"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

He Feng glances at Jing Yufei and doesn't say anything. Instead, he takes Xia Menglu to Cai Qin. "Sister Cai, let me ask you something."

Cai Qin's face is full of loss, but he Feng takes the initiative to find her. She still shows a forced smile, "Mr. He, if you have any questions, you can ask directly."

"Well, since you asked me to ask directly, I'll ask directly."

He Feng nodded and said, "well, I want to ask, if you are allowed to be the manager of this store, would you like to be?"

"The manager?"

Hearing this, Cai Qin was stunned. "Mr. He, you really asked this question..."

He Feng directly interrupted Cai Qin, "you just need to answer me, are you interested in being the manager of this store?"

"Of course I have interest, but I don't have any experience as a manager. If I become a manager, I don't know how to manage the operation."

Cai Qin laughed and said, "besides, don't talk about being a manager now. I can't stay in this store any longer. I'd better pack up before noon and go back early to make lunch. "

"Don't be so anxious. You'd better make up your mind and wait to be your manager. As for how to manage and operate, you can learn slowly in the future, or let your deputy manager teach you more. " Hefeng road.

"What do you mean, Mr. He?" Cai Qin was confused by He Feng, and felt a little confused.

I can't even work as an ordinary salesman. Why does he still say that he should be a manager?

"You wait for me for a few minutes, and soon you'll know what's going on."

He Feng mysterious smile, and then to the side of Xia Menglu said: "Lulu, you first chat with sister Cai here, I go there to make a phone call."

"All right!"

Xia Menglu doesn't know which one he Feng plays, but she cleverly doesn't ask, and lets He Feng go to a place not far away where no one calls.

"Lulu, I venture to ask, what does Mr. He in your family do? Why does it look mysterious? "

Cai Qin looks at He Feng's back, quite puzzled.

Smell speech, Xia Menglu slightly Leng next.

Because, in fact, she doesn't know much about He Feng. Although he Feng appears to be Wang Xiangyun's wife, she always feels that he Feng is very mysterious. He should have too many secrets that she doesn't know.

"Brother Feng, like me, is an employee of Yuncheng group. However, he is not an ordinary employee, and I am not very clear about his ability. But I don't think there will be any problem since he has decided to help you this time. "

Xia Menglu didn't think much about it. She took Cai Qin and said with a smile, "sister Cai, we'll just wait here for the good news from brother Feng."


On the other hand, he Feng directly dials a cross ocean phone, and then quietly waits for the opposite person to answer.

At the same time, on the other side of the Pacific, the head office of Porsche, the top floor of a tall skyscraper.

It's late at night now, and most of the staff in the building are off work, but Kant, as the chairman of Porsche, is working overtime in his office.

In addition to him, there are several other directors.

Several of them are discussing an important matter. All their mobile phones are turned off, and they are listening to the talk of chairman Kant.

Doodle doodle

At this time, the mobile phone in Kant's pocket suddenly vibrated, and a sharp ring came out.

Everyone looked at Kant doubtfully, but no one was dissatisfied. Who let Kant be the chairman.

Kant frowned. Now is the key time of the meeting. He doesn't want to answer the phone. So he took out his cell phone and was ready to hang it up.

"Well? What's a strange number? "

Seeing that the number on the mobile phone screen was not mentioned, it was a strange number. Kant subconsciously hung up the phone.

But when he was ready to hang up, he seemed to think of something. He handed his mobile phone to a director nearby and said, "Lao Yan, you are from China. Can you help me to see if this is a mobile phone number from China?"

He looked at the number on his mobile phone, nodded and said, "yes, it's really from China."

"I've almost forgotten all the people who know my number. Especially in China, there are only a few people I know. They are not likely to call me at this point. And who are the people in China who dare to call me at this point? "

Cantor pondered for a moment, and suddenly a young man's face appeared in his mind. His fat body, which was still sitting, suddenly stood up.

"Is it him?"

Thinking of this man, Kant couldn't stand any longer. He said to the directors who were whispering around him, "everyone, please be quiet."

Smell speech, everybody doubts of looking at Cantor, but still very give face, one after another quiet down.

Cantor nervously and excitedly pressed the answer button, but before confirming the identity of the other party, he tried to control his tone, "Hello, are you..."

"Kant, I'll call you at Huaxia's number. Can't you guess my identity?" He Feng's slightly dissatisfied voice came from the other side.

"It's the king

Cantor's heart was full of excitement and awe as soon as he stood up. He had to change his words and say, "I..."

"Well, there seems to be a lot of people beside you? Then you can talk to me in a more convenient place

He Feng interrupted Kant.

"OK, just a moment!"

With that, Kant, regardless of the doubts and shocked eyes of the directors around him, turned around and walked out of his office. He came to a safe corner without monitoring. Then he faced the direction of Oriental China and said respectfully, "dear king, I'm honored to receive your call. What can I do for you?"

"Kant, don't be so polite when you talk to me. We are old friends at least." He Feng said with a smile: "I'm calling you this time because I want to trouble you with something."

"Don't say that, Wang. It's my great honor to work for you. If you want to trouble me, I'd better die. " Cantor said anxiously.

"Well, well, I won't say that, shall I?"

He Feng was very helpless and said, "I'm in a Porsche branch in Jiangbin, China. The manager of this branch makes me a little uncomfortable. So, I'd like you to call the person in charge of Shenzhou and see if you can ask him to give an order to replace the manager. Oh, by the way, there is a salesman with poor quality. I hope you can fire him. However, his performance seems to be quite good. Do you want to think about it? "


As soon as he Feng's voice fell, Cantor, who was more irascible, began to scold, "Wang, it's my fault. You go to my site and make you feel uncomfortable. I'll go to China and kowtow to apologize to you. You can punish me any way you want. But before you punish me, can you let me break up the person who makes you unhappy, and then feed his meat to the dog? "

"Don't come to China. What's more, you should not let anyone know about me in China. I'm living a small life in China now. I don't want to be disturbed by anyone. Do you understand what I mean? "

He Feng quickly refused, "in addition, don't apologize to me, it's not your fault. You just need to change the manager according to what I said. By the way, I have a candidate here. Her name is Cai Qin. She is an ordinary salesman, but her ability and character are not bad. You see if you can sell me face and make an exception to promote her to manager. "

Kant said without hesitation: "since it's the person recommended by Wang, of course there will be no problem. But... Wang, since this distinguished lady Cai Qin is your friend, would it be too much to let her be a manager? If she looks good, why don't you let her be the head of our Porsche in China? She doesn't have to do anything about specific affairs. She just needs to hang up her name. "

"Kant, you misunderstand me. This person is not my friend. She is just a salesman. She helped me solve the problem of buying a car in a short time. But for some reasons, she was bullied by her manager and another salesman and wanted to leave. That's why I want to help her. Don't think too complicated."

He Feng said with a bitter smile.

He knew that Kant was trying to get involved with him, so he tried his best.

"OK, I see. I'll call the person in charge of Shenzhou and ask him to send a video conference to your branch to announce the dismissal and appointment on the spot."

Knowing that Cai Qin has nothing to do with He Feng, Kant is disappointed.

Because he knows very well that if he really gets involved with He Feng a little bit, and finally gets even a little help from He Feng, their position in the automotive industry will probably rise to a new level.

"Kant, you feel disappointed or something. Since I regard you as my friend of Dragon Island, I will help you if you are in any big trouble. Your business will only be better, not worse. " He Feng smiles and comforts.

After hearing this, Kant turned red with excitement and said respectfully: "Kant will do his best to serve Wang better

"OK, I'll hang up first, and you'll be a little quicker. Otherwise, I'm about to be kicked out of the store by them. Oh, by the way, don't let anyone know about my business, understand? "

"I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, he Feng returns to Cai Qin and Xia Menglu and says with a smile, "after the call, there will be news soon."

"Brother Feng, who did you call? It's so mysterious! "

Xia Menglu asked suspiciously.

Cai Qin also looks at He Feng and wants to know who he Feng is calling.

"Is it Wang Dong's side?" Xia Menglu guesses.

"Wang Xiangyun is a little capable, but now the cloud city group is not what it used to be. The manager of this store doesn't necessarily give face."

He Feng said with a smile, "I'm calling directly to the other side of the Pacific, the chairman of the board of directors of Porsche."

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