"You can go, but I didn't agree with your disciple Liu Peiyuan to leave."

He Feng's voice gradually became cold.

Looking at Liu Peiyuan's eyes, he showed a faint sneer.

"He Feng, you've won my master's car, and it's worth a lot. It's the top accessory of Audi A6. It costs more than 600000 yuan. What else do you want to do?" Facing He Feng's eyes, Liu Peiyuan felt a kind of fear, subconsciously swallowed saliva said.

"Your master lost a car, but today you and your master came to deal with me. You didn't pay anything."

He Feng said with a smile, and then came to Liu Peiyuan step by step, "last time I let you go like a dog, but you still want to come back and bite me. In that case, I can only make you a dead dog. "

"Dead dog?"

Liu Peiyuan immediately thought of He Feng's cruel and decisive means.

His younger martial brother's weekly salary, is he still lying in the emergency room?

"He Feng, i... I'm wrong!"

Liu Peiyuan immediately softened, pleaded: "please, let me go again, I swear, I will never come to you again."

"Do you think I'm that talkative?" He Feng asked with a smile.


Liu Peiyuan had a meal.

However, he can become a first-line star, and he is not an idiot.

See he Feng didn't do it by himself, he gradually understood in his heart, even said: "brother he Feng, I can give you money, just hope you can forgive me this time."

"Yes? How much do you think your dog's life is worth? "

See Liu Peiyuan finally enlightened, he Feng this just show a smile, and then draw out a soft gold saint lit.

After giving aunt yuan all the money he earned these days, he really has no money. He must take this opportunity to knock some money out of Liu Peiyuan.

Otherwise, even if Yan Zheng gave him the Audi A6, he didn't even have the money to refuel.

Of course, the main reason is that he thinks that Liu Peiyuan, even if he teaches him a lesson or even kills him, will not do him any good.

"One... One million?" Liu Peiyuan asked tentatively.

"A million?"

He Feng eyebrows pick, even clip in the mouth of cigarettes, are shaking.

Liu Peiyuan saw he Feng's expression and thought he Feng was very dissatisfied with his offer.

At the moment, he quickly said: "three million! Brother he Feng, I'll give you three million. I used to spend all my money. Now there are only three million left. Please let me go this time. "

He Feng flicked the ash. Although he had no expression on his face, he laughed in his heart.

I didn't expect that a dog's life earned three million.

So he waved his hand with a generous face, "forget it, I'm not too difficult to speak. Three million is three million. However, I didn't extort the three million from you, did I? "

"Yes, I gave all the money to the He Feng brothers."

Liu Peiyuan is very witty, see he Feng agreed to come down, quickly took out the mobile phone to transfer money to him.

After a while, he Feng received a message, three million to hand.

"Damn, now Brother Feng is no longer so poor." He Feng looked at the text message, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother he Feng, the money has been transferred. Can I go now?" Liu Peiyuan asked uneasily.

"Well, get out of here! Don't show up in front of me in the future, or you won't talk as well as this time. "

"No, I will leave Jiangbin today, and I will never appear in front of the Hefeng brothers again."

Liu Peiyuan quickly left with Yan Zheng in his hand. He did not dare to stay for a moment.

He Feng, however, drove the Audi A6 to park under the envious and awed eyes of many security guards.

Liu Peiyuan and Yan Zheng walked out of a intersection, looked back, saw he Feng did not catch up, this just relieved to stop.

"Master, how can he Feng be so powerful? Even you are not his opponent? " Liu Peiyuan said rather reluctantly.

Yan Zheng laughed at himself and said, "it's true that I've been practicing martial arts for so many years, and I can't even win a young man in his twenties."

Now his heart is full of regret, originally also wanted to teach He Feng a lesson, so as to get the favor of Yin Jun.

But don't want to, he Feng strength far more than him, he not only was he Feng a move to solve, and finally also lost a 600000 car, let him feel very sad.

"Master, what should we do now?" Liu Peiyuan asked.

Although he is a first-line star, his film pay is not low, but because he is a newcomer and has not been on the market for a long time, most of his film pay has been taken by the company. In addition, he often spends money to go out to eat, drink, whore and gamble, so he has only a little more than 3 million in savings.

Now the three million have fallen into the pocket of He Feng, which makes him extremely resentful of He Feng.

"Hum, although he Feng is strong, President Yin is definitely better than him. You'll send the news to President Yin, and let president Yin solve him himself. " Yan Zheng snorted coldly.

"President Yin is better than him?"

Hearing the speech, Liu Peiyuan's eyes suddenly brightened, "OK, I'll go to President Yin personally and ask him to solve He Feng."


At the same time, Jiangbin Public Security Bureau, deputy director of the office.

Liu boyue, who doesn't smoke much, smokes more than half a box of cigarettes at one time. His brows are tightly wrinkled, and he is thinking about how to explain to song Yan. If he doesn't explain, he's really embarrassed to go out on a date with song Yan's mother Yan Xue. After all, he can't help song Yan this time.

Doodle doodle

At this time, his mobile phone on the desk suddenly vibrated.

Liu boyue looked at the caller ID and frowned more tightly.

Because the person who called was song Yan.

"Come on, let's be honest."

Liu boyue sighed, pressed the answer button, and said directly: "Xiaoyan, I'm really sorry. I didn't solve He Feng, but I can't convict him and let him be acquitted."

"Uncle Liu, I already know he Feng was acquitted. But I'm curious. Who helped him? " Song Yan asked in surprise.

"You've got the news?"

Liu Boyue was a little surprised, but it was normal to think about it. Song Yan was one of the four sons in the city. His parents had a lot of identities. There were one or two eyeliner in the Public Security Bureau.

So he continued: "I'm not sure who helped him. Because this man has a very big background, he is the leader of the Nanjin military region. "

"Nanjin military region leader?" Song Yan exclaimed, "isn't he Feng a loser? How did he get involved with the leaders of the South Jin military region?"

"I don't know. Liu Bureau didn't tell me which leader I was. Things seem very complicated." Liu boyue worried: "Xiaoyan, the identity of He Feng may not be as simple as our investigation, do you want to continue to deal with him?"

"Uncle Liu, he Feng robbed my woman and humiliated me in public. How ever did I suffer such humiliation? Nowadays, in the upper class of Jiangbin City, I don't know how many people are secretly laughing at me. If I don't give he Feng a profound lesson, how can I get along in the future? " Song Yan said angrily.

"I know all you said, and I will try my best to help you if I have the chance. However, you should be careful yourself. If you don't have absolute assurance, don't do it again, otherwise you will fall down again. "

Liu boyue reminded.

"I know, uncle Liu, I've come up with a way now, but I still need some time to arrange people. At that time, I need uncle Liu's help. "

Song Yan said with a smile: "by the way, uncle Liu, I have bought two movie tickets for dating master, and I have arranged for someone to send them to the Public Security Bureau. My mother's side, I also agreed with her, you go directly to China Merchants to meet her after work

"Are you all set?" Liu boyue's surprise.

He thought that song Yan would not let him date Yan Xue again.

"Of course, I'm waiting for you to give my mother happiness." Song Yan smile very evil strange, "uncle Liu, as far as I know, my mother's demand for men is very high, oh, you may meet her at night?"

Hearing this, Liu boyue, who was still normal, was slightly stunned and immediately began to laugh. "Don't worry, I will not let your mother down tonight."

"Ha ha, then I'll leave my mother to you."


Because there are a lot of employees in Yuncheng group, in addition to those who work overtime until early morning, some employees will arrive at the company at 5 or 6 am to work overtime, so the convenience stores of Yuncheng group are open 24 hours a day.

He Feng saw that the door of the convenience store was still open, so he went over and bought a breakfast. Anyway, he is not short of money now.

A piece of bread and a bottle of Morrison milk.

Although he is a powerful ancient warrior, he doesn't eat or drink every ten and a half days. Or if you eat all the meals for ten and a half days, you won't have any health problems.

Anyway, as long as the real Qi in the body is inexhaustible, he can turn it into energy, so that his stomach will not be hungry. Or turn the food into energy and be absorbed by Qi, so he can eat without supporting.

However, he Feng still prefers to eat three meals a day, making himself more like a flesh and blood man.

At this point in the morning, Wang Xiangyun must have not come to the company, he Feng went directly to the finance department.

I thought that there was no one in the finance department at this time, but I didn't want to see a beautiful picture busy sorting out some information soon after I walked out of the elevator.

"Well, Lulu, why did you come to work so early? Don't you come to work so early every day? "

It is Xia Menglu who is busy.

Today's Xia Menglu is still a professional suit, wrapping her plump and sexy body tightly, but it is more charming.

Especially with her pure and lovely face, it is estimated that as long as a normal man, he will have a strong interest in her.

"Brother Feng?"

Xia Menglu heard he Feng's voice, but also some doubts, "I'm going to see a debtor in our department later, so I have to come to the company earlier. Brother Feng, why did you come so early today? Is Mr. Wang going to work overtime ahead of time? "

Xia Menglu knows that he Feng and Wang Xiangyun live together, so she thinks he Feng and Wang Xiangyun are in the same company.

"Well... I didn't live with Wang Xiangyun last night. I spent a night outside. I didn't have anything to do this morning, so I came to the company ahead of time." He Feng touched his nose, casually looking for a reason, did not say that he spent the night in the police station last night, lest Xia Menglu worry.

"Spent the night out? Brother Feng, are you in conflict with Wang Dong, so Wang Dong won't let you go back to sleep? "

Xia Menglu frowned and said, "you should have called me last night, so you don't have to spend the night outside."

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