When Li Shuan heard he Feng's words, he really wanted to shout with one fist.

The anger in his heart!

However, thinking that even the Zhao Bureau would treat him politely and keep his job, he would not be directly kicked out of the public security system. He could only stand on the side and dare not talk back.

"Well, I think everyone is very busy. Since you say I'm innocent, I won't be here to delay your time. Please hurry up and continue to work."

He Feng grinned and went to the detention room.

"I'll see you off!"

Zhao Enlai, who has a little guess about He Feng's identity, wants to keep up.

"No, sir. I know the way." He Feng stopped, waved, and then his eyes fell on Liu boyue, "Liu Bureau, this time we don't know each other. In the future, I will have more contact with you. "

With these words, he turned again and left the detention room.


Seeing he Feng leave, Zhao Enlai was relieved.

Finally, I sent the Buddha away!

"Zhao Bureau, did Yueyue invite the person behind her to let he Feng go?"

Waiting for He Feng to leave, Li Shuan couldn't help asking.

"Li Shuan, don't worry about it. Anyway, you guys should report to the traffic police first. After a while, I'll transfer you as appropriate. "

Zhao Enlai didn't have the heart to explain to Li Shuan. He waved his hand and said, "OK, you can leave first."


Although Li Shuan was very angry, he did not dare to show his anger in front of Zhao Enlai. If Zhao Enlai was upset, he might have to spend his future police career in the traffic police force.

After Li Shuan and others left, Zhao Enlai just looked at Liu Bo and said, "Lao Liu, what did he Feng say to you at last? Does it mean that he will still hate you? "

"I don't know what he means, but even if he hates me, I'm afraid he won't succeed." Liu boyue indignant way, but in the heart is curious, this He Feng is what identity, will let the military region boss for him.

However, he is not very worried, even if he Feng behind the big guy want to deal with him, he is not afraid, because he always does things without leakage, never leave any handle.

"I hope so!"

Zhao Enlai smell speech, also didn't say more, but in the heart will he Feng this number person completely in mind.


He Feng first took his mobile phone and wallet, and then went straight to the police station.

Just walk to the hall on the first floor, I met Tang Wen and Chu Yue Er Nu who are waiting in the hall.

The two of them didn't wait for He Feng, but because they saw Zhao Enlai's car parked outside, they thought that he Feng might make progress, so they waited here to know how things were going.

But don't want to, wait here not long, unexpectedly see he Feng swagger out.

"He Feng? You... How did you get out? "

Chu month sees he Feng first, ran to come over immediately, a face surprised of ask a way.

Although she called her uncle, she was not sure that he would succeed. Finally, she let Liu boyue release He Feng.

"I just heard that both Zhao Bureau and Liu bureau have gone to the detention room. What about them?" Tang Wen is some worry of ask a way: "you should not, is beat them all dizzy, then oneself escaped?"

She contacted with He Feng several times, and knew he Feng was unruly and impulsive, so she would fight with others.

Maybe, on impulse, he did something to Zhao Bureau and Liu Bureau.

"I'll go, Wenwen beauty. Can you really think that I'm such a gentle teenager, as rude as you say?" He Feng rolled a white eye, and then looked at Chu Yue and said, "Yueyue, thank you very much this time. You helped me solve a small problem. I'll treat you to dinner later."

"You're welcome!"

Chu month mouth although say don't be polite, but didn't refuse He Feng said treat.

Tang Wen said: "what is a little trouble? If Yueyue didn't call her home and ask her family to help, do you think you could come out so easily? It's hard for your wife to protect you. "

"It's really a little trouble!"

He Feng said blandly: "if she can't bail me out, then when I'm tired of staying in it, I'll knock those policemen unconscious directly, won't she be able to come out?"


Tang Wen smoked from the corner of her mouth.

Who said a few seconds ago that he was not so rude?

Chu Yue was afraid that two people would quarrel again. She said: "He Feng, since you're out, please call sister Yun. She thinks she's worried about you now."

"Well, I'll go first. When I'm free later, I'll call you and invite you to dinner. "

He Feng smiles at Chu Yue and then leaves.

Chu month has been watching He Feng disappear, just take back the eyes.

"Yueyue, why do you really like he Feng? What's good about him? And a married man, how can you like him? "

Seeing Chu Yue's appearance, Tang Wen frowned.

Because she felt that Chu Yue might really take a fancy to He Feng.

However, Chu Yue admitted that she really liked He Feng, and quickly said: "Wenwen elder sister, don't talk nonsense. I just like him, but I don't really like him. Don't worry. I can handle it properly. After all, sister Yun and I are best friends. "


Tang Wen was puzzled for a moment.

She has never been in love, and she can't say what she likes, so she can't be sure whether Chu Yue's words are true or false.

"Of course it's true," Chu Yue nodded.

Tang Wen also didn't ask more, just looking at the direction he Feng left, silently nodded.

That smelly hooligan, it should be difficult to let Yueyue move for him, right?!


He Feng out of the police station, pondered, ready to call Wang Xiangyun.

But as soon as he took out his cell phone, he found that it was dead and turned off automatically.

"Forget it, just go back to the company!"

He Feng doesn't have much interest in returning to Wang Xiangyun's villa. Anyway, the woman will not let herself touch it for a while. It's better to go back to the company directly.

At the moment, he just wants to find out one thing. Why does Liu boyue, the good guy, aim at himself?

Therefore, he directly stopped a taxi on the road and came to Yuncheng group.

After getting out of the car, he Feng goes straight to the door of the company.

In an Audi A6 not far from He Feng, Liu Peiyuan was playing with pesticides in the driver's seat. He looked up from time to time for fear that he Feng would appear ahead of time.

He Feng didn't catch up with him last night. He was going to come to Yuncheng group earlier this morning.

However, Yan Zheng was worried that he Feng would go to the company ahead of time, so he offered to return to Yuncheng group directly until he Feng appeared.

Where would Liu Peiyuan object to this? He was afraid that Yan Zheng would not be patient.

So, two people from yesterday has been squatting to now, take turns to rest.

Now it's time for a serious rest. Liu Peiyuan is in charge of keeping watch.

At this time, Liu Peiyuan inadvertently looked up, and then lowered his head to continue to play the game.

But just after playing for a while, he realized that something was wrong and quickly looked up again.

"Master, wake up, he Feng is here."

To make sure he didn't read it wrong, Liu Peiyuan quickly stretched out his hand and lay down in the back row to sleep solemnly.


Yan Zheng is a martial arts practitioner. He is sensitive. As Liu Peiyuan calls him, he wakes up quickly and sits up for the first time.

"Master, you see, that's the man." Liu Peiyuan pointed to He Feng not far away and said.

Yan Zheng has seen the photo of He Feng. At this time, he Feng is the real one.

"Then what are you waiting for? Get out of the car and stop him. Don't let him enter the company, or something will happen."

Speaking, Yan Zheng has opened the door and quickly walked down.

Liu Peiyuan didn't dare to delay. Seeing that his master was so strict and positive, he was excited. He quickly opened the car door and followed him.

At the same time, Liu Peiyuan shouts to He Feng: "He Feng, stop for me!"

His voice was very loud, not to mention he Feng. Even the two security guards who were resting in the hall on the first floor of the building could hear clearly.

He Feng turns around and sees Liu Peiyuan and Yan Zheng, who are running fast. He can't help laughing.

Last night, he noticed that the two were driving with him. At that time, because he was going to eat at Gong Wei's house, he didn't want to be delayed, so he let them go and drove away.

But I don't want to. Early this morning, these two people were blocked at the door of the company.

This is the most stupid way to wait for the hare!

But obviously, it's also the most effective way.

This is not, I was not stopped by them?

"Whose dog is this? He ran out early in the morning and barked. Do you believe brother Feng brought out the pot and stewed dog meat?"

Anyway, there's nothing wrong now. He Feng is happy to play with them.

It's just that I haven't exercised in the morning. Let's warm them up.

"You, you said I was a dog?"

Liu Peiyuan glares at He Feng and wants to strip him alive.

"Aren't you a dog? Yesterday you said you were a dog in front of so many people. Well, it seems that you are not only a man, but also a dog. You don't have the consciousness to be a dog. "

He Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Asshole, I'm with you..."

Liu Peiyuan clenched his fist and rushed up to fight with He Feng.

"Peiyuan, don't be impulsive. Let me handle it."

Yan Zheng is to pull Liu Peiyuan, and then step forward two steps, staring at He Feng asked: "you are He Feng?"

"Who are you?" He Feng light asks a way.

"Oh, you forced my apprentice to admit that he was a dog, didn't you know that he had a master?" Solemn cold smile way.

"Oh, I remember. The dog did tell me that he had a master. But I'm not interested. Are you his master? "

"Good! I am Peiyuan's master. "

"What are you looking for?"

"Of course!"

He Feng was looking at him solemnly and coldly. "Peiyuan and Zhouxin are both my disciples. If you humiliate Peiyuan and hurt Zhouxin seriously, it's like hitting me in the face. Today, you have to give me an account. "

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