One night, no one came to disturb He Feng, not even a person who called.

And the video incident happened on the Internet last night, no one came to ask him about it, as if he Feng was not associated with the video incident at all.

The next morning, lying in bed, Xia Menglu opened her eyes.

Just opened her eyes, she saw he Feng sitting on the sofa practicing with her eyes closed.

"Feng... Brother Feng?"

Xia Menglu frowned suspiciously, and then looked around the hotel. It seemed that she didn't remember what happened yesterday.

"Lulu, are you awake? How do you feel? Don't you feel bad? " He Feng opened his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Not bad!"

Xia Menglu shook her head.

At this time, she also gradually remembered what happened last night, and her face suddenly became complicated. "Brother Feng, it seems that I was drugged by manager Tian last night, and then you came to save me?"

"Yes, don't worry, that beast. I've taught him a lesson for you." Hefeng road.

"So... Now, have I become your woman?" Xia Menglu blinked her eyes, her face was full of shame, but she was not angry at all.


The corner of He Feng's mouth smokes. How come Lulu seems to dream of being her own woman?

If I turned her into my own woman last night, would she not only be angry and sad, but also happy?

"Well, Lulu, how can you have such an idea? Brother Feng, do I look like a man who takes advantage of others' danger? " He Feng touched next nose to say.

"Brother Feng, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that."

Xia Menglu thinks he Feng is angry, so she sits up quickly and explains: "because I've read many novels and TV before. It says that if a woman takes that kind of medicine, only when she goes to bed with a man, the effect will go away. Otherwise, the body can't bear it. And now I'm all right, so I feel like... "

Smell speech, he Feng can't help but smile bitterly, originally Xia Menglu thinks so.

He had to explain: "Lulu, Fengge's method is not what ordinary people can imagine. It's not difficult to remove the medicine in your body. So, you are still complete. Well, after a period of time, you know more about me and have made psychological preparations in that respect. Brother Feng, I won't be polite to you any more. "

"I see. I see."

Xia Menglu nodded, and then suddenly said: "brother Feng, in fact, I'm ready for that. You don't have to be polite to me now. As for understanding... We can get along with each other first. After a long time, we will get to know each other more and more naturally. "

"Cough! Well, Lulu, I'll go out for a cigarette first. You can wash up. There's everything in this hotel. By the way, there are two sets of new clothes for you. Let's see if they are suitable for you. "

He Feng quickly find an excuse to slip, and then continue to stay here, he's afraid that he can't help the temptation of Xia Menglu, so he pushes the woman down.


Xia Menglu see he Feng run away, immediately cover mouth laugh.

Simple as she is, she is not stupid. On the contrary, she is very clever. From He Feng's good chance last night, we can see that this man is a real gentleman. Even if he plays such a joke, he won't do anything to himself.

However, after laughing for a while, she was a little melancholy again.

"Ah, brother Feng chases Wang Dong all day long. Wang Dong is not moved at all. And now I take the initiative to tell him, even promised to do that kind of thing with him, he is indifferent. When will brother Feng promise me to be his woman? "

He Feng smoked three cigarettes in a row in the corridor and just returned to the room.

At this time, Xia Menglu not only finished washing, but also changed into a pink dress.

"Brother Feng, do you think I look beautiful in this skirt?"

Xia Menglu sees he Feng come in, trots to the latter and turns around.

"Lulu, I didn't expect you to look so beautiful in a skirt."

Looking at Xia Menglu in front of him, he Feng has a bright feeling in front of him.

Although the dress is very common, but Xia Menglu can spread a unique style of temperament, a smile, let her appear pure, just like a white rose, although noble but very pure, with a friendly atmosphere, let people even stand with her, the heart will be very comfortable.

Especially to see Xia Menglu's face, will be more comfortable.

"Really? Then I can rest assured! "

Xia Menglu smiles.

Then, she suddenly thought of a thing and asked: "by the way, brother Feng, where was the villain yesterday? You didn't do anything to him, did you? "

"Lulu, he did something worse to you yesterday. Why are you worried about him?" Hefeng road.

"Well, brother Feng, although that guy is an animal, his background is not small. He is not only the head of Finance Department of bell group, but also the eldest brother-in-law of chairman of bell group. His identity background is extraordinary. If you offend him, I'm afraid it will affect the future business of our Cloud City Group. What's more, bell group still owes us 20 million yuan in debt. If we can't get these debts back at that time, the loss will be great. "

Xia Menglu analyzes Tao.

Smell speech, he Feng can't help asking: "you these two days, are you busy bell group of this batch of foreign debt?"

"Yes, I thought it could be done, but in the end, it was a trap. If it wasn't for brother Feng, I would have become a lamb in other people's mouth."

Xia Menglu said with some fear: "however, after such a lesson, I will be much more cautious in doing things in the future. Everything will be carefully considered, and the same thing as yesterday will never happen again."

"I was also worried that you would leave a shadow in your heart. I didn't expect that in the end, it would not only leave a shadow, but also make you more mature, so I'm relieved." He Feng said with a smile.

"Originally, it was a bit of a shadow. However, because in the end, brother Feng, you saved me. There is no shadow in my heart. " Xia Menglu shook her head and said with a smile: "brother Feng, you are like a beam of light in the dark, illuminating my whole life. After that, my life will certainly be bright, there will be no more dark and unhappy things. "

"Ha ha, isn't that exaggeration? According to you, am I not a God? "

"For me, brother Feng, you are God. Especially last night, you were the God of my life. "

Xia Menglu is full of tenderness.

He Feng laughed, then stroked Xia Menglu's hair and said: "Lulu, because you only see the good side of me now, so you think I am God. But when you see my evil side, you will find that, in fact, I am more like a devil, a devil. Even if it's a God, it's a demon. "

"The devil? I don't believe you are so kind, brother Feng. How can you be a devil? " Xia Menglu shakes her head.

"Don't believe it?"

He Feng gave a bitter smile, and he no longer explained, "Lulu, I guess you are hungry, too? Let's go out for breakfast. "

"Good!" Xia Menglu happily agreed to come down.

Immediately, the two men walked towards the door.

When passing by the door, Xia Menglu finds that her hotel has no door. It seems that the door is broken.

She then remembered the question she had just asked he Feng, so she continued to ask while walking: "brother Feng, you haven't told me yet, what have you done to that man?"

"The man?" He Feng also does not conceal, direct way: "not how, he is still alive now."

"Still alive?"

Xia Menglu frowned. Doesn't that mean she didn't answer?

"Brother Feng, tell me more clearly. Don't you beat him?"

"Lulu, don't you think I should beat him?"

"This... Should be beaten, but his identity..."

Xia Menglu sighed, "well, I'm really worried that because of my business, bell group will have an aversion to Yuncheng group. It will not only stop cooperating, but also not even pay back the debt. The loss to Yuncheng group is not so big. In this way, I will feel guilty. "

"Lulu, you make me angry when you say that."

He Feng suddenly stops and stares at Xia Menglu and says, "if you had an accident last night, who would feel guilty for you? What's more, if you were really sullied by that beast last night, do you think cloud city group can get any benefits from it? "

Hearing this, Xia Menglu did not know how to refute.


"Nothing but!"

He Feng interrupts Xia Menglu's words, "the life of that field or something is not precious, and the life of my family Lulu is not cheap. If you really want to compare, the life of that animal is not as much as that of lulu. "

Smell speech, Xia Menglu face a burst of sweet.

"Brother Feng, do I really matter in your mind?"

"You don't talk nonsense! Do you think I only have Wang Xiangyun in my heart? "

He Feng touched his nose and asked, "when are you free, I'll take you to bell group for debt."

"Ah? And the bell group? " Xia Menglu exclaimed, "it's very difficult for people in their company to speak, even their front desk and security guards. I can make an appointment with manager Tian because of my luck. "

"Don't worry, this time it's brother Feng. I'll accompany you personally. No matter how hard it is for him to talk, he has to be obedient in front of brother Feng."

He Feng grinned.

At this time, two people have come to the first floor.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he Feng saw a waiter bowing to him and said, "good morning, Mr. He Feng. Our leader is waiting for you in the hall at the moment."

"Your leader? How far is it from the sky

He Feng frowned, light way: "I don't have time, I have to accompany my girlfriend to eat breakfast."

"Brother Feng, is this gang leader coming from a big way. Otherwise, you'd better not have breakfast with me, so as not to annoy him and cause unnecessary trouble. "

As soon as Xia Menglu hears the word "gang leader", she is a little scared. She pulls He Feng to remind her.

He Feng touched her hair and said, "Lulu, don't worry. No matter what kind of leader he is, it's important that he doesn't have breakfast with you."

He Feng stood opposite the younger brother smell speech, face some black, but dare not refute half a sentence.

"Ha ha ha, Mr. He Feng, it's still interesting for you to talk. No wonder there are so many beautiful women around you."

At this time, a burst of hearty laughter came from the hall in front of him, and immediately a middle-aged man strode towards him.

Behind the middle-aged man, there was a large group of people, up to ten.

And these people, only one that he Feng has seen, is yuan Diao who was defeated by him last night.

"Who are you? How do you know the beauty around me? "

He Feng frowned, did not see his side there is a beauty? I don't pay attention to the occasion.

Moreover, since this guy said this sentence, it showed that he had investigated himself, which made he Feng very unhappy.

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