"Sister Yun, do you know something?"

Chu Yue couldn't help asking: "if you are sure that he Feng killed the black wolf, you must tell me. Don't worry, I won't hurt him. Because this matter is related to the struggle of the underground world in Jiangbin City, so that the police can make a more accurate judgment. "

"Yueyue, I asked casually. How can I be sure that he Feng killed the black wolf?"

Wang Xiangyun shook his head and said.

How dare she say anything about murder.

Even if he Feng is sure to kill, she certainly can't say it. It's a big crime of beheading.

Moreover, she just guessed, according to He Feng's cruel means to the enemy, there was no reliable basis.

"Well, I thought you had a clue."

Chu Yue said in disappointment.

"Yueyue, tell me first, if he Feng really killed the black wolf, is He Feng going to jail?" Wang Xiangyun continued.

Chu Yue thought about it, but didn't hide it. She nodded: "if he Feng killed the black wolf only because I know it, I will help him hide it. After all, the black wolf is a bad guy. He Feng killed him but did a good deed. But if Liu bureau finds the evidence, Liu Bureau will definitely convict he Feng. Even if it's me, I can't help him. However, if he Feng didn't kill the black wolf, he Feng should be OK. He Feng will be released safely tomorrow. "


Wang Xiangyun's brow was tightly wrinkled.

Because she felt that he Feng killed the black wolf.

The person who investigated this case was the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. He was an experienced criminal policeman.

If he Feng leaves something behind and is found by the deputy director, then

Isn't he Feng going to jail?

Thinking of this, Wang Xiangyun quickly took out his mobile phone and was ready to make a call. "Yueyue, I'm still worried about He Feng. I'll call my family first and let them decide how to solve this problem."

Seeing this, Chu Yue quickly stopped her and said, "sister Yun, he Feng had already told me when he left with Liu Ju. Let me tell you not to worry about him or contact his family. He will be released tomorrow."

"He told me not to contact my family?" Wang Xiangyun asked.

"Yes, his meaning is very clear, that is, let you not contact the family." Chu Yue nodded.

"In that case, I will not make this call."

Wang Xiangyun can also guess what he Feng means. Although he Feng is a child of the he family, he grew up in an orphanage. Later, he was abducted and sold abroad. He has no relationship with the he family. He certainly doesn't want to trouble the he family.

Once I get in touch with my family, even if I just say a few words to the Wang family, I guess I will let the he family know.

"Sister Yun, don't worry. As long as he Feng didn't kill the black wolf, I can promise you that he Feng will be released tomorrow."

Chu Yue promised.

"Well, I'll have to trouble you." Wang Xiangyun said.

"You're welcome with me, sister Yun, and it's not a big deal. It's a big deal. I'll call my family at that time. As long as he Feng is not guilty, it's just a matter of words to release him. "

Chu Yue said with a smile: "well, I won't talk to you. I have to help the team leader handle the case. She is looking for clues by herself now."

"OK, if you have any good news, please let me know the first time."

Wang Xiangyun nodded.

"Sister Yun, just wait for my good news." Chu Yue smiles and turns to leave.

"Yueyue, I'll see you off." Yuan Yashi followed him.

Watching the two leave, Wang Xiangyun still can't help but frown and worry.

"He Feng, that bastard, let him keep a low profile. Now he's at a loss, right? Hum, don't ask me to contact your family in the end to get you out. "


"Sister yuan, please don't send me. I'll just take the elevator to go downstairs. You should go back to finish the work and go home early to have a rest."

Two people came to the elevator, Chu Yue stopped and said.

"OK, then you can drive slowly on the road."

Yuan Yashi nodded, then suddenly asked: "by the way, where did you meet He Feng?"

Chu Yue thought about it and said, "it's like the KFC store on Shangyue road!"

"Shangyue road?"

Yuan Yashi brows gently pick.

Weiwei live in the county Shanghai community, is not in Shangyue road?

Yuan Yashi usually spends a lot of time with Wang Xiangyun. She knows Wang Xiangyun's affairs very well. She knows that there are not many people who like eating chicken wings, just these women.

Since the three of them didn't tell he Feng, she guessed that it might be Gong Wei.

Now after such a question, it's really possible.

But Chu Yue didn't know Gong Wei lived near Shangyue Road, so she didn't think of it.

When the elevator door opened, Chu Yue said, "sister yuan, I'll go first."

"All right!" Yuan Yashi nodded.

Waiting for Chu Yue to enter the elevator to leave, Yuan Yashi's Xiumei is twisted up.

"How can he Feng go to Shangyue road? And it's so late. Is it hard to say, from work to now, he is with Weiwei, and still at Weiwei's home? "


He Feng had a good sleep.

Until more than two o'clock in the morning, there was no police raid on him.

However, he Feng does not think Liu Bo will wait until tomorrow to take measures against himself.

At about 2:30, there was a dense sound of footsteps outside the detention room.

Before long, four criminal policemen headed by Li Shuan came with two men and opened the door of the detention room.

Li Shuan pushed the two men in and looked at He Feng, who was still sleeping on the bed. He was a little upset in his heart and cried out: "these two people are locked up with you tonight. You all be honest with me. I'll try you again tomorrow. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, officer!"

The two men should be.

Li Shuan saw that he Feng didn't answer, so he went to him and kicked him on his bed. "Hey, don't sleep like a pig. Do you hear what I said?"

See he Feng sleep so sweet, he is quite upset in the heart, will intentionally He Feng to wake up.

He Feng opened his eyes vaguely and said: "officer, I'm sleeping. If you want to interrogate me, just say it. Don't disturb my sleep if I don't interrogate? "

"Ha ha, then you have a good sleep. You will have the spirit to play tomorrow. I'll come back to you tomorrow."

Li Shuan coldly glanced at He Feng, and then took people away.

During this period, he has made a simple investigation. Although he knows that Chu Yue and he Feng are just ordinary friends, the reason why he Feng is helped is that he Feng and Wang Xiangyun are husband and wife, while Chu Yue and Wang Xiangyun are close.


Chu Yue pulls He Feng's hand, but this scene is what he sees with his own eyes.

He is not so generous, can tolerate his mind goddess to pull a man's hand.

Therefore, he has decided that when he Feng is interrogated tomorrow, he must use real kung fu.

After Li Shuan left, he Feng closed his eyes again, lay down and turned over, turned his back to the two new comers and continued to sleep.

For those two new comers, I didn't even look at them, as if I had no interest at all.

Seeing this, the two looked at each other, and there was a smile in their eyes.

Both of them look ordinary. They are in their forties, but they are strong and have sharp eyes.

One of them was a little taller, with a long scar on his face, but because of his honest smile, he didn't look terrible.

At this time, the scarred man said, "ray, do you think we will be locked up this time?"

"Old scar, don't worry. We're trying to rob this time, and we're just robbing a wallet. Even if we're locked up, it's only half a year at most. And this is our first offense. If we are sincere, maybe we can go out in two or three months. "

The guy named regor is a little stronger, and his voice is buzzing.

"Well, it's really bad luck for us to get caught in the first robbery." Old scar was distressed and regretful. "If I had known that, I would not have robbed. If this matter is sent back to my hometown and let my wife know, I have to kneel down in front of the portrait of the chairman. "

"Ha ha, you are so old that you are afraid of your daughter-in-law?" Regor laughed.

"I'm not afraid, I'm in pain."

My father laughed, "brother Lei, let's be honest tomorrow and admit our mistake. I hope the police can give us a lighter sentence."

"Yes Ray elder brother nodded, "well, don't talk, don't disturb that little brother to sleep, let's also hurry to sleep, it's very late."

"Mm-hmm, good!"

Immediately, both of them lay down to sleep and turned off the lights.

All of a sudden, the detention room became extremely quiet!

And the silence lasted nearly an hour.

Three in the morning.

They opened their eyes almost at the same time.

With the help of the weak light projected from the window, we can clearly see that in their eyes, there is no previous smile.

Instead, it is a kind of indifference and killing.

Two people secretly nodded, and then one after another from the bed to get up.

Although the movement range is not slow, but they can control their strength very well, so that when they get up, they don't let the bed even make a little creak.

Then, two people barefoot, slowly toward He Feng's bed move past.

The distance between the two sides is not long, only more than five meters.

Not a moment, they have come to the front of He Feng, and directly to the front of He Feng.

The two of them can see clearly. He Feng is sleeping with his eyes closed at the moment. His breathing is very even. He doesn't seem to be pretending to sleep at all.

Walking in front of the old scar raised his head, looked at brother Lei, and then gently nodded his head.

Immediately, the killing intention of the two people burst out instantly!

Old scar palm toward He Feng beat and go, a mass of white powder, suddenly sent out, shrouded He Feng's head.


The next moment, brother Leige takes his palm as a knife and slashes to He Feng's throat.

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