"Do you still have to go? Do you know that no matter how hard your fist is, you can't bear the Revenge of the Wolf Gang? "

Ning Caizhu rolled his eyes and said seriously: "since you know that the Wolf Gang is one of the four major forces in the underground world of Jiangbin City, you should be very clear that they must be numerous and powerful. What's more, these gangsters probably have guns. What are you going to do with them then? "

"It's easy!" He Feng waved his fist, "my fists are enough to kill a hundred wolves."


Ning Caizhu really didn't know how to persuade he Feng, "forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about you."

She can see that people like he Feng, who have strong skills, are proud of themselves. They certainly won't pay attention to gangs.

Only when he really suffered a loss, will he take it seriously.

"Zhuzhu, according to your opinion, I should be in a big trouble today, right?" He Feng suddenly asked.

"Don't you talk nonsense?" Ning Caizhu didn't have a good mood and said, "why, are you enlightened? And you know you're in big trouble? "

"How do you think I got into this trouble?" He Feng just continued to ask.

"Of course, you are too impulsive..."


He Feng interrupted Ning Caizhu, "the most fundamental reason why I get into this trouble is that you treat me to this meal. If you hadn't invited me to dinner, do you think I would have gotten into this trouble? "

Ning Caizhu glanced at He Feng. "It's really nice of you. It's my fault that I invite you to dinner?"

"That's necessary. If it wasn't for this meal, I wouldn't have met so many unpleasant things. Anyway, you have to make it up to me. I can't get into big trouble for nothing. "


Ning Caizhu was a little speechless. He thought this guy was enlightened. He wanted to take advantage of himself. "Well, how can I make it up? Let's make it clear that we can't go too far, or we won't talk about it. "

"What do you think is excessive?" He Feng tentatively asked: "if I take you to open a room, is it too much?"


He Feng just finished, Ning Caizhu steering wheel a instability, the wheel on the ground issued a violent friction sound.

"My God, what are you doing? Don't get excited, OK? I'm just joking! "

He Feng quickly stabilize the body, this woman's reaction is too excited, right?

Fortunately, the speed just now was not fast, and this side was relatively biased. There was no car on the road. Ning Caizhu stepped on the brake in time, and there was no collision just now.

"He Feng, now that you are married, don't make such a joke with me any more."

Rather pick bamboo to see to He Feng, complexion says.

"Well, since we can't open a house, can we kiss each other?" He Feng continued.

"He Feng! I'm serious with you. I'm not joking. Don't you understand me? "

Although Ning Caizhu is angry on the surface, she has a trace of shyness in her heart.

"It's not good to open a house, but it's not good to kiss. How do you want to compensate me? Why don't you just treat me to something to eat or a movie? " He Feng quite some unhappy said.

Hearing the speech, Ning Caizhu pondered, and then said seriously: "in fact, it's good to eat popcorn while eating movies."


He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

This girl really wants to invite herself to the cinema?

"It's OK to go to the cinema, but we have to go to your house." He Feng thought about it.

"What movie are you going to see at my house?" Ning Caizhu asked.

"See teacher Cang's love art film..." He Feng doesn't intend to hide it.

"Teacher Cang?"

Ning Caizhu didn't react. He thought he was a big star.

But when you think about it, there seems to be something wrong.

Mr. Cang, isn't that the world-famous one?

"He Feng, if you don't want to see a movie, just get out of the car and go to see it myself." Ning Caizhu red face, staring at He Feng said.

This smelly rascal really dares to say anything. Is he not afraid of his disgust?

"No, I don't think so."

He Feng has no choice but to promise to go to the cinema. Maybe he can find some opportunities in the atmosphere full of lovers.

Ning Caizhu is such a beautiful and sexy girl, and today she is so exposed and charming. He Feng can't help but want to have a bite.

Especially in that part of the body, I want to bury my whole head.

"Please don't blame me for what happened today after watching the movie." Ning Caizhu blinked her beautiful eyes, looking cute.

"It's time to see if there are any other benefits." He Feng grinned.

"Of course, popcorn, coke, these are benefits."

Ning Caizhu said with a smile. Then he took out his mobile phone and began to navigate.

After looking for the nearest cinema, Ning Caizhu first bought two movie tickets, and then drove directly to the cinema.

Before long, two people came to the cinema.

"Zhuzhu, why did you find such a partial cinema? When we finish watching the movie, there will be no one outside, right

After getting out of the car, he Feng glanced around his eyes and said with a smile, "do you want to do something bad to me in such a deserted place after watching the movie?"

"Bah! I'm not interested in you. "

Ning Caizhu rolled his eyes, but he was also a little regretful. This place is really too partial. It seems to be a place under development. The cinema has just opened. Although there are many residential areas around, most of the buildings have not even been handed in. There are no residents.

"You're not interested in brother Feng, but brother Feng is very interested in you." He Feng glanced at the beautiful scenery in front of Ning Caizhu's chest, and then followed her into the cinema.

After entering the movie, he Feng went to the front desk to buy Coke and popcorn.

"Beauty, give me two cokes and a popcorn." He Feng said.

The waitress looked at He Feng and Ning Caizhu strangely and said with a smile: "handsome guy, I'm sorry, we only sell set meal now. The set meal is a coke and a big bucket of popcorn. If you think one set meal is missing, you can buy two. "

"Then buy two..." Ning Caizhu said.

"We've just finished our meal. How can we finish two? Money can't be wasted like that. " He Feng said directly to the waiter, "then give us a set meal."

Ning Caizhu opened his mouth and wanted to argue, but seeing that the waiter had turned to pack popcorn, he stopped talking.

Just looking at He Feng's eyes, there is a little resentment.

After buying popcorn and coke, they sat down and had a rest for a while, then they began to check in.

Although the cinema is relatively biased, because the film has just been released, and it is also a popular love film starring little fresh meat, there are not many people coming to see the film, and the whole theater is almost full.

It's late to buy tickets, so I'm sitting at the back.

He Feng was speechless when he learned that the movie he dialed was a love movie starring Xiao Xianrou.

"Zhuzhu, why do you invite me to see a love movie? Do you want to tell me something? "

He Feng is not interested in watching movies on the big screen. It's better to stare at Ning Caizhu to watch this kind of movies. "If there's anything you want to say to me, just say it directly. Anyway, we are all so familiar."

"I have something to say to you..." Ning Caizhu nodded.

He Feng quickly sat up straight body, this Ni son should not be now touched by the scene, decided to own confession?

Ning Caizhu said tenderly: "when watching a movie, can you stop talking to me and let me watch a movie quietly?"


He Feng has a phrase in his heart that he doesn't know whether to say it or not.

"Zhuzhu, there's no future in watching love movies, only when you fall in love..."

"If you talk again, I won't look at it. I'll go back directly. Don't say I didn't make it up to you then."


He Feng is very speechless, "OK, OK, then you go to the movies. You watch movies, I watch you. Is that ok? "

"If you like, just look. Can I control your eyes?"

Although the mouth said so, Ning Caizhu's pretty face was flushed.

This rascal is obviously married, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself.

But it's OK. The movie lasts a long time. Can he Feng still stare at himself from beginning to end?

Sure enough, he Feng did not look for a while, on his own to play from the mobile phone.

After playing for a while, I just fell asleep.

"Well, you said you didn't have much patience to look at me."

Ning Caizhu looks at He Feng who has fallen asleep. His eyes are full of resentment and complicated.

"Why did Wei Wei say that Wang Xiangyun hated He Feng last time? Aren't they already married? "

Although I was curious, Ning Caizhu didn't think much about it.

Pick up the coke and popcorn, eat and drink, and watch the movie.

Next to him is a man who doesn't like romantic movies

This kind of timid life, let Ning bamboo quite enjoy.


At the same time.

Jiangshan KTV, which is the largest KTV in Jiangbin City, has a total height of 10 stories. The decoration outside and inside is quite luxurious.

Of course, the KTV's charging standard is also very high. Even if you don't order anything and just sing, you'll have to pay more than 500 yuan a night, and you'll have to pay more than 500 yuan at the weekend.

What ordinary people don't know is that Jiangshan KTV is not only the largest KTV in Jiangbin City, but also the headquarters of Wolf Gang, one of the four underground forces in Jiangbin city.

At this time, on the top floor of KTV, in a spacious fitness room, three men are competing on a fighting platform.

It seems that two of them are working together against the other.

Although it was two against one, the two men were beaten by another in the current situation.


Finally, the battle lasted more than a minute, and one of them was caught and kicked to the ground.

And the other one, too, was quickly knocked down.

"Brother, your melee strength has become more and more powerful."

It's the young man who was beaten down at the beginning. His name is Cheng Gong. He has white hair and a long scar on his face. The scar extends to his throat. It looks very scary.

"Yes, and big brother hasn't used his inner strength yet. If we use internal force, we can't even hold on to ten moves. "

The middle-aged man who was knocked down behind said.

His name is Zhang Xingguo. He is over two meters tall and extremely strong. He used to be in the army and was expelled for fighting. After leaving the army, he began to work on the road. Until now, he has become a bit famous.

Cheng Gong and Zhang Xingguo are both vice leaders of the Wolf Gang.

The only one they can call "big brother" is Lin Ye, the leader of the Wolf Gang.

"Ha ha, because I spend almost all my time practicing, I can practice my inner strength one step earlier than you. You two, it's estimated that it's the matter of these two or three years to train your inner strength. "

Lin Ye said with a smile.

When he laughs, it gives people a feeling of spring breeze, even with a trace of feminine. Even if he is bared at the moment, it is hard to imagine that he is a gangster.

Besides, he's a gangster boss.

"Brother, it's not so easy for me and Xiao Cheng to develop their inner strength."

Zhang Xingguo waved his hand and said, "now, my thoughts and those of Xiao Cheng are to assist big brother and unify the underground forces of Jiangbin city."

"Yes, I wanted to wait a few more years. After training my inner strength, I could easily kill the Baiyun Gang, the poisonous scorpion gang and the shadow cast. But since the Baiyun Gang provoked us and killed all the black wolves, we had to kill them ahead of time."

Cheng Gong also said, then looked at Lin and said with a smile, "brother, when can we go to the headquarters of Baiyun Gang directly? Take down the three brothers from Tianhai and the Baiyun Gang? "

Lin Ye gives a bitter smile. "Xiao Cheng, you are in such a hurry to get rid of them. Is it because Yue Xiu is your brother-in-law?"

Cheng Gong is very familiar with Lin Ye, and he doesn't have a taboo. He says directly, "there are some reasons for this. You don't know, elder brother. My daughter-in-law and my mother-in-law are deafening me these two days. Let me take someone to avenge her brother."

"Ha ha, no wonder I didn't stay at home with my daughter-in-law in the middle of the night and came to me for abuse."

Lin Ye smiles and then says, "have you found any evidence that Baiyun Gang killed black wolf, Kang Biao and Yue Xiu?"

"There's no need for evidence at all. Now people in Jiangbin city know that all three of them were killed by people from litianhai." Cheng gongdao.

"Yes? Before that, how did I hear that the black wolf was killed by a man named Feng Lin Ye thinks about it.

"That man's name is He Feng!"

Zhang Xingguo said: "today, boss, you still let people go to solicit this He Feng. You want to stabilize him first, and then touch his bottom after solving the Baiyun gang."

"Oh, yes, I remember." Lin Ye nodded and then asked, "by the way, has this matter come to an end? Did he Feng agree to our solicitation? "

"No promise!" Zhang Xingguo said: "not only did he not agree to our solicitation, but also to Baiyun Gang's solicitation. Moreover, the conditions offered by Baiyun gang are much richer than ours. "

"What conditions?" Lin Ye asks with interest.

"A deputy leader, a foreigner's annual salary of ten million."

"Well? So rich condition, that he Feng unexpectedly did not agree? "

"Yes, curious? I'm curious, too. "

Zhang Xingguo said with a smile: "He Feng, it seems that he is not an ordinary person."

"What if he's not an ordinary person? Since he refused the invitation of the Wolf Gang, it means that he doesn't want to be friends with us. If you don't want to be friends with us, that's the enemy. " Cheng Gong said coldly: "since he is the enemy, let's find a chance to kill him."

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