
He Feng stares at Xia Menglu and says, "Lulu, do you mean that if I called you last night, you are going to take me to your house for the night?"

"Ah? I, I didn't say that. " Xia Menglu blushed and knew she had said something wrong.

However, without waiting for He Feng to open her mouth, she bit her silver teeth and then said, "but even if you go to my house to spend the night, it doesn't matter. My brother always makes a shop in the living room when he goes to my house on weekends. Then you can sleep in the living room."

He Feng immediately disappointed way: "originally is to divide a bed to sleep, I thought it is to sleep a bed, so after that as long as Wang Xiangyun drives me out, I will go to your house directly."

Seeing that he Feng was disappointed, Xia Menglu thought he was angry. He said: "brother Feng, if you really want to sleep with me, I have no problem."

"Er..." He Feng didn't expect that Xia Menglu promised to be so straightforward, which made him a little embarrassed. He couldn't help touching his nose and said: "Lulu, I'm kidding you."

"Ah? So, brother Feng, you are teasing me! "

Xia Menglu's cheek was red, "but I'm serious."

If other women take the initiative, he Feng will eat her without hesitation.

But Xia Menglu

This woman is too simple. He can't do it all of a sudden. At least he Feng will do it when the woman really understands him and is willing to talk to him.

"Well, Lulu, don't you want to go out to work, so hurry up."

He Feng put the unopened milk in his hand on the next table, "although you already have a lot of material, it's OK to make up for it again. Well, work hard and pay more attention to your health. "

Finish saying, also don't wait for Xia Menglu to reply, turn round to walk toward own office.

Seeing he Feng leave, Xia Menglu pours her lips. Her lips look very attractive, which makes her want to kiss her.

Then she picked up the milk on the table and unscrewed it.

"Make it up. When the size becomes bigger, you will like it more."


After he Feng returns to the office, he first nibbles bread and reads the novel updated by Feng at night.

When the novel is finished, the bread is finished.

Then, he turned on the computer, but instead of playing games, he looked up all the information about Liu boyue.

"Well? This Liu boyue's foundation is so clean, and his wind rating is also very good? "

He Feng looked at it for a long time and was surprised.

But it's normal to think about it. If Liu boyue is not a good policeman on the surface, it's estimated that Chu Yue and Tang Wen will not willingly serve him.

He Feng didn't give up on the fact that he couldn't find Liu boyue's negative information. Instead, he directly used his hacker technology to find some deleted posts about Liu boyue.

It wasn't long

"Sure enough, Liu boyue really has black material. Extorting a confession by torture? Is everyone dead? "

The more he Feng looked back, the more angry he was, and his face turned black. "Such scum has become deputy director, and has been praised all the time. If he didn't use these means, he would not have made so much "credit", let alone become deputy director. "

He Feng had long expected that Liu boyue was a cancer of the police, but he did not expect that it was not only a cancer, but also a beast.

And those who post to report Liu boyue are cleared immediately after the post is sent out, and the person who posted the post is also arrested.

Such a tumor, he Feng is sure to remove it.

He sorted out all the information. As long as he sent the information to the police system, Liu boyue would be arrested for the first time.

But he Feng did not worry, he continued to investigate another matter.

Why should Liu boyue deal with him.

Soon, he found another piece of information.

"It's because of song Yan. This Liu boyue has gone after Song Yan's mother before. "

After figuring out these problems, he Feng can't help sneering, "fortunately, he Feng still has some ability, otherwise he Feng might have entered the funeral home now?"

For Liu boyue, he Feng certainly won't let it go, but he is not ready to send the information to the police system at the first time.

Because it is also a great credit to carry on Liu boyue. He is thinking about who should give this credit to?

Tang Wen?

Or Chu Yue?

Normally, he should have given it to Chu Yue directly. After all, Chu Yue tried to get him out today.

However, Chu Yue's official background is so strong, do you still need this credit?

"I'm too lazy to think about it. I'll ask those two beauties to have a meal. Whoever agrees to accompany brother Feng to have a meal will take the credit to whoever."

He Feng forked off the computer and copied all the evidence of Liu boyue's crime into his mobile phone. After that, he was ready to play the game.


The door of the office was pushed open before the game was opened.

There is only one person who dares to open his office door directly.

Wang Xiangyun!

"I heard from the security guard that you came back early in the morning and had a fight with people outside?"

Wang Xiangyun is wearing a white dress today, which makes her not only have temperament, but also highlight a youthful and beautiful atmosphere, which makes her look more charming.

However, at the moment, Wang Xiangyun, pretty but cold, is obviously quite unhappy.

"Ah? Yes, I warmed up outside. What's the matter? " He Feng asked suspiciously.

Wang Xiangyun said with a smile on his cheek, "it's nothing. I just thought you had committed a crime and couldn't get out in a short time."


He Feng mouth corner smoked to smoke, "if I can't come out, you are very happy?"

"That's necessary, so my family won't force me to get married again." Wang Xiangyun said with a smile.

"I'm sorry. You can't be widowed. Brother Feng, I'm doomed." He Feng returned.

"Is it?"

Wang Xiangyun noncommittal sneer, two hands around the chest, so that the chest appears more tall.

"Tell me, what happened yesterday and why did you get caught?"

Although Chu Yue said yesterday that he Feng only assisted in the investigation, although she didn't ask anything on the surface and believed Chu Yue, she was also a well-informed person. In addition, she once saw he Feng's cruel means, so she expected that he Feng might have done something serious.

"Yesterday? They asked me to help investigate a case and had some tea by the way He Feng's casual way.

"Then why do you stay in all night?"

"Because I talked too late yesterday, their leaders left me to sleep in it all night. You don't have to say, it's really nice to sleep in the police station. "

"If you don't pull me down, don't let me send you prison food in the future."

Seeing that he Feng had been fooling, Wang Xiangyun didn't bother to ask any more. He just reminded him, "now it's the second day. You have to hurry up. The foreign debt of the finance department can't be recovered at all. In that case, I'm afraid you'll be ready to pack up and leave. "

"It's only the next day. What's the urgency? Maybe some employees will receive foreign debts today."

He Feng said with indifference.

"I hope so!"

Wang Xiangyun shrugged, turned and walked out of He Feng's office.

Seeing Wang Xiangyun leave, he Feng shakes his head, "Alas, yesterday we all sent chicken wings, how can we still talk so hard? Is it hard to be... If you really want brother Feng, can I be a bully? "


All morning, he Feng was playing games.

When he got almost lunch time, he turned off the computer and went out of the office, ready to eat with Xia Menglu.

However, Xia Menglu's position is empty, no one at all.

He Feng just remembered that Xia Menglu had told him in the morning that she was going to go out to meet a debtor today. She estimated that she was still busy outside at the moment.

He was too lazy to wait and went to the company restaurant alone.

After cooking, I searched around and found a vacancy not far away.

On the opposite side of the vacant seat is a beautiful woman from the company.

Yuan Yashi!

"Sister yuan, why do you eat alone today? Isn't Vivian with you? "

He Feng walked quickly in the past, under the envious gaze of many employees, sat opposite yuan Yashi and asked with a smile.

"Why, Miss Wei Wei?" Yuan Yashi raised his head and asked.

"Of course, you and Wei Wei are beautiful women. I must think of you all the time. Especially sister yuan, I missed you so much last night that I couldn't sleep. "

While speaking, he Feng's eyes are staring at Yuan Yashi's sexy red lips.

Aware of He Feng's eyes, Yuan Yashi's pretty face suddenly flashed a touch of ruddy color, immediately staring at He Feng, said: "you stare at my mouth, don't look!"

"Ah? Why don't you watch it? "

He Feng some embarrassed way: "all said beautiful food, this restaurant food taste is general, then I can only stare at sister yuan you see, otherwise this meal is difficult to swallow."

"Pooh! Is that exaggeration? "

Yuan Yashi was amused by He Feng's words. He Feng was so angry that he was so charming.

"Sister yuan, you are so beautiful." He Feng sincerely praised.

Although yuan Yashi is two or three years older than him, his appearance is more charming and moving. Every move is full of mature breath, just like a ripe peach, which makes people want to take a bite.


Feeling the heat in He Feng's eyes, Yuan Yashi didn't dare to look him in the eye. She lowered her head slightly and said while eating: "the mouth is so sweet, why don't you make Wang Dong happy? Maybe as soon as Wang Dong is happy, he will let you go to her room to sleep

He Feng touched his nose, embarrassed.

Wang Xiangyun's mother-in-law is disgusted with him. If she said these sweet words, she would be even more disgusted with herself?

"Why, I bought Wang Dong chicken wings yesterday, and her attitude towards you hasn't improved at all?" Yuan Yashi asked.

"Sister yuan, why is Wang Xiangyun so hard to catch up with her He Feng depressed said.

"It's not that Wang Dong is hard to catch up with, but I think that Wang Dong's mind is not on emotion."

Yuan Yashi said with a smile: "during the day, Dong Wang is basically dealing with the company's affairs, and in the evening, she is busy doing experiments and research, let alone time. So, you really have a long way to go to pursue Wang Dong. "

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