"Hoo Hoo

Leige is obviously very good at palm, this palm down, strength, unexpectedly is a burst of breaking the wind.

In regor's eyes, there is a strong sense of cruelty and killing.

See, his palm knife will fall on He Feng's throat, will he Feng's throat to interrupt.

Once the throat is broken, even the most advanced medical technology can never save He Feng.

Leige seems to see the scene of He Feng's death, with a smile of victory on the corner of his mouth.

But immediately, the smile on his face froze.

Because his palm is less than two inches away from He Feng's throat, he stops and can't enter any more.

A palm, easy freehand like grasp of his wrist.

"In the middle of the night, I still disturb people's sleep. Do you mind?"

He Feng's eyes half open, as if not how to wake up.

"How could it be?"

Thunder elder brother and old scar two people, are all exclaim, a pair of ghost appearance looking at He Feng.

Especially Lao scar, the white powder he just wielded, is the most powerful trance powder, which immediately takes effect. Even if he is extremely strong, if he inhales a little, he has no strength all over his body and immediately falls to the ground.

But he Feng, there is nothing at all?

What's more, he took the shot at the critical moment and gave regor a full blow.

"Lao Lei, let's kill him!"

Old scar first recovered, and then without hesitation rushed up, pinched his fist to He Feng's forehead.


Old scar's strength is a bit stronger than brother Leige's. This punch goes on, and soon comes to He Feng, and hits a head.

Before the smile appeared on old scar's face, he saw a figure fall on the ground.

It's not Hefeng, it's regor.

"Old thunder!" Old scar exclaimed.

"Don't worry, although your punch is not weak, it will only cause him a little concussion at most, and he can't die."

He Feng stood up and said with a smile.

For a time, old scar looked at He Feng's eyes, full of thick fear, and even a trace of fear.

This He Feng, if true with the captain said, the strength is too strong, but also very mysterious, did not really hand, let old thunder down.

However, no matter how powerful He Feng is, he will not shrink back.

"Well! I'll kill you now and avenge Lao Lei. "

Old scar snorted a, once again waved fist, toward He Feng's chest to blow.


Suddenly, he Feng body in a flash, appeared behind the old scar, and then heavily hit the old scar body.



By He Feng such a impact, old scar speed uncontrollable suddenly accelerated, and the fist directly fell on the marble wall.

The huge impact force actually smashed several bones in his fingers.

"Well, hum!"

Old scar snorted, and a touch of pain appeared on his face.

"Well, do you want to continue to fight?" He Feng light looking at old crazy.

Old scar looks at He Feng with doubts.

How did this guy suddenly appear behind him just now?

He Feng's moving speed is too fast, just like ghosts, old scar didn't see clearly.

See old scar don't speak, he Feng continued: "as long as you say, who sent you to kill me, you two, maybe can suffer less."

"If you want me to sell my brother, you'd better kill me."

Old scar looked at He Feng like an idiot, then suddenly shot, a hook to He Feng's chin, fast as lightning.

His attack this time can be said to be a sneak attack, even his captain can't prevent it occasionally.

He thought very clearly, as long as he can succeed in this sneak attack, the task of killing He Feng today will be completed.


However, he Feng's figure is once again disappeared in front of his eyes.

There is only a broken wind in my ear.

Old scar subconsciously looked back, sure enough, he Feng has stood behind him, even grinned at himself.


The next moment, he Feng's body hit the old scar, the old scar immediately flew out, hit the wall, and then fainted in the past.

This is the police station. He Feng certainly can't kill people. He can't even hurt people seriously, so he directly knocked them out.

"Who sent these two men? Looking at their means of attack, it seems that they are from the Chinese military, or even special forces. Is it the Liu bureau who directly put it in

He Feng frowned and was puzzled.

The reason is very simple.

I don't know whether Zhang Ziyuan will become her own wife or lover in the future?

"Whether she's a wife or a lover, now... She's a tool for Laozi to vent."

Think, song Yan also regardless of Zhang Ziyuan has fallen asleep, directly lying on each other, crazy gnaw kiss up.

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