Twenty minutes later, he Feng was sent to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Now it's almost ten o'clock in the evening. Few people in the Municipal Bureau go to work, only a few police officers on duty.

So when the car drove into the city council compound, no one was disturbed.

"Liu Bureau, now I'll take someone to interrogate He Feng?"

As soon as the car stopped, Li Shuan took he Feng out of the car, and then asked for the first time.

His idea is very simple, that is, torture.

As for how powerful He Feng's skill is, he doesn't care now.

What if you're powerful? This is the police station. Do you dare to fight the police in the police station?

"Don't try it. First put it in detention room No.1 for temporary detention. We'll try it tomorrow."

Liu boyue got out of the car and shook his head.

"No trial? Why? " Li Shuan asked suspiciously.

Before in KFC, Liu boyue had a bad attitude towards He Feng. He thought Liu boyue was going to try him.

But don't want to, Liu Bureau unexpectedly just want to temporarily imprison He Feng.

"Is that a question? Let's continue to investigate Yue Xiu's case first. Anyway, he Feng has been caught. We'll try later. Now let's see if we can find other clues. " Liu boyue said lightly.

"All right!"

Although he was unwilling, Li Shuan did not dare to disobey Liu boyue.

He knows Liu boyue very well. The deputy director has always been fair in handling cases, and he is dedicated to solving cases.

It seems that although he Feng was rude to Liu Ju in KFC store before, Liu Ju was angry at most. Now not only is there no revenge, but he continues to investigate Yue Xiu's case.

You know, in fact, he Feng can now be identified as the suspect in the Yuexiu case, and the black wolf case is handled together, but Liu bureau did not do so, and continued to investigate the clues of the Yuexiu case.

It can be seen from this that Liu bureau is so clear and righteous that it deserves to be a leader.

"You two, take He Feng with me. Let's go to detention room one."

Li Shuan immediately walked towards the Bureau.

The two small police officers, but also quickly with He Feng behind.

To this, he Feng has no objection, follow them to walk together.

Before long, Li Shuan took he Feng to the No. 1 detention room.

Each detention room of the Municipal Bureau is separated. The space in No. 1 detention room is very large, and there are rows of beds, which can accommodate more than ten people to sleep, but there is no one in it at this time.

"He Feng, you are very lucky to meet such a good leader of Liu Bureau. You didn't pursue your disrespect to him before. But when you're interrogated tomorrow, you'll have to cry. Enjoy your last night tonight. "

After locking the lock, Li Shuan gave a sneer, and then left with someone.

"Good leadership?"

Seeing Li Shuan leave, he Feng sneered, "that Liu Bureau, guess there are other plans? However, no matter what plan he had, brother Feng took it. As for the next... Brother Feng, let's have a sleep first. "

Thinking about it, he directly lay on the bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Of course, when he was sleeping, he was still practicing Qi.

There was no way. Everything on him was taken away by Li Shuan. He had nothing to do except sleep and practice.


At the same time, Chu Yue drove to Yuncheng group.

She has a good relationship with Wang Xiangyun. She often comes here when she is not busy, so the night guard put her in directly.

After parking, Chu Yue took the elevator upstairs and came to Wang Xiangyun's office.

However, the light in the chairman's office is off. On the contrary, the light in the assistant's office is on.

"Why? Isn't sister Yun working overtime? Why is the office empty? "

Chu Yue frowned, and then looked at the assistant office, "why is the light in sister yuan's office still on? Is she working overtime?"

Thinking, Chu Yue walked directly in the past, and then knocked on the glass door.

"Come in, please

The voice of Yuan Yashi came.

Chu Yue pushed the door and went in. Sure enough, she saw yuan Yashi sitting at her desk looking up a pile of high documents.

Seeing Chu Yue coming in, Yuan Yashi said doubtfully, "Yue Yue, how did you come?"

Originally Chu Yue and Yuan Yashi didn't know each other, but Chu Yue came to see Wang Xiangyun many times, and Yuan Yashi was Wang Xiangyun's only assistant before, so they got to know each other gradually.

"Sister yuan, isn't sister Yun working overtime today? But I don't know why the lights in her office are all off? " Chu Yue asked.

"Oh? You come to find Wang Dong. She's working overtime, but she's not in her own office. She's in the lab below. I'll take you to her. "

Yuan Yashi stood up and took Chu Yue out.

Chu Yue followed with a smile, "thank you, sister yuan!"

"That's very kind of you!" Yuan Yashi laughed, "by the way, why did you come to find Wang Dong so late today?"

"I'm just a runner!"

Chu Yue raised her hand and gave yuan Yashi a look at the KFC package. "No, someone bought chicken wings for Yun Jie and asked me to send them to Yun Jie."

"Why, for Wang Dong?"

Yuan Yashi was surprised: "not many people know that Wang Dong likes to eat chicken wings. Who bought them?"

As Wang Xiangyun's first assistant, she has a good personal relationship, and she knows something about Wang Xiangyun.

"Who else can it be, of course her husband he Feng?" Chu month quite some sour meaning of say.

That man, also too painful cloud elder sister, cloud elder sister how can hate him?

"He Feng? He even knows that Wang Dong likes to eat chicken wings? " Yuan Yashi was even more surprised, "if I remember correctly, there are not many people who know that Wang Dong likes to eat chicken wings. Is it difficult for you to tell him?"

"I didn't tell him. It must have been sister Yun. But it doesn't matter. Anyway, sister Yun likes to eat. "

Chu Yue said casually, she didn't want to think about it, because she thought it was nothing.

Yuan Yashi no longer asked, and soon took Chu Yue to Wang Xiangyun's laboratory on the 11th floor, and then knocked on the door.

Before long, the door of the laboratory was opened, and Wang Xiangyun came out wearing a white overalls and a mask.

"What are you doing here?"

Wang Xiangyun asked as he took off his mask.

"Sister Yun, are you doing new research? It's too late to go back to rest. " Chu Yue said.

"Ha ha, other employees can't do new projects. I'm the only one. Of course, it's harder." Wang Xiangyun said with a smile.

"All right!"

Chu Yue nodded, then handed KFC's bag to Wang Xiangyun, "here are your chicken wings!"

"Chicken wings?"

As soon as Wang Xiangyun heard this, he quickly took the bag and opened it. "Wow, there are so many chicken wings. There are four pairs of them. Yueyue, I love you so much. When I was very hungry, I sent my favorite chicken wings. You are so nice. Come on, come on, hold one quickly

"Sister Yun, let's forget this hug. Although I know you like chicken wings very much, I didn't buy them. I'm just a runner today. "

Chu Yue looked at Wang Xiangyun and said enviously: "these four pairs of chicken wings, but your husband bought them for you."

"My husband?"

Wang Xiangyun eyebrows pick, "He Feng?"

"Yes, he Feng bought it."

"He? How could he buy me chicken wings? How does he know I like chicken wings? "

Wang Xiangyun immediately wondered.

"I don't know. At first I thought you asked him to buy it." Chu Yue shrugged her shoulders.

"It's not me!" Wang Xiangyun shook his head, looked at the second daughter and asked, "I know that there are not many people who like to eat chicken wings. Did you tell him?"

"No, I didn't say that."

"I didn't say that either!"

Both yuan Yashi and Chu Yue shake their heads in denial.

"All right! I'll go back and ask him who told him! "

Wang Xiangyun was too lazy to think about it any more. Instead, he asked, "by the way, why do you want to send the chicken wings he Feng bought me?"

"Well, it's a long story. Because of a case, our deputy director asked he Feng to go to the police station to assist in the investigation, so he asked me to send you the chicken wings." Chu Yue said as if nothing had happened.

"Assisting in the investigation of the case?"

Wang Xiangyun frowned, "what case, not serious?"

"It's serious, but it's not serious. It's just a matter of time. But I'm not sure he'll be back today, but he'll be back tomorrow. " Chu Yue said with a smile.

"Can't you come back today?"

Wang Xiangyun's eyebrows tightened. Her eyes suddenly fixed on Chu Yue's eyes and said, "Yue Yue, tell me the truth. What's the matter?"

"Sister Yun, I..."

Chu Yue just opened her mouth, Wang Xiangyun interrupted her, "don't fool me any more, we have known each other for so many years, I know you very well."

"Well, I'll tell you, but don't be angry."

Chu Yue gave a bitter smile. She didn't expect to be seen through by Wang Xiangyun so soon. It seems that she is really smart.

So, she will he Feng suspected of black wolf case, and Liu boyue to investigate He Feng things with Wang Xiangyun said.

"Sister Yun, although he Feng was taken to investigate by Liu Bureau, Liu bureau is fair and upright, and he Feng will not be wronged. So, you don't have to worry. Tomorrow at the latest, he will release He Feng. " Chu Yue promised.

However, Wang Xiangyun's face was full of worry.

The Liu Bureau, perhaps really fair, will not be wronged He Feng.


What if he Feng really killed the black wolf?

You know, this man does kill people!

Even she thought he Feng killed the black wolf yesterday, even if he Feng didn't admit it.

If Liu bureau finds evidence of He Feng's murder, then

For a time, Wang Xiangyun's heart is full of worries about He Feng!

"Yueyue, are you sure he Feng will be released tomorrow?"

Wang Xiangyun looked at Chu Yue and said, "if that Liu bureau finds any relevant clues and identifies He Feng as the murderer, will he Feng be very dangerous?"

Chu Yue smell speech, facial expression also can't help but change, "no, won't it? He Feng told me that he didn't kill the black wolf. "

"But... What if he did?" Wang Xiangyun asked again.

"He did it?"

This time, not only Chu Yue but also yuan Yashi was shocked.

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