"Beg for mercy? Hehe, if I don't touch the people around me, maybe I will consider letting you buy your life with money. But as long as the people around me are moved, there will be no second result. "

He Feng coldly glanced at Chen Jiu on the ground, then took back his eyes and didn't pay any attention.

To him, killing more than 30 people is just a small matter.

What he is thinking about now is how to explain to Ling Weiyu later.

"Maybe it's time to let little feather know something about my past. After all, she's my family. "

He Feng goes to Ling Weiyu and holds him up and puts him on the sofa.

After that, he called Chen Jian and told him the address. He asked him to bring more people and some digging tools.

Chen Jian had been ready for a long time. As soon as he Feng sent the news here, he came with more than 20 people in ten minutes.

Just after the evolution factory saw dozens of corpses lying on the ground, Chen Jian and Zhou Xun were deeply shocked.

Especially when they saw that Chen Jiu and others were still carrying guns and the dense warheads on the ground, they felt numb.

Then, these people are shocked and confused looking at He Feng.

They want to know, these people are not He Feng killed?

What did he Feng use to kill these people?

After all, judging from the bodies on the ground, they were not killed by guns, or even without knife marks on their bodies?

Are they all killed by He Feng?

How is that possible?

"Brother Feng, are you ok?"

Chen Jian, shocked for a while, walked quickly to He Feng and asked with some worry.

"Of course I'll be fine, but you'll be lucky to go out and dig a big hole and bury all these people."

He Feng light said: "as for those guns, you can stay, maybe later can use."

Chen Jian once again swept an eye all around, can't help but ask a way: "Feng elder brother, these people, are you kill?"

He had dealt with these people outside the welfare home before and knew that these people were not ordinary gangsters.

If twenty or thirty people join hands, it's hard for them to fight head-on even if they are ancient warriors in the early stage of true Qi?

Besides, nearly ten of them are armed.

"Didn't I kill them all, or did the ghost kill them?"

He Feng rolled a white eye to say.

"But they... They are all Chen Jiu's elite men. Besides, there are so many guns. " Chen Jian feels that the little heart can't stand it.

He thinks that he is already very strong. He has been practicing hard almost every day these years. Although he can't compare with the ancient martial artists who have developed inner strength, few of them are his opponents in the early Ming Dynasty.

Originally, he thought that although he Feng was much better than himself, he could at least see the gap. He estimated that he Feng's strength was stronger than that of Mingjin in the early days, but not too much.

But now it seems that he Feng's strength is absolutely unfathomable, much stronger than he predicted.

Zhou Xun and others felt their heart beating and their blood boiling.

Because he Feng's strength is beyond their imagination.

And they all follow He Feng.

He Feng patted Chen Jian on the shoulder and said, "for ordinary people, they are very strong. But in some people's eyes, they are no different from ordinary people. Even if they have guns in their hands. "


"Now, do you know my strength?"

Chen Jian pondered and speculated: "brother Feng, have you reached the level of dark strength?"

"Ha ha, you can think of me as an ancient warrior of the dark strength level. Anyway, you just need to know that, at least, no one is my opponent in this Jiangbin city. "

He Feng said with a smile: "as for you, as long as you work for me wholeheartedly, you will be indispensable in the future. For example, I want you all to cultivate your inner strength. "

This kind of words, ordinary people are not qualified to say, even if it is strong, will not casually say.

But it's not so hard for He Feng, who is really in the mood of ancient martial arts.

"Thank you, brother Feng. We will work for him wholeheartedly."

Chen Jian immediately said respectfully, with a touch of excitement in his heart.

He was born in an ordinary family. It's a miracle that he can practice Kung Fu to this extent. It's too difficult to cultivate his inner strength.

But now, he saw hope in He Feng.

"Well, you'd better deal with the corpses here. It's better not to be found. Besides, you can save a car for me to use He Feng said.

If ordinary people see these bodies, they may only think that they are just a pile of bodies.

But if you let some ancient martial arts experts see it, you can definitely infer at a glance that it was a powerful expert who killed these people, and it might attract too many people's attention at that time.

He Feng doesn't want to be too ostentatious at present. He just wants to have some quiet days and push his daughter-in-law down early to give birth to a fat boy.

During this period, we will try our best to improve our strength.

Then, I got some news from the old man about my parents and went to rescue them.

After Chen Jian had arranged the car, he Feng got on the car with Ling Weiyu in his arms, then drove away and stopped not far from Jule welfare home.

There are several Chen Jian's men here, and they can just throw the car to them later.

After all, it's not Chen Jian's car, it's the Wolf Gang's car. If he Feng keeps driving, it will directly make outsiders think that he Feng has a close relationship with the Wolf Gang.


Before long, Ling Weiyu wakes up and touches his neck. It's obvious that he has just been hit by a stone and it hurts a little.

"Feather, wake up?" He Feng, sitting in the driver's seat, said with a smile.

"Brother Xiaofeng?"

When Ling Weiyu heard he Feng's voice, he was stunned and immediately cried out: "brother Xiao Feng, go away quickly. There are bad people who want to kill you."

"Don't be afraid, feather. It's settled." He Feng had a warm current in his heart and calmed him softly: "now, we are all safe. Those bad guys are all dealt with by me."


Ling Weiyu glances around and finds himself lying in a car near Jule welfare home. He Feng's warm smile makes him believe what he Feng said.

It's really safe!

However, she remembers very clearly that the man named Jiu Ge had more than 30 subordinates and said that he Feng had many guns. How did he Feng save her from those bad people?

"Brother Xiaofeng, what happened just now?"

Ling Weiyu's Willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously.

He Feng thought about it, turned his head and looked at Ling Weiyu and said, "little feather, there's something I think it's necessary to let you know."

"What's the matter?"

"In fact, in these years, my real identity abroad is a mercenary."

"Mercenaries? Is it the one in the novel? "

Ling Weiyu covered his mouth.

She is an editor of Internet articles. She has read many novels and knows how dangerous mercenaries are. She almost deals with death every day and lives with her head pinned on her belt.

Did not expect, own small maple elder brother, unexpectedly can be such a kind of person.

"Yes, it's just like what's written in the novel."

He Feng said with a smile.

However, he also knows that what is written in the novel must be one-sided. Only through his own experience can he know how dangerous the existence of mercenaries is. But he does not intend to tell Ling Weiyu about this.

He just needs to let Ling Weiyu know that he is very strong.

"However, because your brother Xiaofeng is very powerful, he is more powerful than the mercenary in the novel. So, in the future, you have to understand that all of us in Jule welfare home can have a good life. " He Feng grinned.

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you... Are you really a mercenary?" Ling Weiyu still doesn't dare to believe it.

After all, the mercenary Corps is a legend to ordinary people.

"Of course, why do I lie to you?"

He Feng said: "if it wasn't because I was too strong, do you think I could save you from Chen Jiu just now? However, since your brother Xiaofeng is a mercenary, I hope you understand that sometimes the means of mercenary are quite cruel. Because we are all for survival. "

"For survival?" Ling Weiyu couldn't understand all of a sudden.


He Feng thought about it and said: "in fact, after I was sold abroad, I became a child laborer and coolie. I worked on a ship. The warehouse supervisor on the ship was very cruel and abused us. Many children were killed by him alive. I almost died twice. Later, in order to survive, I killed the warehouse boss. "


Smell speech, Ling Weiyu can't help but exclaim, full of shock.

She was shocked not only by He Feng's murder, but also by He Feng's terrible and dark experience.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you..." Ling Weiyu's eyes are ruddy.

He Feng seemed to fall into memory and continued: "there is an unwritten rule on this ship. Whoever kills the warehouse supervisor will take his place and become a new supervisor. This supervisor is not only a position, but also means that he distributes more food and has a good living environment. So... Many people in the warehouse want to kill me and take my place. "

Hearing this, Ling Weiyu's face turned white.

Even if he Feng just casually explained a few words, she can deeply understand how dangerous he Feng was at that time.

After all, he was only a 12-year-old.

"In order to survive, I tried my best to fight against those who wanted to kill me, and at the same time, I fought back against them."

He Feng looked at Ling Weiyu and said calmly: "of course, during this period, I also killed a lot of people."

Hearing the last sentence of He Feng, Ling Weiyu nods his head.

Because she is very clear, in this environment, if he Feng does not kill others, he Feng will be killed.

"Until a year later, a small mercenary group, pretending to be pirates, hijacked our ship and wanted to kill all of us. Because, as long as they wear money and materials, they don't need anyone. In order to survive, I made a sneak attack and killed a mercenary who wanted to kill me. This scene happened to be seen by the head of the mercenary regiment. He saw my potential, let me live, and arranged for people to train me, let me gradually become strong

He Feng said with a bitter smile: "when I have a certain strength, he will arrange me to take over the task and make money for him. Even when I was seriously injured, he would force me to perform the task. Finally, when I felt that I couldn't finish my task and he was still pressing me, I rose up and killed him, took his place and became the head of the mercenary regiment until now. "

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