little noncommittal in her heart!

Tang Wen does not know the relationship between He Feng and Wang Xiangyun, but she is very clear in her heart. Although the two people have been married and received the certificate, the marriage between them is just a transaction.

Moreover, she can see that her sister, who has a good relationship with her, is quite disgusted with He Feng.

In that case, why can't I like he Feng?

Even in her view, even if he Feng directly pursue, when her girlfriend, there will be no problem.

Be afraid of

This man doesn't like himself!

"I hope you can control yourself, don't hurt yourself!"

Tang Wen shook her head and said.

At the same time, the eyes of a complex look at the counter of He Feng.

What's good about this man? Why did Yueyue fall in love with him?

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