Tang Wen and Gong Wei wait less than two minutes, he Feng comes with a bag.

"Why, two beautiful police officers, are you still there? I thought you went straight away. "

"We are waiting for you to learn something from you."

Without waiting for Chu Yue to open her mouth, Tang Wen said first, "do you know Kang Biao of the Wolf Gang?"

"Kang Biao? I've never heard of the name

He Feng shrugged a way, in the heart is a secret way, that call Chen Jian of guy, also too unreliable? Not even a body could be disposed of.

"He was killed yesterday. His body was put into a sack, tied with stones and thrown into the river. But the sack was caught in a fishing net. Today, the fishermen took in the net and found it."

Tang Wen stares at He Feng and seems to want to see some information she wants from He Feng's expression.

However, he Feng just nodded, "Oh, that's really bad luck. But what does that have to do with me? "

"You really don't know Kang Biao?" Tang Wen frowned.

Although Tang Wen only guesses that Kang Biao's death is related to He Feng, she is not guessing.

Because many people know the contradiction between He Feng and the Wolf Gang.

Moreover, the conflict between the two sides had just come into being. At this juncture, Kang Biao, the leader of the Wolf Gang, was killed and thrown into the river. Almost everyone who knows something about it will subconsciously guess whether Kang Biao was killed by He Feng.

He Feng rolled his eyes and said, "I don't know him. Don't you know that I've only been in Jiangbin for more than two months? Even if we knew each other, wasn't it an accident? "

"What about the black wolf? You didn't kill the black wolf? " Tang Wen continued.

"Of course not!"

He Feng did not hesitate to answer: "I am a good citizen, even dare not kill a chicken, how can it kill?"

"He Feng, I want to know if you killed these two people, not to arrest you. I'm just learning something. Your answers have a key guiding role in my thinking. I hope you can help me. "

Tang Wen's tone is solemn.

Chu Yue is afraid that he Feng is worried about Tang Wen's tautology. She can't help but remind her: "He Feng, the captain is not really taunting you. Because at six o'clock this afternoon, a man named Yue Xiu was killed. "

"Yue Xiu? I haven't heard of it either... "He Feng said confusedly.

He can see that Chu Yue won't cheat him. Maybe Tang Wen isn't really trying to make him confess.

But he won't dig a hole for himself.

As for the impact of his answer on Tang Wen's handling of the case, it has little to do with him.

"Yue Xiu is also a leader of the Wolf Gang."

Chu Yue said: "this is the Wolf Gang. In the past two days, they were stabbed by ordinary people. Is there a problem?" He Feng asks curiously.

"Of course there is a problem!"

Tang Wen nodded and said: "because, from Yue Xiu's home, it seems that there is a thief taking advantage of the nanny's going out to buy vegetables and sneaking into his home to steal. After killing Yue Xiu, all the cash and gold and silver jewelry in her family were stolen. "

"Doesn't that mean that Yue Xiu and his wife were killed by this thief?" He Feng said casually: "the thief entered his house to steal, and was found by Yue Xiu. Then there was a conflict between the two sides. Yue Xiu was defeated by the thief, and was killed by the thief with a knife. By the way, he killed his wife, too. Can't it be explained?"

"It seems so, but in fact, the thief is not an ordinary person."

Tang Wen took a look at He Feng and shook her head: "at the scene, although there were some signs of fighting, there were no fingerprints of the thief. At the same time, in the community where Yue Xiu lives, we investigated the monitoring and found no suspicious person. This shows that the thief is not an ordinary person, and his anti detection ability is very strong. "

He Feng shrugged, "that can only show that this is a thief with certain anti reconnaissance ability."

Tang Wen still shook her head. "In addition, as far as I know, Yue Xiu is a martial artist with a black belt in Taekwondo. She has excellent fighting power. And the thief can kill Yue Xiu, which means that his fighting power is probably stronger than Yue Xiu, at least about the same. "

"And then?"

He Feng this time also lazy to guess, continued to ask.

Because he also noticed that it didn't seem so simple.

"Then there is the last question, which is also a very obvious one."

Tang Wen said: "if the murderer is a thief, why does he choose to steal in the evening instead of in the dark or in the early morning?"

Smell speech, he Feng eyebrows slightly frowned, feel this matter seems to be a little complicated, "then you police now have any specific clues or guess?"

"We police have two conjectures at the moment. 1、 The real purpose of the murderer is certainly not to steal, but to kill. 2、 We wonder if there is any connection between the murderer who killed Yue Xiu and the one who killed black wolf or Kang Biao. "

Tang Wen said, looking directly at He Feng, "or, the murderer who killed these three people is actually the same person."


He Feng a Leng, "you should not want to say that I killed these three people?"

Tang Wen did not speak because she did have this guess.

When black wolf died yesterday, she felt that he Feng must have done it.

However, she could not find any evidence at the scene. According to the confession provided by the front desk attendant of huangzhe KTV, the person who entered the KTV at that time was not He Feng.

Of course, he Feng changed face at that time.

However, they really do not have any evidence, plus black wolf has done many bad things, even the police are eager for him to die early, so the police did not find he Feng's trouble.

But with today's discovery of Kang Biao's body and Yue Xiu's assassination, Tang Wen immediately realizes the seriousness of the problem.

The death of Yue Xiu's three people is likely to be the collision of the major forces in the underground world of Jiangbin city.

The sky of underground world in Jiangbin city is changing!

Therefore, Tang Wen must confirm whether he Feng killed these people.

"Come on, do I look like someone who likes to kill people? Especially the Yue Xiu you mentioned. I don't even know him. And Kang Biao, I don't know him. As for black wolf, although he may have been instructed by song Yan to send someone to deal with me, I have taught him a lesson, haven't I? His younger brother is seriously injured by me. I'm relieved. Why kill him? "

He Feng see Tang Wen stare at oneself don't speak, immediately a face innocent say.

It's not that he doesn't want to help Tang Wen, but he thinks that even if he directly admits that black wolf and Kang Biao were killed by himself, it doesn't help this case.

It is obvious that Yue Xiu was not murdered by others. According to Tang Wen, it is enough to prove that Yue Xiu must have been murdered.

No accident

That's what Baiyun gang did!

The conflict in the underground world of Jiangbin city seems to have broken out completely.

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