"Brothers, let's all go outside to guard, don't disturb nine elder brothers to play."

Melon yelled at the crowd, and then walked out of the factory first.

At the same time, take out the mobile phone and dial He Feng.

"No, don't..."

And Ling Weiyu looks at Chen Jiu walking towards him, pretty face is more and more scared, step by step back.

"No? Ha ha, I'll make you keep saying "no" later

Chen Jiu laughs, then pours at Ling Weiyu.


At this time, a burst of wind behind Ling Weiyu sounded, and then she felt a pain in her neck, eyes on the black down, the whole person fell to the ground.

"Well? I was so scared that I fainted? "

Chen Jiu stops and looks at Ling Weiyu in surprise.

He also expected Ling Weiyu to have some interaction. If he was so dizzy, it would be too disappointing.

On the other side, melon noticed that Ling Weiyu fainted and fell to the ground. He also stopped. At the same time, he looked at Chen Jiu and said, "brother Jiu, the phone is through."

"Well!" Chen Jiu nodded faintly, "tell him, let him hurry up, or his sister will die."

"Dudu, Dudu..."

But just then, a sudden bell rang behind the crowd.

"Well? What's the sound? "

Chen Jiu and others looked at the voice in doubt.

In the next scene, a figure appears in everyone's sight.

"You, you are He Feng?"

Chen Jiu: Well, he probably won't get the remaining 20 million yuan, but the loss is quite large.

"Should be dead!" The next melon murmured.

"Damn, it's a big loss."

Chen Jiu couldn't help scolding.

But immediately his eyes fell on Ling Weiyu not far away.

"Fortunately, there is also this little beauty here. This level of beauty can pacify me." Chen Jiu sighed and comforted himself.

"Nine elder brother, it seems that something is not quite right."

But at this time, a more careful gangster, issued a exclamation, "in front, it seems that there is no He Feng's body, I did not see he Feng."

"I didn't see he Feng either."

"He Feng, he disappeared."

One after another, voices of surprise rang out.


"Bang Bang..."

The next moment, in the crowd with guns, a gust of wind seemed to form out of thin air, and hit the people with guns out one by one.

"It's he Feng!"

Melon seems to see the shadow of He Feng, shouting.

"Yes, it's me!"

He Feng appeared in front of the melon.

Then, one punch.


Cucumis cried out.

However, his end is not much better, the same inverted fly out.

Then, there is no then.

The whole chemical plant seemed to be quiet all of a sudden.

"You, you killed them all?"

Chen Jiu looks at He Feng in disbelief, his face is pale to the extreme, and his eyes are full of deep fear.

He really can't believe that he Feng's strength is so powerful, it's just a ghost.

In the battle just now, they didn't even touch the corner of He Feng's clothes.

Even if the gun was used in the end, there was no change in the result.

"How could he know the cultivation of Jin at the beginning? Even the adoptive father, an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty, may not be different from us in front of him? "

Chen Jiu's heart is full of shock, "his strength, at least also reached the dark strength, and even, he is a great master of Huajin."

There are some hidden strengths on the top of the bright strengths, but among ordinary people, there are some of them, whether they are bright strengths or hidden strengths.

Only Hua Jin, who is out of the ordinary, can face the anti heat weapons directly. Even if he uses guns, he won't have much lethality to those who are strong in Hua Jin. People can easily avoid them.

Because of this, as long as they reach the goal of transforming strength, they are called "masters.".

In the eyes of ordinary people, great masters are like gods.

"I didn't kill them all, didn't I have you?" He Feng didn't hide his figure any more and walked step by step to Chen Jiu.

"Please, please, let me go..."

Chen Jiu retreated in fear, even without the courage to raise his hand and shoot.

Because he knew very well that in front of a Huajin master, there was no difference between his gun and toy gun.

If you shoot, you'll only get angry.

"Sorry, I don't want to let you go."

He Feng smiles.

Then, a random punch.


Chen Jiu screamed in horror, and was about to raise his hand and shoot, making a final struggle.


However, as soon as his gun was raised, he didn't even pull the trigger, and felt a fist fall on his chest.

It seemed that the ordinary punch didn't even use any strength, but it made him feel like a meat grinder entered his body and destroyed his internal organs in an instant.

All the power was drawn out.

Chen Jiu's eyes suddenly become blurred, empty, without any look.

There is only a trace of regret and fear left

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