"What, Liu Bureau, do you mean he Feng will be acquitted?"

At the moment, Li Shuan is having breakfast outside with Xiao Zhou Er. Hearing Liu boyue's phone call, his face changes greatly. "Doesn't he mean that he should be detained first, and no one is allowed to visit and bail him?"

He is very unhappy with He Feng, and he hopes that he Feng will be put in prison at last.

So at this time, I heard Liu boyue's words, not to mention how depressed.

"Don't ask so many questions. Obey the order and release He Feng immediately. Remember, be polite to him. "

Liu boyue said impatiently, and then hung up directly.

Breakfast shop.


"What the hell is going on?"

Li Shuan smashed the meat bag on the table heavily, and the meat bag was smashed flat, which showed how angry he was at the moment.

"Captain, what's going on?" He asked, puzzled.

"Yes, Captain, did Liu Bureau personally order us to continue to extort confessions by torture?" Xiao Zhou asked weakly.

If it's extorting confessions from others by torture, he is quite willing to do so.

But he Feng, he has some fear, that guy is too evil.

"Torture? Hum, what Liu Bureau means is let's go and let he Feng go. " Li Shuan snorted coldly.

"What? "Release people?"

She was also surprised, "why? Didn't Liu Bureau let us have a surprise interrogation on him before? It was also the person Liu Bureau ordered to arrest yesterday. "

"I think Liu's attitude is more firm, it should be something happened."

Li Shuan stood up helplessly and said, "don't worry about so much. Let's go to release the people first, and then go to Liu bureau to learn about the situation."

Immediately, the party got up and rushed to the police station.

It wasn't long before they came to cell one.


As soon as they opened the door, a snore came into their ears.

And they also saw that he Feng was sleeping soundly on his bunk in the detention room.

"Damn you, you sleep so well!"

Li Shuan got angry when he saw this scene.

He quickly walked to the gate, want to kick the iron gate, will he Feng wake up.

But then he remembered the last sentence Liu boyue had just said to him——

Remember, treat him with a little politeness.

"Is it difficult to say that there is a big man who comes out personally for He Feng and lets Liu bureau release people?"

Li Shuan's face was ugly, but he didn't dare to listen to Liu boyue. Instead of kicking the door, he said to Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, open the door."

He quickly stepped forward, took out the key and opened the lock.

"You wait outside!"

Li Shuan lightly charged a, then push open the iron door to He Feng side.

Take a deep breath, Li Shuan try to make his tone polite, "He Feng, it's time to wake up."


In response, he Feng snored more loudly.

Continuous called several times, he Feng did not respond.

Helplessly, Li Shuan had to reach out and gently pushed He Feng, "He Feng, it's daybreak outside, it's time to get up."

He Feng opened his eyes in a daze and said impatiently, "it's none of my business at dawn. Brother Feng hasn't slept enough. Don't disturb my sleep."

Finish saying, turned a body, continued to close eyes to sleep.

Li Shuan smoked from the corner of his mouth, but he said patiently: "He Feng, if you still want to sleep, go back to your own home to sleep. Now, we have decided to acquit you. "

"Don't make any more noise. I'll talk about everything when I wake up."

He Feng light said a, even the eyes didn't open.

However, he did have some curiosity in his heart. Isn't that Liu boyue's attitude is very firm and he has to deduct a charge for himself? How come you're going to be acquitted in the early morning?

Soon, he thought of a reason.

"It seems that Yueyue has a lot of energy. On the surface, he is a small criminal policeman, but the energy behind him can make the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau obedient. "

Before being arrested, Chu Yue said that she would let him out, which made him have a guess. Chu Yue must have a certain background before she dared to say such words.

Seeing this, Li Shuan was already scolding his mother.

He where can't see, he Feng this is completely with him on the bar.

Guess, this guy knows that there are powerful people to protect him, so he dares to be so fearless?

If that's the case, it's not easy.

Li Shuan didn't speak any more, because he knew that no matter what he said, he couldn't kneel down and beg him to leave, could he?

"You two are waiting here. I'll go to see Liu Ju."

Li Shuan turned and walked out of the detention room, gave orders to Xiao Zhou and Xiao Zhou, and then walked to Liu boyue's office.

Before long, he came to Liu boyue's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Liu boyue's voice rang out.

Li Shuan pushed the door and went in. He saw Liu boyue standing in front of the window smoking. In the office, there was another person, Zhao Enlai, the director of the Public Security Bureau.

"Are you gone?"

Before Li Shuan spoke, Zhao Enlai first asked.

Li Shuan was stunned. Was it Zhao Ju who asked Liu Ju to release him?

No, it's not like Liu bureau is so easy to yield to Zhao Bureau.

Who would it be?

"Zhao Bureau, he Feng is sleeping in the detention room at the moment. I went to ask him to leave, but he said he would have a sleep before he left. I don't know what to do, so I have to come and ask the leader for instructions. " Li shuanhui reports.

"Sleep before you go?"

Zhao Enlai's face changed slightly.

"He Feng, is that too much?" Liu boyue said unhappily.

"Lao Liu, was your attitude towards He Feng very bad?" Zhao Enlai looks at Liu boyue and asks.

"He was a suspect before. How can I treat him well?"

"If so, I'm afraid you'll have to ask him to leave in person."

"I'll ask him to leave?" Liu boyue glared.

"Not only please, if necessary, you have to soften or even apologize to him."

Zhao Enlai said solemnly: "you should make it clear that it's not me who let you release people, but the people over there. You are not afraid, if he Feng really depends on not to go, does the person over there personally come to our bureau to ask for someone? At that time, things will be really tricky. The director will certainly intervene. "

"It seems that Yueyue really helped He Feng. I didn't expect that Yueyue's background was so strong. "

When Li Shuan heard Zhao Enlai's words, he was more convinced that Chu Yue must have helped He Feng.

This makes his heart incomparable jealousy, he Feng that guy with what?

Besides, he is a married man!

For a moment, his fists were unconsciously clenched.

"Well, I'll go myself and ask him to leave!"

Liu boyue is closed his eyes, silent for a few seconds, and then opened his eyes, helplessly made a reply, turned out of the office.

"Forget it, I'll come with you."

Zhao Enlai was still a little uneasy and went out with him.

As for Li Shuan, he also followed.

Before long, three people came to cell one.

He Feng is still snoring

Liu boyue's face was a little gloomy when he saw this scene, but his ability to get into the post of deputy director of the public security bureau with his grass-roots background was beyond doubt.

At the moment, he took a deep breath, and his expression became more gentle, just like an approachable uncle.

He Feng walked to the side, he lowered his voice and said: "Comrade He Feng, please wake up, our police have decided to release you."

However, he Feng didn't mean to pay any attention to him. He still slept with his eyes closed and breathed evenly.

Liu Bo read the corner of his mouth to smoke, he even suspected he Feng was really asleep.

However, since he Feng does not want to open his eyes, it means that the other party does not want to leave.

It seems that we really have to force ourselves to be soft and apologize.

Liu boyue took a deep look at He Feng, and then said sincerely: "Comrade He Feng, I was wrong before. I caught you without knowing the situation. Here, I say sorry to you. I hope you don't take it amiss. "

With that, he winked at Li Shuan and others.

Li Shuan and others were shocked. They thought Liu boyue would only ask he Feng to leave in person, but they didn't want to apologize.

You know, Liu Boyue is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. He apologized to a criminal suspect.

This is subverting their three views!

Zhao Enlai sees Li Shuan three people Leng in situ, can't help but raise a leg, a person gave a foot.

The three men came back to their senses. Under the leadership of Li Shuan, they went to He Feng and apologized to him.

"Brother he Feng, I'm sorry."

"Please forgive me for some of the things I have offended before."

"If he Feng brothers don't dislike it, I'd like to treat them at the table and punish them for three drinks."

Finally, with the three of them apologizing, he Feng's eyes slowly opened, and then very uncomfortable said: "lying trough, you really special is noisy to death, also let people sleep well?"

"Comrade He Feng, the air in our detention room is not very good. I'm afraid you won't sleep well here, so I want to wake you up and let you go home to sleep." Liu boyue said.

"Why? Liu Bureau, you arrested me before, didn't you swear that I killed people? Why are you going to let me go after a day? " He Feng said funny.

"Ha ha, it was a misunderstanding before. We caught the wrong person."

"The wrong man? Do you have the real criminals now? "

"It's not... It's not. However, Comrade He Feng, you are innocent. We can be sure of that now."

Liu boyue's attitude is very low, and his attitude is also very sincere, "so, I'm coming to apologize to you personally. I hope you don't mind the misunderstanding before."

"Of course I don't mind. As a deputy director, you can correct your mistakes. Of course I won't bother you."

He Feng looks like a good speaker, then looks at Li Shuan and says, "but why do the three of them also want to apologize to me?"

"They are..." Liu boyue wants to help Li Shuan explain. After all, Li Shuan is his most capable man, and he is going to focus on training him.

"Is it because the three of them tortured me?"

But he Feng interrupted Liu boyue, "then they don't have to apologize to me, or next time I'll be arrested for something, I'll be finished? I dare not offend these three adults. "

Liu boyue's face changed.

"Torture? Li Shuan, as the people's police, how dare you three use such means as extorting confessions by torture? "

Zhao Enlai knew that he Feng wanted to vent his anger. Naturally, he walked down the stairs, pointed to Li Shuan and said angrily, "from today on, criminal police team, please don't stay. Let's all go to traffic police team."

In order to calm the anger in He Feng's heart, in order to send him away as soon as possible, Zhao Enlai did not hesitate to pay a certain price.

You know, Li Shuan is an excellent criminal police squadron leader, and is expected to take over Liu boyue's position in the future.

"Zhao Ju, I..."

When Li Shuan heard this, his whole body trembled and felt a whirl.

He never thought that Zhao Enlai would punish himself for He Feng.

More did not expect, this punishment will be so heavy, directly demoted him from a criminal police squadron captain into a small traffic police.

"Shut up! What more nonsense, you can't even do the traffic police. " Zhao Enlai scolded angrily.

No matter how anxious Li Shuan was, he didn't dare to speak now.

"He Feng, do you think this is OK?" Zhao en came to see Xiang He Feng.

"It's worthy of being the director of the Public Security Bureau. It's really clear about rewards and punishments. Of course I'm satisfied."

He Feng got up with a smile, went to Li Shuan and said with a smile, "officer Li, if you see me driving illegally in the future, you still want to give me face and don't stick my ticket."

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