"Damn, how did it go out?"

Hu er had a bad feeling in his heart, because he had never put out the car once since he bought it.

A car with automatic transmission like this can hardly turn off. How can it turn off today?

"Well, I knew I shouldn't have dealt with those two mentally retarded people just now. I'm so lucky now."

Hu er yells at the back of He Feng and Xia Menglu, who have gone far away. Then he takes back his eyes and presses the start button again.

However, no matter how hard he starts, the car doesn't react at all.

"Damn, what's going on here?"

Hu er slapped the steering wheel heavily, and he wanted to curse his mother.

"It must be the poor loser just now. If it wasn't for him, how could my car break down?"

Hu er opens the door and gets out of the car, but he Feng and Xia Menglu can't be seen.

So, hu er, in a rage, directly pointed to the direction of their departure and yelled: "two mentally retarded people, come back to me, and they broke my engine. I must call the police to arrest you and ask you to make compensation."

Everyone around heard the words, and their eyes were a little strange.

"Can the engine break? There isn't such a bad engine, is there? "

"No, that mentally retarded man just touched his hood when he left? How could it possibly destroy his engine? "

"Er... Isn't this so-called minister also mentally retarded?"

"It's possible! These three people are probably mentally retarded, and they are here to amuse us

Hu er seems to be aware of these people's eyes, and is too lazy to pay attention to He Feng and Xia Menglu. He yells at these people: "what are you looking at? Haven't you seen the engine break down? Hum, you must have never seen a group of losers. No wonder you are waiting for the bus here, because you can't afford a loser car. "

"Grass, you can scold me again. Do you believe me to beat you?"

"It's amazing to have two bad money, isn't it?"

"Damn, a mentally retarded person, dare to shout here? I want to die

Hot and dry weather makes people feel bad. These people waiting for the bus thought they were just having fun, but they didn't want hu er yelling at them, which directly aroused some men's temper tantrums. Three or four of them surrounded hu er in the middle, and one of them slapped him on the forehead.

"How dare you hit me? I... "


Another slap fell on hu er's head.

"What's the matter with you? I think you've got water in your head. I'll see if I can get the water out."



"Stop fighting, please, stop fighting..."

Hu er put his head in his hands and begged for mercy.

He was afraid that if he let these people fight down, his head would be damaged.

As for He Feng and Xia Menglu, where does he have leisure to care about at this time.


At this time, he Feng is leading Xia Menglu to a Mercedes Benz 4S store.

"Brother Feng, where are you going with me? It's like a Mercedes Benz 4S shop ahead, isn't it

Xia Menglu pulls He Feng, stops and asks suspiciously.

"Yes, I know it's a Mercedes Benz 4S store. I'm just going to take you to buy a car. You see, you don't have a car, and you have to take a bus every day. If I'm not by your side, don't you always have to be watched? I don't like that! " He Feng said seriously.

At first, he wanted to buy a scooter for Xia Menglu.

But just now, after being despised by hu er, he suddenly feels that Xia Menglu is his girlfriend. How can he buy a loser car casually?

Anyway, she is a goddess almost comparable to Xia Menglu.

"Mercedes Benz?"

When Xia Menglu hears he Feng's words, she is so scared that she pulls out her little hand and shakes her head. "Brother Feng, I don't need a car."

"So you just want to take the bus every day and let those sex wolves stare at you all the time?" He Feng angry way.

"I, I didn't mean that."

Xia Menglu shook her head and said, "I want to buy a car, but... Mercedes Benz is too expensive. What's more, I don't have any savings at all. Let alone buy Mercedes Benz, even if I buy the cheapest QQ, I can't afford it. "

"Since I brought you to buy a car, I must have given it to you."

"How can that be? How can I ask you to send me a car? "

"Lulu, I'm not happy when you say that. What's our relationship? Why can't I deliver it? Don't you think I'm your own man? "

"Brother Feng, you misunderstood me. How can I not treat you as my own person?"

Xia Menglu suddenly worried, explained: "I mean, even if you give me something, you can't give me such a valuable one. How much does a car cost? It's too expensive indeed. Besides, you don't seem to have a car of your own, do you? "


He Feng was embarrassed by Xia Menglu's question.

Originally, he had another car, which was from Yanzheng. But it didn't take long for the car to drive, and it was blown to pieces. Now he really belongs to the car free group.

"Brother Feng, since you don't even have your own car, it means that your financial ability is not very strong. So, you can give me something, but it can't be too expensive. It will make me feel great psychological pressure. " Xia Menglu said seriously: "if you want to send me a Mercedes Benz luxury car, I will only ask for it when you have more than ten million yuan in your hand. Brother Feng, do you have tens of millions of funds now? "


He Feng is embarrassed again.

However, he said honestly, "I only have three million in my hand now, but I'm trying to make money now. I think the money on my card will exceed ten million in a few days."

"Brother Feng, if I had been in school before, I might have promised you. But now... "


He Feng a listen to, know that women may be forced to refuse.

So he quickly interrupted Xia Menglu and said, "Lulu, it's just my intention to send you a car. Don't you even accept my intention? And to be honest with you, the three million yuan is just pocket money for me, so I'll send you a Mercedes Benz. Don't think it's too expensive or anything. "

"But I just think it's too expensive." Xia Menglu is stubborn.

Hundreds of thousands of cars are a huge sum of money for her.

"How about this..."

He Feng's brain suddenly came up with an idea, "this car, as if you borrowed money from me."

"Borrow it?" After thinking about it, Xia Menglu still shook her head, "or forget it. I'll borrow money to buy a car, so my economic pressure will be great. Besides, I don't like cars very much. Even if I buy them, I don't dare to drive them. "

"You don't have to worry about driving. I'm a super old driver. I'm sure I can teach you to be a car God every minute."

He Feng laughed, "as for money, I think about it. In fact, it won't be any economic pressure for you."


"Of course not!"

He Feng said seriously: "Wang Xiangyun, she told me that our company is outside, and there is a total of nearly one billion foreign debts. Just think about it. If you collect all the billions of foreign debts, how much will it be if you get a 1% commission? That's nearly ten million. Not to mention all the foreign debts, even if you only recover 500 million foreign debts, there will be 5 million Commission. How can there be economic pressure to buy a car? "

"One billion foreign debts? So much? "

Xia Menglu can't help exclaiming.

Originally, she only thought that the external debt of Yuncheng group, which is also from the finance department, is less than 300 million.

But I don't want to. It's as high as one billion.

You know, the total market value of listed companies like bell group is more than 10 billion.

It's really a super group in Jiangbin city!

"However, it's hard for Yuncheng group to recover these foreign debts, isn't it? If I could get it back, I would have. So it's almost impossible for me to get it back. " Xia Menglu shook her head with a wry smile. "If I can recover one million yuan of foreign debts, it's pretty good."

"I'm helping you, aren't I?"

He Feng didn't have a good look at Xia Menglu, "Lulu, you don't care about me at all, or you don't have any confidence in me?"

"I... of course, I trust brother Feng. I also have confidence in brother Feng."

"That's it? I'll take more time later to help you recover all these foreign debts, and then you can get a commission of several million. " He Feng said with a smile: "so, what economic pressure can we have when we go to buy a car now? It's not a luxury super run. Just buy one million or so. "

By He Feng so say, Xia Menglu can't help but think of a thing.

That is, if he Feng really wants to help himself to recover all these foreign debts, won't he have more time to be with him?

After figuring this out, Xia Menglu is not so resistant to buying a car.

"Well, brother Feng, help me decide. However, I don't like Mercedes Benz very much. It's too ostentatious. Let's just buy another one. " Xia Menglu said.

"Hey, that's OK. As long as you like it and the car is not too bad, you can buy any car you want."

See Xia Menglu let go, he Feng is also relieved.

"I don't know much about cars. You'd better help me decide. However, I've heard that Mercedes Benz, BMW and Audi are very famous. They are quite ostentatious on the road. When they go to the company, I think more people will talk about me. So, as long as it's not these three super famous cars, I can. Brother Feng, you can help me make a decision. "

Xia Menglu is just a little girl from a poor family. Of course, she wants to keep a low profile.

"Well, let's look for it again."

He Feng also doesn't insist, because he doesn't like Benz very much.

Mercedes Benz has done a good job in terms of its appearance and interior. Most people who can afford BMW and Audi will no longer care about adding tens of thousands of yuan to buy Mercedes Benz.

Because there are more buyers, Mercedes Benz salesmen have a rather bad attitude towards customers. There is no discount at all on the price of the car, and even mandatory decoration.

Anyway, in a word, too pit!

"Brother Feng, it's very good for Volkswagen and Buick? There should be a car that girls like, too? Why don't you show me in? "

After walking for more than ten minutes, Xia Menglu sees that he Feng is just looking outside the store. She doesn't even have the idea of looking inside the store. She can't help asking in doubt.

"These cars either have ugly interior upholstery or poor handling. They are not suitable for you." He Feng just shook his head and didn't say much.

Of course, the two aspects he said are also the reasons why he didn't want to buy them. The biggest reason is that the quality of these cars is too low-end. He Feng can't really pull down the face and send this kind of car to his girlfriend.

At least Volvo and Cadillac are the second-line luxury cars, right?

"Hey, brother Feng, what brand is that? I feel that the cars inside are very beautiful. "

Suddenly, Xia Menglu stopped in front of a car logo shop with a dark horse. "What kind of car is this? It seems that I haven't seen it on the road? Isn't it a small car? "

"This... Is not a niche, but the quality of the car is very good, and the built-in parts are very nice. Why don't we go in and have a look? " He Feng suggested.


It's rare that a brand of car can be recognized by He Feng. Xia Menglu also has a smile on her face. She is still a little worried that he Feng will feel disappointed.

Immediately, the two men walked towards the 4S shop.

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