"You can't do that. You can do your own business first. Besides, now that I've said it, I'm sure I won't wait for you any longer. By the way, let me guess. In the middle of the night, you are still busy outside. Are you with some woman? "

Yuan Yashi guessed.

"Well... Sister yuan, although she is with a woman, I can assure you that nothing will happen between me and her this evening. It's just that she is in a serious condition and needs me to accompany her. But I'm afraid it's not convenient to tell you the specific situation. "

He Feng also does not conceal, hehe laughs.

"Well, then don't tell me. But... In your opinion, you will stay out tonight? Don't send Wang Dong back? " Yuan Yashi asked.

"Yes, that's what I want to tell you. Can you help me take her home in the evening? Or you can just stay at her house tonight and go back tomorrow morning. " He Feng said.

"Well! I suddenly have a little doubt about what you said. All night, between you and that beautiful woman, really nothing will happen? "

"Sister yuan, I..."

"Well, don't explain. Sister yuan, I'm not unreasonable. Even if something happens, I won't be angry with you." Yuan Yashi covered her mouth and said with a smile, "giggle, I'll go out to buy supper first. I'll talk tomorrow."


Hang up the phone, he Feng put away the mobile phone, looked at the eye lying on the bed of her son.

"Lulu, Lulu, for you tonight, brother Feng missed two women. Especially sister yuan... "

At the thought of Yuan Yashi, he Feng's heart itches.

At this time, there was a sound of footstep outside the door.

Before long, a waitress came to the door, "Hello, sir, I'm here to deliver your clothes."

He Feng went over and found that the waitress was holding a set of male pajamas as well as a set of female pajamas.

Of course, in addition to pajamas, there are two sets of women's fashion clothing.

"Just buy these sets for the moment. If you are not satisfied, you can call us at any time." The waitress's attitude was very respectful: "in addition, from now on, until you leave, no one will come up the stairs again, unless it's your order, sir."

Just now yuan Diao told her to treat He Feng well. No matter what he Feng told her, she should obey.

Even if he Feng wants to sleep with her, he Feng has to serve her comfortably.

This makes her feel uneasy, because she doesn't know what kind of person he Feng is. What if he Feng is a pervert?

Moreover, Yuan Diao did not promise her any benefits.

"Well, you go down first. I'll call you when there's something else."

He Feng took the clothes and said.

"OK, goodbye!"

The waitress was relieved and quickly turned away.

He Feng put his clothes on the sofa next to him, and then took a deep breath. He took Xia Menglu's pajamas and put them on to the woman, so as not to catch a cold at night.

The process of dressing is a torment for He Feng, who almost makes him eat the woman.

Then, he rushed to the bathroom and took a cold shower, which was a little more comfortable.

After taking a bath, he Feng didn't go to bed either. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and opened his mailbox. As expected, he saw the video sent by Ning Caizhu.

"Anyway, there's nothing to do now. If you're idle, you can send Liu boyue's video to the Internet. Just right, now this point is more appropriate. After watching such a beautiful video, you can do something that you should do. "

He Feng mouth with a bad smile, and then turned on the hotel computer, the video to the computer.

"How can this video be transmitted to the Internet?"

He Feng thought for a moment, and soon snorted coldly, "last time Xu Fei posted on Weibo that I was taken care of by Weiwei and Wang Xiangyun, there were many big V's forwarding. Since they like to join in the fun so much, let's make their microblog number hot this time. "

He Feng opened his microblog to find those big V's, quickly captured them, and then spread the video to them.

After sending the video, he Feng didn't turn off the computer immediately, but set up some things to make the video can't be deleted easily.

After that, he turned off the computer and the light, sat on the sofa with his knees crossed, practicing

Although he didn't care about it, almost five minutes later, a super big news event swept the whole network and almost caused a sensation in the whole society.

Some Internet bar!

"I grass, you quickly open the micro blog to see if my micro blog has been hacked, and even a small movie has appeared."

"Little movie? It's really true, and the heroine is quite beautiful. She's also of first-class stature. She looks old, but her charm is still there. It's so charming. "

"Brothers, it's a fart game. Let's go to Weibo and watch a little movie together."

In this person's cry, the whole Internet cafe people have opened the microblog, watching the wonderful love art.

Not only this one, but almost all the Internet cafes.

No one plays games anymore. They're all watching little movies.

Moreover, because today is Friday, school holiday, every Internet cafe is almost full, this short less than an hour, this video almost spread throughout the network.

Zhao Enlai's home in Jiangbin city.

He just fell asleep with his wife, and soon the mobile phone on the bedside table suddenly vibrated.

Although there was no bell, Zhao Enlai opened his eyes for the first time.

"There won't be another case, will there?"

Zhao Enlai's wife was like a kitten lying on his body, "you are exhausted on me today. If it's not a big case, you can leave it to the people below to deal with it. You can have a good rest."

"Yes, I'll let Liu boyue deal with the small case. Because he caught He Feng, his prestige has been affected. Now is the time to do more."

Zhao Enlai answered the phone, "Xiao Liu, what's the matter?"

Xiao Liu is his secretary.

"Chief, something's wrong." Said Xiao Liu.

"Big deal? What's the big deal? " Zhao Enlai frowned. At ordinary times, even if there was a homicide, Xiao Liu would not say it was a big event.

"It's Liu Bureau. There's something wrong with Liu Bureau."

Liu quickly said: "you now open the microblog, watch a small video, you will know what happened. Now, this video has gone crazy all over the Internet. "

"Video? Well, I'll see it now. "

When he hung up, Zhao Enlai got up, picked up his tablet, opened his microblog and turned to the hot search list.

The number one microblog has only one line: "it's not called love, it's called art."

"Isn't it art? What's the big deal? "

Zhao Enlai was still dissatisfied, but he still opened the link.


Just a little open, inside spread a burst of women's Jiao Yin.

"Lao Zhao, are you too energetic? We've just finished one, and soon you've seen this kind of movie again. Do you want to come again?"

On the bed, Zhao Enlai's wife heard the sound coming from the tablet, and immediately sat up. Her eyes were about to shine. She wanted to jump up and eat Zhao Enlai now.

However, after seeing the video, Zhao Enlai didn't feel at leisure. Her face was extremely heavy, and her eyebrows were twisted into the word "Chuan".

"Lao Zhao, what's the matter?" The wife sees something wrong and asks anxiously.

The video is very short. It's over in half a minute.

Zhao Enlai pulled down again and soon saw a paragraph of text.

"It's just a small video. Just look at it. Don't burn yourself up. I'll feel guilty. After all... What if you don't have toilet paper around you? Oh, by the way, let me give a brief introduction to the male and female protagonists in the video. Male: Liu boyue, deputy director of Jiangbin Public Security Bureau. Female: Director of Jiangbin Investment Promotion Bureau, Yan Xue. As for more detailed information, you can check it yourself if you are interested. "

After reading this text, Zhao Enlai's face turned white.

"Lao Zhao, you are talking." The next wife urged.

Zhao en came to see his wife and said, "something's wrong. It's a big deal."

"Isn't that exaggeration? Is it going to collapse? " His wife obviously didn't want Zhao Enlai to leave. "Otherwise, let Liu boyue deal with it. He's a deputy director at least. No matter how big the matter is, he can deal with it."

"Ha ha, this day is falling on his head."

Zhao Enlai sneered, "I didn't expect that he was so brave that he even dared to do such a terrible thing. Hum

With a snort, Zhao Enlai quickly calls back Xiao Liu.


"Xiao Liu, please contact Chu Yue and ask her to delete the video."

"Chu Yue just called me and said that the video couldn't be deleted. It seems that he is a very powerful hacker

"Hackers?" Zhao Enlai glared and continued: "Xiao Liu, now you must use the fastest speed to get to Liu boyue's home, and control Liu boyue for the time being. I'll go there right away."



"Xueer, do you think he Feng will send the video to the Internet?"

At Liu boyue's home, Yan Xue lies in his arms.

After he Feng left, the two men fought hard for a long time. Up to now, although they are sweating, they have no strength to get up.

Liu boyue has no background at all, so he is very afraid of the threat of He Feng.

Once the video goes online, his life is over.

Because he is very clear that when the video is sent to the Internet, it will definitely conduct a comprehensive investigation on him.

Liu boyue is very clear to himself that he has committed more than one crime, and he does not know how many times he will be shot.

"Boyue, you can rest assured. I've made it clear to him before. If he dares to spread the video online, he will wait for the Revenge of song Shiqun."

Yan Xue said with disdain.

In her eyes, he Feng is just a loser. She doesn't care about this kind of person at all.

"Well, that's good!"

Liu boyue was relieved. A stone in his heart was gradually put down.

Doodle doodle

At this time, Liu boyue's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Look at the caller ID, it's my assistant.

Liu boyue frowned and raised the stone he had just dropped in his heart.

"Bo Yue, don't be nervous. You'll be fine." Yan Xue said with relief.

Liu boyue nodded and pressed the answer button.

"Liu Bureau, there's something wrong. There's just a video on the Internet. Do you, do you know?" The assistant asked uneasily.


Assistant's words, like a burst of thunder, roared in Liu boyue's mind.

At this moment, he felt that the whole world was cracking, his body was shaking, and his face turned pale.

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