"Thank you for your kindness, but I still want to wait a little longer."

Xiamenglu see each other so attentive, but also aware that something is not quite right.

In particular, she saw the side of He Feng, his face is not very good-looking, but also clear that the middle-aged driver is trying to hook up with himself.

So, she quickly hugged He Feng's arm and said in a low voice, "brother Feng, I'll call a didi with my mobile phone. It shouldn't take long."

"Beauty, it's so hot outside. You're still calling didi here. Don't you tan? It's so painful. "

Hu er heard Xia Menglu's words and looked at He Feng with disdain, "little brother, your girlfriend is so beautiful. Do you mean to let him follow you out in the sun? Hurry to take her on the bus. Where are you going? I'll send you there. I won't charge you any money. Oh, by the way, you don't have to worry that I'm a bad person. I'm the deputy director of Finance Department of bell group. I won't do such a bad thing. "

At first, he didn't even look at He Feng.

But now seeing Xia Menglu embracing He Feng's arm, he just looks at He Feng a little, but he doesn't pay much attention to him, because in his opinion, he Feng is a poor loser, and it's not long before he walks out of the campus.

This kind of man is not more difficult to deal with than a woman. He estimates that if he gives him several thousand yuan, he will send his girlfriend to his bed.

"Bell group?"

He Feng was not ready to pay attention to hu er, because in his opinion, Xia Menglu is more charming. Today, she is so beautiful. As long as she is a normal man, she wants to chat up.

After all, even he himself wants to take Xia Menglu to open a house and do something that should be done.

And since the other party is the person of bell group, and is also the Vice Minister of finance department, he Feng does not intend to let the other party leave easily.

So, he said with a smile: "Oh, it's the Vice Minister of bell group. It's like thunder."

"Hehe, why don't you get on the bus?" Hu er disdained to glance at He Feng, but it was a smile on the surface.

"All right, all right!"

He Feng pulls Xia Menglu to the Mercedes Benz E300 and says, "Lulu, get on the bus quickly. We've never been in such a luxury car before. We have to have a good feeling today. "

"Ah? Brother Feng, this... "

Xia Menglu looks at He Feng suspiciously, and doesn't know which one he Feng does.

With brother Feng's temperament, shouldn't hu er be bombed away at this time?

How can you cooperate so well and get on the bus with yourself?

Around those waiting for the car, to see this scene, are a cynical looking at He Feng.

Looking at Xia Menglu's eyes, also with a trace of sympathy.

"Well, it's really a Chinese cabbage arched by a pig. It's really a loser."

"Yes, it's really a pig. He has a brain problem. He can't see that the vice minister wants to pick up his girlfriend and even takes her to the car."

"But then again, it might be a good thing. After all, it's better for the goddess to follow the poor and stupid loser than the vice minister. "

"It's reasonable to say that it's better to be a lover for the vice minister than to suffer with him."

Xia Menglu heard some of these people's comments.

So, she looked at He Feng's eyes more confused.

Hu er looks at He Feng like an idiot.

It seems that it's almost no difficulty for me to get the best beauty.

"Lulu, get in the car. It's so hot."

As the party He Feng, but as if nothing heard. He took Xia Menglu to Mercedes Benz with one hand and stretched out one hand to open the door.


His hand just fell on the handle and he wanted to pull the door open, but suddenly there was a crisp crack.

The door handle, directly broken, was he Feng to easily pull down.

"Minister Hu, what's the matter with your doorknob? Why did I pull it gently and the doorknob came down?"

He Feng doubts the way.

Then he went to the other door in the back row and reached for it again.


Another cracking sound sounded, and the door handle was gently pulled down by him.

"This... Is this a quality problem?"

He Feng's face was more puzzled.

He went back to the co pilot's seat and continued to pull away.



"No, there's a doorknob. I'll have to try it again."

He Feng a face of solemn color, quickly walked to the driver's door next to, "minister Hu, I'll help you see if this door is also a problem."

As he spoke, his hand reached out again.

"No, stop, you stop..."

Hu er in the car has reacted, and he Feng shouts out.

This bastard pulled off the door handle of his car for three times. This is really looking for trouble!

"That's no good. You want to take us for a ride, and you don't need any money. I have to do something for you. Well, there's only one door handle left. I'll try the quality of this one. "

He Feng is very concerned about hu er.

Before he had finished speaking, his hand had fallen on the doorknob and he pulled it gently.


The fourth crack sounds.

The last door handle was pulled down by He Feng.

"Minister Hu, it seems that the quality of your Mercedes Benz is not good? Why can't I even open the door? Is it your car that doesn't welcome me, or is the quality really bad? "

He Feng is smiling. He Feng seems to care about hu er.

Bang Dang!

Hu er was so angry that he quickly pushed the door open and walked down. He angrily pointed to He Feng, "Stinky boy, I'm kind-hearted to give you a ride. Why do you want to pull down the door handle of my car?"

Said, he looked at the side of Xia Menglu, "beauty, your eyes this time is really not ah, unexpectedly fell in love with this poor quality of men. In my opinion, he is not qualified to be your boyfriend at all. I suggest that you should get rid of him now. On your condition, you can find a man who is ten times better than him to be your boyfriend. "

In addition to hu er, the people waiting for the bus around him are also full of disgust when they look at He Feng.

"This man is really disgusting. Other people are kind enough to give him a ride. Even if he doesn't say thank you, he even breaks the handle of other people's car."

"This minister, you should call the police and let the police catch him as a violent maniac."

"It's true that this beautiful woman followed him as a violent and mentally retarded man. She didn't know how much she suffered. This time, it's time to get rid of this intellectual disability. "

Xia Menglu was just a little disgusted with hu er, but with hu er's disparagement of He Feng and all kinds of comments from the people around her, she suddenly became very angry.

She would like to scold hu er directly, but she knows better that scolding is not her strong point. From small to large, she hasn't scolded much.

As a result, as soon as her eyes turned, there was no anger on her face, but a smile on her face.

"Thank you for your concern, Minister Hu. I really want to change my boyfriend. But you don't know, there is no man in the world who is ten times better than brother Feng. Even, let alone ten times, one tenth of the excellent men in Fengge can't be found. "

Xia Menglu looks very aggrieved. Leaning on He Feng's arms, she says pitifully: "so, I can only aggrieve myself first and be brother Feng's girlfriend. When there will be one tenth of the best men in the world, I'll think about changing my boyfriend. "

Click, click

Listen to Xia Menglu's words, and then look at her actions, heartbreaking voices ring out one after another.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Nima, what's the deal to get rid of this mental handicap? How did it turn into show love?

Hu er, as the party concerned, even widened his eyes and didn't talk about how the script would develop in this direction.

At this time, shouldn't the so-called goddess kick the poor loser and throw her arms at the rich handsome?

Why does she seem to like this poor loser better?

Is this so-called goddess, like this poor loser, retarded?

And he Feng after seeing Xia Menglu's performance, is also quite surprised.

This little girl has learned to tease people.

However, this is a good thing. He Feng feels sweet and comfortable when he hears Xia Menglu's words.

So, she also took advantage of Xia Menglu's slender waist and said seriously: "Lulu, you look up to me too much. In fact, I have one tenth of excellent men, there are still a few in the world. As long as you work hard, you can still find one or two. "

"Brother Feng, you are so modest. Come on, I'll give you one. "

Xia Menglu smiles, then stands on tiptoe and kisses He Feng on the face.

"Tut Tut, really fragrant..." He Feng's face is full of enjoyment.

"You, you, are a pair of retarded people."

When hu er saw this scene, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He didn't want to chase the goddess any more. He pointed to He Feng and Xia Menglu and yelled, "no wonder this poor loser will chase you back. It turns out that you two are idiots."

Now, he doesn't like Xia Menglu at all. He turns around and pulls open the door to get on the car. He doesn't even want to let he Feng repair the car.

Now that he is in a bad mood, he wants to go back to the company as soon as possible, and then listen to the announcement of the chairman and appoint himself as the new finance minister.

"Oh, Minister Hu, didn't you say you wanted to give us a ride? Why are you going to leave now? You still call us retarded and idiots. How can you become so fast?"

He Feng released Xia Menglu, went to the Mercedes Benz car, sighed: "however, who let me talk very well, although minister Hu scolded me, but I am willing to help you check the quality of the car."

Speaking, he Feng's hand gently touched the hood, as if stroking a beautiful woman, the action is not to mention more gentle.

"Hey, don't move my car. You'll get my car dirty. Take your dirty hands away."

Hu er rolled down the window and roared at He Feng.

"Well, since minister Hu doesn't like to see me so much, I won't bother to check. But, Mr. Hu, the door handle of your car has been pulled open so easily. Isn't it a fake Benz

He Feng indifferent to his hand back, and then turned around and took up Xia Menglu, "Lulu, let's go."

"Hum, this is the full Mercedes Benz E300, or the top one. It cost nearly 700000, but it's still a fake? You are the only poor loser who can buy fake goods. Hum, what goddess? Maybe she's a plastic surgery girl who went to Bangzi country. She's so stupid. "

Hu er snorted, then took back his eyes. He didn't want to look at He Feng and Xia Menglu any more, so he started the car directly.

"Boom boom..."

The engine made a low noise.

"Box Dong!"

However, just as Hu Er gang stepped on the accelerator to leave, the engine suddenly made a loud noise and two clouds of black smoke came out of the air outlet.

And then

Then there was no more. The car just stalled.

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