"Liu Ju, do you hear me?" The assistant continued.

But Liu boyue was a fool, the whole person was a fool.

"Boyue, no, are you ok?"

Yan Xue vaguely heard the word "video" on the phone, and then looked at Liu boyue's eyes. She was also worried.

However, she obviously still does not believe that he Feng really dares to upload the video to the Internet.

Liu boyue still ignored Yan Xue, as if he had lost his soul.

"Boyue, did you hear what I said?" Yan Xue pulled Liu boyue hard.

Liu boyue just regained his mind. Although he was flustered, he still thought about the countermeasures immediately and ignored Yan Xue. Instead, he said to his assistant, "Xiao Zhou, please contact the network police and ask them to delete the video."

When the assistant heard Liu boyue's answer, he didn't know that the video was real.

The vice Bureau of my family actually got involved with Yan Bureau of China Merchants.

God, is Liu Bureau too bold?

Even if you want to make women, you can't make all women, can you?

Yan Xue is not only the director of China Merchants, she is also the woman of song Shiqun, the richest man in Jiangbin city.

Is it killing me?

"Liu Bureau, this video is not so simple. Just after I got the news and before contacting you, I already contacted the internet police and asked them to delete the video. But they replied to me that they had tried to delete the video because they had considered the negative impact of the incident, but the video could not be deleted because they didn't know what was going on. Now, this video is spreading wildly and has spread to the whole network. "

The assistant said anxiously.

Bang Dang!


When Liu boyue heard this, he felt cold.

He knew that he must be finished this time!

Yan Xue on one side, after seeing Liu boyue's reaction, also understands that the matter has been exposed.

Her face, the same white a trace, the heart gradually breed a trace of panic.

Then, the panic spread quickly, making her body tremble. On her charming face, there was a strong fear.

She is the wife of song Shiqun. She knows song Shiqun very well. She is very clear, once let song Shiqun know this matter, her fate will be very miserable.

Doodle doodle

At this time, Yan Xue's mobile phone also vibrated.

Hearing the ring of the mobile phone, Yan Xue didn't even dare to see the mobile phone, and her body trembled more violently.

Because she was afraid and thought the call was from Song Shiqun, she didn't dare to hear song Shiqun's voice at this time.

Both of them let the bell ring.

A moment later, Liu boyue gradually recovered from the panic. After all, he has been a criminal policeman for more than 20 years, and his psychology is still relatively strong.

He picked up Yan Xue's mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. if it was song Shiqun, he would hang up directly.

"It's Xiaoyan." Liu boyue said with his mobile phone.


Yan Xue's face is more painful, "Xiaoyan called at this time, it must be scolding me. I... I don't know how to face Xiaoyan. "

"No! Xiaoyan is definitely not scolding you! "

Liu boyue shook his head and pressed the answer button directly. "Xiaoyan, do you know all about the online video?"

"Uncle Liu, what's the matter with this video? How can you be photographed about you and my mother? Besides, this video should be taken in front of you. How can you let this person take the video away? " Song Yan asks anxiously.

"He Feng! He Feng made it Liu boyue gritted his teeth and said: "last night, he may have found me with Xueer, so he followed me to my home, so he took the photo. You know, he Feng's skill is very strong, I can't stop him at all. "

"He Feng? It's him again

Smell speech, song Yan is also kill idea burst out, "however, now we have to consider the matter, not how to deal with He Feng's matter, this matter to me to deal with it.". Uncle Liu, I ask you, "are you and my mother still in your house?"

"Well, yes." Liu boyue nodded.

"Well, then you should be ready. I'm on my way now. Later, I'll take you and my mother out of Jiangbin city. Otherwise, when the police or my father take action, you and my mother may not be able to leave. "

"OK, let's go out at once and meet at the gate of the community later."

Liu boyue finished, directly hung up the phone, facing the fruit exposed body Yan Xue said: "Xueer, quickly put on your clothes, Xiaoyan immediately sent someone to come, meet us at the gate of the community, and then arranged for us to leave Jiangbin city."

Yan Xue is frowning at this time, seems to be thinking about something.

A moment later, she looked up at Liu boyue and said, "boyue, how can Xiaoyan know so clearly about our affairs? Is... All this arranged by Xiaoyan? "

At this time, Liu boyue was too lazy to hide. He nodded and said, "Well! Xiaoyan sees that you work like a madman all day long, like a walking corpse. Song Shiqun has no feelings for you. He is very sad, so he deliberately arranges us together. Xueer, don't blame Xiaoyan. He's doing it for you, too. "

"This, this is unexpectedly all small inflammation one hand arranges."

Yan Xue was shocked.

But soon, she was relieved. Instead, she showed a relieved smile on her face. "Originally, our affair was exposed. What I was most worried about was that it would hurt Xiaoyan, make him sad and despise me as a mother. In that case, I can rest assured. As for song Shiqun... Ha ha, that man only has business and money in his heart, and there is no family at all. Even if I leave him, I won't have any guilt. "

"Cher, if you think so, I'll be at ease." Liu boyue had a smile on his face. "Don't worry, I will accompany you in the days to come. I won't let you alone again."

"Good! Let's clean it up quickly, so that nothing will happen again. "

Two people quickly put on clothes, Liu boyue also picked up some bank cards and other properties, and the mobile phone in the waist, this just left with Yan Xue.

Liu boyue didn't even drive the car because he was afraid that the target would be too big. They walked away directly.

Come outside, two people are careful, only go dark place, even the light is too bright place dare not go.

Soon, two people came to the gate of the community.

"Hoo! Fortunately, song Shiqun is still abroad, and his reaction is not so fast. Otherwise, we may not be able to leave today. " Standing in the dark, Yan Xue breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Xueer, song Shiqun is in Jiangbin city. What other powerful force is there?" Liu boyue was surprised.

He only knows that song Shiqun has a strong ability to make money, but he is not very clear about other aspects of song Shiqun.

"Powerful forces? Ha ha, you don't know song Shiqun very well. "

Yan Xue smiles and shakes her head. "I can't tell you his power all of a sudden, but you just need to know that song Shiqun has a lot of people besides being rich, not weaker than the four gangs in Jiangbin city. So I will warn he Feng before, no matter how strong he is, as long as he reaches the bottom line of song Shiqun, there will be only one dead end waiting for him. "

Hearing this, Liu boyue's eyes narrowed and his heart was extremely scared.

Fortunately, song Yan arranged for his own way back, otherwise his end, I'm afraid it will be more miserable than he Feng, right?

"Boyue, he Feng, you don't have to worry about revenge. When song Shiqun can't find us, he will surely vent his anger on He Feng. Even, not only he Feng, as long as he Feng is related to people, song Shiqun will not let go

Yan Xue's cold way.


Liu boyue couldn't help taking a breath.

He suddenly some lucky, fortunately Yan Xue with song Shiqun, he did not continue to pursue Yan Xue.

Otherwise, now their own grave grass, almost as high as their own, right?

"Boyue, look at those people who are coming towards us. Are they from Xiaoyan?"

At this time, Yan Xue suddenly pointed to a few people not far ahead and said.

Liu boyue looks in the direction Yan Xue points to. As expected, he sees five men in plain clothes coming towards him.

At one glance, Liu boyue's pupils shrank.

"No! These people are all policemen! "

Liu boyue's heart sank, "Zhao Enlai's speed, how can it be so fast? Does he want to let me go? "

"Zhao Enlai?"

Yan Xue frowned, "I remember that he seemed to have had dinner with song Shiqun several times before. He seemed to know something about song Shiqun. In order to prevent song Shiqun from implicating his anger in him, he may leave us behind, otherwise he can't explain to song Shiqun. "

Hearing this, Liu boyue's face became more ugly and his heart became a little nervous.

At this time, Zhao Enlai's secretary, with four policemen, came to Liu boyue.

"Liu Bureau, Yan Bureau and Zhao Bureau want you to go back to the police station first. Please follow us." Secretary Liu Yi said with a smile.

Liu boyue looks at Liu Yi and looks at the four policemen behind him.

Immediately found that the four police, hands are actually on the waist, eyes staring at him.

Obviously, everything is ready for the worst.

"Xiao Liu, let's leave. I'll remember you today. In the future, I will make full use of my network to help you, so that you can sit in my present position in five years. "

Liu boyue is straight to the point.

And Yan Xue, also follow the opening, "several police officers, as long as you turn around and go now, as if you didn't see us. Then immediately, each of you will have a million more cards. "

When Liu Yi heard Liu boyue and Yan Xue's words, his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

But soon, he thought of Zhao Enlai's advice, and knew that this matter was quite serious. If he really got involved in this matter, he might not know how he died in the end.

Besides, I am not alone in this mission. If the other four people do not cooperate, the trouble will be even greater.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Liu Bureau. I'm just acting according to orders. I dare not disobey the orders of Zhao Bureau. Please follow us... "

Poof! Puff

Before Liu Yi finished his words, his back suddenly hurt and his pupils suddenly glared.

He looked down at his chest and saw a dagger stained with blood coming out of his chest.

Take a look at the next few companions, the results are the same as him.


The bodies of Liu Yi and others were pushed to the ground.

Behind the five men stood a man in black, with daggers in his hands and a cold face.

"You are..."

Seeing this scene, Liu boyue's face changed greatly, and he subconsciously wanted to take out his gun, because he thought these were all people sent by song Shiqun.

"Uncle Liu, don't be afraid. They are all my people."

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind, and song Yan came quickly.

Next to song Yan, there are two women.

One is Zhang Ziyan, the other is Zhang Ziyan's bodyguard, a man named "Chunchun" in a light blue dress.

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