"Chairman of Porsche?"

Both Xia Menglu and Cai Qin are stunned.

"Yes, I asked him to withdraw the manager directly, and then push up sister CAI." He Feng nodded.

"Poof Cai Qin was amused by He Feng.

But it seems that she knows that he Feng is joking and doesn't believe it at all.

"Brother Feng, you are really joking. Even the chairman of Porsche has been moved out by you." Xia Menglu is also helpless to shake her head, she naturally is the same as Cai Qin, did not believe he Feng's words.

After all, Porsche is a luxury car all over the world. Their status as the chairman of the board of directors is much more noble. Compared with ordinary people, they are just like emperors.

If they are going to small countries, the presidents of those countries will meet them in person.

Is He Feng able to contact such a great figure?

Even if can contact, can let the other party listen to you to handle affairs?

"He Feng, Xia Menglu, now it's five minutes. You're not going to drive away, are you?"

At this time, Jing Yufei with two security came over, is very uncomfortable urge way.

Just now, he has been staring at this side not far away. Seeing that he Feng and others are talking and laughing here, he doesn't pay any attention to Xu Quan's reminder. He is quite upset. So as soon as five minutes arrived, he immediately came over with the security guard, determined to teach He Feng a lesson to repay the hatred of being slapped just now.

"Of course, but I'm not ready to go yet. What, do you really want to move my car? " He Feng looks at Jing Yufei with a smile.

It is estimated that it will take a little time for Kant to contact the general manager of Porsche in China, and then the general manager there will drive the video here. And now Jing Yufei takes the initiative to come up, so he doesn't have to wait these days.

"Hey, do you think I dare not move your car?"

Jing Yufei sneered and said to one of the guards, "brother Qiang, please let the master outside drag his car out."


The security guard, known as brother Qiang, walked out quickly.

Then, a trailer came in, ready to forcibly pull He Feng's Pamela away.

"Jing Yufei, it seems that it's not enough for you to lose two teeth. You want to lose all the teeth, right?" Seeing the trailer coming, he Feng's eyes couldn't help squinting.

"Well, he, if you have the guts, you can try it on me again. If you dare to do it again, I won't maim you. I'm your grandson. "

Jing Yufei snorted, then waved, "hands on, drag his car to the warehouse."

When he talks, the strong brother and another security guard are standing beside him, staring at He Feng.

Once he Feng dares to fight Jing Yufei, they will teach him a lesson.


But at this time, a crisp slap, suddenly sounded, Jing Yufei's body directly inverted out.

"Well? What's going on? "

The two security guards were stunned at first, and then looked at the expression of He Feng in front of them, full of strong shock.

They can see very clearly. When Jing Yufei just finished speaking, he Feng is still standing two meters away from Jing Yufei. They stare at him even more without blinking.

But, they just didn't see how he Feng came to Jingyu and took jingyufei out.

This speed is far beyond their imagination.

As for some people around, except for Xia Menglu, everyone was wide eyed.

They understand that he Feng is still a master.

"Two, I have already started to him. Don't you listen to Jing Yufei and maim me?"

He Feng looked at the two security guards with a smile, "come on, I'll stand in front of you now, hurry to do it."


Smelling speech, the two security guards subconsciously swallowed saliva, cold sweat on their forehead, and scolded Jing Yufei's ancestors for 18 generations.

This bastard, who should he offend? He offended a fighting master and implicated them both.

So powerful experts, let them fight with others? Isn't that a brain drain?

"Pooh! Cough... "

Not far away, Jing Yufei got up in pain, half of his face was swollen, more than ten broken teeth fell off the ground, and the corners of his mouth were full of blood.

"Get him for me. I'll kill him today!"

Intense pain, let Jing Yufei is almost to explode, pointing to He Feng loud roar.

Smell speech, those two security guards facial expression more and more ugliness.

But if they don't help Jing Yufei, it's estimated that Jing Yufei and even Xu Quan will directly complain to their security company, so their jobs will be lost.

"Brother, you're going too far!"

Brother Qiang was nervous, but on the surface he tried to keep calm. "I think you might as well apologize to Jing Yufei. If he can forgive you, this matter will be exposed. Otherwise, even if you can fight, our security company is not just us here. In five minutes, I can call dozens of brothers to come. At that time, it will be you who will suffer. "

"It seems that you don't want to take the initiative. In that case, I'll do it... "

Finish saying, he Feng raised two hands, toward strong elder brother and another security drew past.

"Back up!"

Brother Qiang's face changed wildly, and he was about to retreat with a shout.


However, although they retreated fast, he Feng's speed was faster, and his two palms were accurately patted on their faces.


Immediately, the two security guards flew out directly and fell heavily on the ground.

"Who, Jing Yufei? Do you want to go on? "

He Feng looks at the pig's face not far away, and Jing Yufei shouts.

"I, I..."

Jing Yufei saw with his own eyes the power of He Feng. How dare he say more.

"Who said it just now? Do it when you have seed? It seems that you are quite seedless. "

He Feng shook his head disappointedly, then clapped his hands. He didn't bother to pay attention to Jing Yufei any more. He looked at the driver who was driving the trailer and yelled, "master, can you drive this car?"

"Oh, yes... Yes."

After seeing the horror of He Feng, the master didn't dare to stay, so he drove the trailer out quickly.

"Mr. He, is this... Not so good?"

Cai Qin see he Feng directly to Jing Yufei and others hands, worried said.

After all, it's a legal society. He Feng has beaten people like this. Once people call the police, he Feng will definitely have some trouble.

"Sister Cai, it's nothing bad. I just gave him a lesson. Besides, if I don't teach him a lesson, we will be the ones who suffer the losses at last. "

He Feng said with a smile: "sometimes, if you are cruel to the enemy, it's us who suffer at last."

Smell speech, Cai Qin can't help silence down, because she knows he Feng's words are very reasonable.

She was always scolded by Jing Yufei because she had a good temper when she treated him.

"Brother Feng, sister Cai doesn't understand these things. She just doesn't want to make trouble." Xia Menglu pulled He Feng for a while, "if the people of the security company call more security guards to come later, the matter will be really big, and it will be very troublesome."

"Lulu, don't worry. There won't be any trouble. And soon, something good will come. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Good? What's the good thing? " Xia Menglu asks curiously.

"Hey, hey, you'll know soon." He Feng's mysterious way.

Dong Dong

At this time, Xu Quan, who had already returned to the office, suddenly ran out quickly.

"Are all the people here?"

As soon as Xu Quan came out, he cried out.

At the same time, he also saw Jing Yufei and two security guards who fell to the ground in a mess. He couldn't help shouting: "what's the matter? Why don't you just stand up and lie on the ground like this? "

Jing Yufei stood up, pointed to He Feng and said: "manager, it's all that bastard. I want to drag his car away, but he fought against us. Relying on his kung fu, he made us all like this."

"Kung Fu?"

Xu Quan originally also wanted to let all the salesmen together, forced He Feng away.

Can hear Jing Yufei said he Feng Kung Fu, he immediately gave up the idea, just to He Feng way: "this gentleman, our store is going to hold a very important meeting, please leave now, can you?"

"Meeting? OK, you just drive slowly. Brother Feng is just tired of beating people. Now he needs a rest. "

Said, he Feng took out a cigarette, leisurely sitting on the sofa, the United States smoked a mouthful.


Xu Quan's face turned ugly.

This He Feng, unexpectedly so does not give the face.

But he thought that the meeting later was very important. It was a video conference directly sent by the highest leader of China. He had to pay attention to it.

So, he once again to He Feng soft, "Cai Qin's list, all the commission I all give her, and give her another 30000 Commission, make up 100000 yuan, so you can leave?"

In order to avoid waiting for the meeting, he Feng did something, Xu Quan had to make some steps back and let the profit.

"Oh, yes. However, it's sister Cai's business. It doesn't seem to have much to do with me. Well, when I finish smoking two cigarettes and have a rest, I will leave naturally. "

He Feng yawned and took out his mobile phone while smoking.


Seeing this, Xu Quan wants to rush up and teach He Feng a lesson in person.

He Feng can think of Kung Fu, even Jing Yufei and two security guards are beaten like that, this idea he can only think about in his mind.

"Then you can have a good rest here, but if you dare to make trouble later, I will find someone to teach you a lesson even at a high cost."

Xu Quan severely warned he Feng, and then went to the big screen on the wall of the hall, turned to all humanity: "everyone stand here, there will be a video conference soon."

"Video conferencing?"

Hearing this, all the salesmen came to Xu Quan one after another.

Xu Quan then said to Jing Yufei, "Yufei, please tidy up your appearance. This video conference is very important. It's from the general manager of Porsche in China. "

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