"Unless... You wolves are eye droppings."

He Feng's words were quite direct, and at the same time, they made the whole audience silent. One by one, they opened their mouths wide and could not say a word.

It's not that I don't give face to the Wolf Gang, but... I don't take the Wolf Gang seriously at all.

At this moment, even Ning Caizhu couldn't persuade he Feng any more, but his heart beat faster.

Although she doesn't know about the underground world, even a fool can imagine that he Feng is bound to bear the most fierce anger of the Wolf Gang.

"Lord, give the order."

"Dare to humiliate our Wolf Gang like this, even if we have to go to jail, I will kill him."

"Even the Baiyun Gang dare not say such a thing. He is such a nobody. He dares to say so. Today he must pay the price."

Yuan Kun brought more than a dozen of his men, all of whom were looking at Yuan Kun and waiting for him to give orders.

"He Feng, originally we Wolf Gang didn't want to be enemies with you. But since you humiliate the Wolf Gang, then you'll wait to go to hell to repent. "

Yuan Kun was also angry by He Feng's words, and immediately waved, "fuck him!"

With his command, the dozen thugs rushed to He Feng.

And in their hands, there are steel pipes, iron bars, even machetes and other weapons, which look very frightening.

"Ah! He Feng, be careful... "

Ning Caizhu exclaimed.

"Don't be afraid. Just stay here. It's just rubbish. It can't hurt me He Feng pats Ning Caizhu on the shoulder, and then rushes to Yuan Kun.


A strong man who was the first to bear the brunt was kicked upside down by He Feng, and the two people behind him were also knocked over.


But at this time, a steel pipe suddenly close to He Feng's forehead, issued a rapid burst of wind, and was about to fall on his head.

But he Feng's back seems to have long eyes like, fierce toward the back of a punch, heavy hit in the other side's chest.



A punch, directly hit the other side's chest collapsed down, ribs do not know how many broken.

He Feng didn't look at this person and continued to move.

Bang Bang Bang

In less than a minute, all the thugs who rushed to him were knocked down and screamed one by one. The one who hurt the least was broken a bone.


The customers who were watching the crowd were suddenly dumbfounded.

At the beginning, seeing yuan Kun's order, they all thought he Feng would be easily cleaned up. After all, he Feng was a dozen thugs who were good at fighting, and all of them were holding sticks, which was not comparable to the previous waiters.

But I didn't expect that there was no difference in the final result.

The strength of this guy is too strong.

"Your men are all down now. Next, it's your turn, isn't it?"

He Feng's eyes fell on Yuan Kun's face.

At this time, Yuan Kun's heart was full of shock and panic.

He thought that he Feng's strength is very strong, but he didn't expect that he would be so strong, which is not what he can compete with at all.

He estimates, even if it is the leader of their Wolf Gang plus two deputy leaders, it is difficult to be the opponent of He Feng.


Yuan Kun secretly swallowed saliva, decided to make concessions first, "He Feng brothers, this... This is a misunderstanding."

"No, it's not a misunderstanding."

He Feng immediately corrected: "I was just humiliating you Wolf Gang. You also said that you wanted me to go to hell to repent. How could this be a misunderstanding? Let's do it quickly. If you don't do it again, I'll do it first. "

Yuan Kun's face suddenly became ugly. "He Feng, do you really want to be the enemy of our Wolf Gang?"

"I didn't say that I wanted to be the enemy of the Wolf Gang. I just said that I didn't pay attention to the Wolf Gang." He Feng impatient way: "well, since you don't want to take the initiative to hand, then don't blame me first."

Voice down, he Feng has come to Yuan Kun in front of a kick out.

"He Feng, you..."

Yuan Kun's face changed greatly, so he had to dodge.


But his speed is too slow, or he Feng's speed is too fast.

Yuan Kun just had the movement, he Feng's leg already fell on him.


Yuan Kun's body quickly flew out and fell on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Chest ribs, I don't know how many broken.

"Master, are you ok?"

Two gangsters who can barely stand up, hurry up to help yuan Kun up.

"He Feng, you... You dare to fight me." Yuan Kun glared at He Feng.

He Feng beat him in public, and he will surely become a laughing stock in the future.

"Are you an idiot?" He Feng rolled a white eye to say: "I didn't start, what I move is a foot clearly!"

"You... Poof Yuan Kun was so angry that he spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Well, do you want me to go to hell to repent?"

He Feng asked with a smile.

"He Feng, what do you want to do?"

Yuan Kun's face became pale, half injured, the other half angry.

"Didn't I make it very clear that the dog you keep should kneel at the door of the shop and get up tomorrow morning."

He Feng said: "I don't have time to spend with you. Since you don't let him kneel down, you can only break his leg and let him never want to stand again in his life."

Then he walked towards Huang Wenwu.

"Brother yuan, help me..."

Holding the door, Huang Wenwu, standing outside the door of the hotel, yelled, his face full of fear.

"Huang Wenwu, kneel outside!"

Yuan Kun gave the order directly.

"Brother yuan..."

"If you don't want to die, kneel down!" Yuan Kun roared.

He was really upset with Huang Wenwu. If it wasn't for this guy, he would not have lost his face.


Seeing that he Feng is about to come to him, and Yuan Kun is not ready to save himself, Huang Wenwu finally dares not stand any more and falls on his knees.

This kneeling, once again let the whole audience into silence.

And around the door of the shop, a lot of onlookers soon gathered.

"He Feng, are you satisfied now?"

Yuan Kun looked at He Feng and said that he was extremely angry, but he suppressed them.

"All right, barely satisfied."

He Feng grinned, "if you go to the door and kneel, I will be more satisfied."


"Don't get excited. I'm kidding you."

He Feng quickly laughed, and then seriously explained: "after all, a watchdog is enough, right?"

The corner of Yuan Kun's mouth took out two times, staring at He Feng, but he didn't have the courage to rush up.

"Zhuzhu, are you full? Let's go when we're full. I'm a little hairy when a dog stares at me. "

He Feng looked at Ning Caizhu and said.

Yuan Kun clenched his fist and took a deep breath.

Keep going!

"I'm full. Let's go first."

Ning Caizhu is afraid that Yuan Kun can't stand the stimulation of He Feng, so he quickly pulls him out of the hotel.

At this time, he Feng just let yuan Kun lose face, did not really hurt yuan Kun, things may have room for maneuver. But if you really hurt yuan Kun like those ordinary gangsters, it is estimated that the Wolf Gang will not let he Feng go anyway.

Seeing Ning Caizhu and he Feng leave the hotel, many customers in the hotel can't come back for a long time.

"What's the origin of the man named He Feng just now? I didn't even pay any attention to the Wolf Gang. "

"I don't know what happened, but I feel that since this man dares to challenge the Wolf Gang like this, either he is a fool with developed limbs and simple mind, or he is a strong supporter."

"Well, it's the master of Yuan Kun hall. He lost his face today."

"Let's go now. The fight between immortals will not hurt us mortals."

While talking, these customers quickly stood up and left, so that Yuan Kun would not vent his anger on them.

Naturally, Yuan Kun did not stop him.

There are so many customers here that we can't hide what happened in the hotel.

He will lose his face today.

"Master, what's next? Otherwise, I'll ask someone to follow that he Feng, and then ask the leader to send people down to solve that he Feng? "

Yuan Kun behind a hand said.

"There's no need to follow him. Seeing what he looked like just now, I'm sure I don't want to escape from Jiangbin city."

Yuan Kun narrowed his eyes and said, "as for the leader, I'll go to the leader in person and report this to him in detail. Let the leader make the final decision."

"Yes The man nodded respectfully.

"Today's injured brothers, you can drive them to the hospital for treatment."

With that, Yuan Kun walked towards the door of the hotel.

"Brother yuan, let me go to see the leader with you?"

Kneeling at the door of the hotel, Huang Wenwu will stand up when he sees yuan Kun coming out.


Who knows, Yuan Kun slapped him in the face directly, "Huang Wenwu, you kneel here for me obediently. Without my order, even if your knees are broken, you are not allowed to occupy them."

As the voice fell, Yuan Kun strode into the car and drove away.

Huang Wenwu, on the other hand, lowered his head and had a red palm print on his face.

In his eyes, there was a blaze of anger.

"He Feng? Hum, you made me suffer this great humiliation today. Even brother yuan doesn't pay attention to me any more. Let me have no face in Jiangbin city in the future. I will take revenge for it. "


After Ning Caizhu takes He Feng out of Tianxia Sichuan restaurant, he quickly drives his little Polo away for fear that Yuan Kun will catch up with others.

"He Feng, what happened to you just now? Why do you fight against the Wolf Gang with a little strength? "

Ning Caizhu scolded: "do you think your fists are hard, so the Wolf Gang can't help you?"

He Feng held the back of his head in both hands, shook his head and said: "correct you, my fist is not hard, but very hard."

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