Seeing song Yan, Liu boyue and Yan Xuecai let go, and the fear on their faces subsided.

"Uncle Liu, mom, you can leave now and go abroad directly. Ziyan and I have already arranged everything. We can live the happy life you want to live in the future. As for the rest, I'll take care of everything. "

Then song Yan looked at Liu boyue again, "uncle Liu, this is my mother, the only one who loves me in the world. If you let me know that you are not good to my mother and fail my mother, you will be the end of the world..."

Liu boyue directly interrupted song Yan, "Xiaoyan, if I really failed Xueer, you will kill me."

Yan Xue frowned and said, "what do you do with such words now. Xiaoyan, don't worry, uncle Liu will take good care of me. It's just that you... I'm a little worried about you staying in China alone. "

"Mom, don't worry about me. Even if I can't take care of myself, Ziyan will take care of me." Song Yan said with a smile.

Yan Xue can't help looking at Zhang Ziyan, "Ziyan, although we don't have much contact, I know you very well. Xiaoyan can catch up with you. That's his blessing. I hope you can get along well in the future. I'll come back to see you when I have a chance. "

"Auntie, don't worry, I will take care of brother Yan." Zhang Ziyan said with a smile.

"Cher, let's go first." Liu boyue said.


Immediately, Liu boyue and Yan Xue got into a car and were escorted away by two bodyguards.

"Ziyan, let's go, too."

Song Yan and Zhang Ziyan get on the bus.

As soon as he got on the bus, song Yan's phone rang.

"It's my dad!" Song Yan see caller ID, look become a little nervous.

"Brother Yan, don't be nervous. Your father probably just knew about it, but he certainly didn't know the specific process of it." Zhang Ziyan comforted.

Song Yan nodded and pressed the answer button.

"Xiaoyan, do you know about your mother and Liu boyue?" There was a middle-aged man's voice on the phone.

Although the voice is very calm, song Yan can still feel a suppressed anger.

Even, the intention to kill.

"Dad, I've got the news, but I didn't believe it before. Dad, you said, "Mom and Liu do that kind of thing?" Song Yan pretended not to know, and his tone was full of pain, as if he didn't want to believe it was true.

"Don't be sad. If you do it, you will do it. Since Yan Xue dares to do this kind of thing behind my back, she won't be my song Shiqun's wife from now on. Similarly, from now on, she is no longer your mother. Do you hear that? " Song Shiqun's tone is cold.


"Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

Song Shiqun directly interrupted song Yan's words, the tone is beyond doubt.

"Yes! I know! "

Although song Yan nodded, his eyes were full of hatred.

At the same time, there is a trace of happiness.

"Very good!"

Song Shiqun said with satisfaction: "the course of the matter is not very clear. Can you tell me now how the two of them suddenly got on well? They haven't been in touch with each other for more than 20 years. "

"I... I don't know!" Song Yan's uneasy way.

"I don't know?"

Song Shiqun was silent for a moment, and then asked, "did you find out who released this video?"

Song Yan opened his mouth to say he Feng.

"If you tell song Shiqun that the person who sent the video is He Feng, he will definitely send someone to deal with him Feng. However, he Feng is also the person I want to deal with. I can't get rid of him with the help of song Shiqun. Although he is powerful in Song Shiqun, it's not that I can't do what I want without him. "

After this thought came out of his mind, song Yan said calmly: "I've inquired about it, but now there is no result. I will continue to follow up on this matter. "

"Well, if you have the latest news, please let me know." Song Shiqun Dao.

"Dad, when will you return home?"

"Back home?"

Song Shiqun was stunned, and said indifferently: "it's not urgent to go back to China. Now I have a big list. It's almost the end. I'll go back later. As for family affairs, I will arrange for the following people to deal with them. "

Hearing the speech, song Yan was stunned.

His wife had an affair with others, and it was spread out. Did song Shiqun not care?

How much you don't care about your family?

"Oh, by the way, let me tell you something."

Song Shiqun suddenly laughed and said, "from tomorrow on, you will have a stepmother, and she and I will become husband and wife in the legal sense. Do you mind?"

"Stepmother? What do you mean Song Yan didn't respond.

"Don't you understand? It means, your dad, I have a new wife. I'll tell you more about it when I get back. Now you just need to know that with this stepmother, your backstage will be more powerful, and your father's business will be bigger and bigger. Ha ha ha... "

With song Shiqun's excited laughter, he hung up the phone.

And song Yan, is completely stunned.

His mother just fell in love with other men, his father was not sad, but so happy, even "Ziyan, I think, kill, people." Song Yan said word by word.

Smell speech, Zhang Ziyan patted song Yan's shoulder, "brother Yan, you say, you want to kill who, I let people catch him in front of you, let you kill him personally."

"Of course, he Feng!" Song Yan narrowed his eyes and said, "because it's he Feng who makes me feel the pain. If I don't kill him, I swear I won't be a man. "

Zhang Ziyan nodded, then looked at Chunchun and said, "Chunchun, he Feng, are you sure you can catch him?"

"Ziyan, don't you know me? I usually don't do it easily. If I fight with people, my boyfriend will not be happy. Unless you're in danger, or really in big trouble, I'll try to convince my boyfriend that he'll let me do it. "

Pure pure rolled a white eye to say.

His strength is really strong, but he only works as Zhang Ziyan's bodyguard and is responsible for Zhang Ziyan's safety. As for song Yan's affairs, she doesn't really want to take care of them. Anyway, in her opinion, he Feng is just a small role. Song Yan or Zhang Ziyan can kill him with a little means.

Unless they can't deal with He Feng by these means, he will be interested in He Feng, and then consider whether to do it himself.

Then, she suddenly showed a "smile", a look of worship: "however, I can let my boyfriend come back from Nanjin City, if he came back, with his amazing strength, to capture He Feng alive, it must be just a matter of waving."

"Your boyfriend..."

Zhang Ziyan pondered for a moment, or shook her head, "to deal with this He Feng, you don't need your boyfriend. Since it's not convenient for you, I'll try nine brothers of Baiyun gang. "

"Chen Jiu? Well, this person's means are not simple, and there are many experts in his hands, but you can try them. " Pure approval.

And Zhang Ziyan has already taken out her mobile phone and dialed Chen Jiu.

Soon, the phone was answered.

"Zhang Dong, do you have any orders to call me this evening?" Chen Jiu asked with a smiley face.

"There's a business I want to introduce to you. I don't know if brother Jiu is interested." Zhang Ziyan's light way.

"I have to be interested. Lao Jiu, I'm so poor that I don't even have the money to go out for health care. If I don't have any business, I'll be crazy." Chen Jiu laughs: "Zhang Dong, what kind of business are you talking about?"

"Help me catch a man alive!" Zhang Ziyan reported the name directly, "this person, his name is He Feng, you should know?"

"He Feng?"

When Chen Jiu heard the words, he was silent and said, "Zhang Dong, you are not introducing business to me. You just want to pit me."

"What's wrong with you?"

"You may not know that my adoptive father, the boss of Baiyun Gang, is very interested in He Feng and wants to dig him up."

"So it's not successful yet."

"It's not successful yet, but..."

Zhang Ziyan interrupted Chen Jiu, "I'll give brother Jiu five million yuan in reward!"

"Zhang Dong, it's not about money."

"Ten million!"

"If my adoptive father knew, he would probably blame me."

"20 million, do you think about it or not? If you don't, I'll contact someone else. " Zhang Ziyan was already a little impatient.

Chen Jiu gave a wry smile and said: "Zhang Dong, since you have invited me, you should be very clear that he Feng is very powerful and you can't make it. So, I think if you are really sincere, you can give me a sincere price. "

Zhang Ziyan pondered, and finally nodded: "OK, I'll add another 10 million, and there won't be any more."

"OK, 30 million is 30 million. Who let Zhang Dong be one of the four beauties in Jiangbin city? I have to give him some face."

Chen Jiu agreed to come down, then way: "you pay 10 million deposit to me first, I will send He Feng to you tomorrow at the latest."

"OK, you send the account to my mobile phone, and I'll transfer it to you now."

Hang up the phone, Zhang Ziyan looked to the side of song Yan, "brother Yan, Chen Jiu agreed, and then wait for the good news."


Song Yan's eyes are full of hatred, "wait for tomorrow, I want a knife a knife will he Feng lingchi execution."


At the same time, in the box of a KTV, the music has been completely suspended, and everyone is quiet. Chen jiuze is holding his mobile phone, as if thinking about something.

All of a sudden, his mobile phone vibrated. He opened it and looked at it. It was a short message with the content of 10 million yuan in bank card.

"Little melon, you ask all our brothers to work for me. 1、 Find out where he Feng is now. 2、 He Feng's relationship with whom is closer, and where are these people now. As soon as there is any new news, I will report it to you immediately, and then you will let me know as soon as possible. We must take this He Feng tomorrow. "

Chen Jiu immediately said to a young man sitting not far away.

The young man was holding a singing girl, but when he heard Chen Jiu explain something serious, he pushed the girl away and said, "brother Jiu, the leader seems to be digging this He Feng. Do we really want to deal with him?"

"The adoptive father really wanted to dig He Feng, but he just thought about it. Besides, isn't he Feng already refused once? That's why he didn't treat us Baiyun Gang as friends. "

Chen Jiu's eyes narrowed. "The most important thing is, don't you know how he Feng didn't pay attention to me last time?"

"All right, I'll go and tell the brothers below."

Small melon see Chen nine attitude firm, also did not say anything, got up and went out.

Chen Jiu looked down at the text message and the balance displayed on the bank card, with a smile on his face.

"Thirty million! Ha ha, a fool won't do it. "


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