"Xiao He, what can I do for you?"

Sitting in the middle of the conference table is a nearly 50 year old man with a greasy head and a tall beer belly. This man is Cao Peng, chairman of bell group.

"Cao Dong, there are two people outside. They said they came to you on Song Shao's order. They were stopped by the front desk. Now they are sitting in the rest area of the front desk." Said the secretary.

"Son of a bitch, the person sent to me is Cao Peng's distinguished guest. Why don't you show him to my office and let him sit in the rest area of the front desk? Come on, show him to my office so that he can be served

Cao Peng did not care to damage the image, hastily said.


The Secretary had expected something bad, so he turned around to receive the two people in person.


But just as he was about to turn around, he was stopped by Cao Peng. "It happens that the meeting is almost over. I'll see him in person."

He is still worried. After all, the other party is sent by Xu Shao. If he goes to Xu Shao to say something bad, say that he is arrogant and hang him in the rest area, what will Xu Shao think?

This is not to give a lot of face?

"Ladies and gentlemen, today's meeting is over. Let's go to lunch."

With that, Cao Peng looked at a burly man sitting at the end of his desk and said, "Luo Chao, your security department must investigate the matter of Cheng Yong. It's related to the face of bell group. I'll give you three days, OK?"

"Cao Dong, I will try my best." Wu Zhong, Minister of the security department, nodded solemnly.

"Hu er, your finance department should stabilize as soon as possible. Don't let the finance department be in a mess just because Cheng Yong is not in the company." Cao Peng looked at hu er and said.

Now hu er is the new minister of Finance Department of bell group.

"Don't worry, Mr. Cao. Our finance department will never delay."

Hu er promised loudly.

Now that he has just taken office, it is time for him to perform well.

"All right, let's go!"

Cao Peng immediately walked out of the meeting room.

Many of the company's top managers also got up and left, but they never mentioned a few things.

Because they are very clear that although many of them are the backers of bell group, they are also the secrets of bell group. Even within the company, they can't discuss it indiscriminately.

Hu er strides behind Cao Peng. He is suffering from suffocation and wants to go for convenience. The bathroom is not far from the rest area.

However, he did not dare to surpass Cao Peng. After all, Cao Peng is the chairman of the board.

Before long, two people came to the rest area, Cao Peng saw he Feng and Xia Menglu, frowned slightly.

How come so few people look like losers? But women are very beautiful. Are they many women?

"Well? It's them

Hu er is also curious toward the rest area to see the past, at a glance to see he Feng and Xia Menglu, his face suddenly become extremely ugly, subconsciously exclaimed.

"Well? Hu er, what are you barking about? Don't you see two distinguished guests ahead? " Cao Peng is very discontented to stare hu er one eye, "I can tell you, they are the person that a lot of little send, the front desk stopped them in the rest area, I am a little worried that they will go to a lot of little there to say bad words. If you yell again and make them dissatisfied, they are more likely to speak ill of us. You can't afford the consequences. "

"Cao Dong, they... They are very few people?"

Hu Erwu asked uneasily.

When he was at the bus stop, he humiliated them. At that time, he thought they were just little losers.

Now, these two losers in his eyes have changed into a lot of people.

It's a change from civilian to imperial!

If these two people see themselves, and then let Cao Dong know what happened before, would Cao Dong not want to peel his skin?

Thinking of this, hu er's back was cold and sweaty, and his legs were trembling.

"You're not talking nonsense. Who doesn't know that Xu Shao is one of the four young men in Jiangbin? Who dares to pretend to be Xu Shao

When Cao Peng heard hu er's question, he was even more dissatisfied with him.

If it wasn't for the fact that no one was available in the finance department, he would like to change it now.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so sorry. I was just in a meeting. I've kept you waiting for a long time."

Cao Peng ignored hu er and walked quickly to He Feng and Xia Menglu.

"Fortunately, I didn't wait long. I haven't finished a cup of coffee yet." He Feng sat on the sofa and said indifferently.

Then, he took out a soft gold saint from his pocket and put it in his mouth, ready to light it.

"I come, I come..."

Seeing that he Feng's attitude was not very good, Cao Peng thought he Feng was angry. Now seeing that he Feng wanted to smoke, he quickly took out the lighter in his pocket and took the initiative to light the fire for him, hoping to get some favor from him.

"All right, you can do it!"

He Feng didn't refuse, but put the lighter back in his pocket.

Cao Peng with a smile, regardless of the surprised eyes of hu er and others, seriously light a cigarette for He Feng.

But he was also curious. Since there were so few people in front of him, why did he look like a loser in his clothes?

Besides, the soft gold saint on his mouth seems to be a very cheap cigarette, right?

Driven by curiosity, Cao Peng could not help asking: "brother, I dare to ask, do not know what is important to let you come here?"

"Well, he told me that it seems that bell group owes more than 20 million yuan to Yuncheng group, right? He asked me to come this time to ask you to give me the money and let me take it back to Yuncheng group. "

He Feng happily smoked a cigarette, and then said with a smile.

A mouthful of strong smoke also spewed on Cao Peng's fat face.

Xia Menglu hears he Feng's words and looks at him in surprise.

This is the so-called "convincing people by reason"?

Isn't that a lie? And it's such an easy lie to expose!

"Pay back? The money of Yuncheng group? "

Wen Yan, Cao Peng suddenly froze, "Xu Shao, he really said so?"

"Why, do you not believe what I said, or do you not believe what many people said?" He Feng looks at Cao Peng Road with a smile.


Cao Peng's words stopped for a moment. He really didn't know how to answer he Feng's question.

However, he immediately thought of one thing. In addition to the 26 million yuan he owed to Yuncheng group, Xu Hongjie's Guangming group owed more than 150 million yuan to Yuncheng group.

In this regard, Xu Hongjie told him not long ago that he would not pay back any of the money, and he also ordered him not to pay back any of the money no matter how the people of Yuncheng group urged them to pay their debts.

Now, will Xu Hongjie send someone casually to pay back the money to Yuncheng group?

"Of course I believe what he said. But... I don't know what I think of my brother. It seems that I haven't seen you around me. " Cao Peng suddenly said with a smile that he Feng's identity was greatly questioned.

"Well! It seems that we have doubts... "

He Feng touched his nose and helplessly looked at Xia Menglu next to him. "Lulu, brother Feng, is my performance not in place?"

Two black lines appeared on Xia Menglu's forehead, "brother Feng, I think as long as he is not a fool, he should be able to see through. You are cheating him!"

"Well, it seems that brother Feng is really an honest man, without any talent for acting." He Feng sighed.

"Asshole, you are lying to me. You are not many people. Who are you?"

Cao Peng glared at He Feng and said that he had to finish the meeting ahead of time. He came to see him and nodded to him. He also lit cigarettes for him.

Thinking of this, Cao Peng was infuriated.

On the other hand, hu er recovered from the shock.

It turns out that these two people are not very few at all. They almost made themselves nervous just now.

"Cao Dong, these two people must be cheaters. They want to use the name of Yuncheng group to defraud more than 20 million people."

Hu er immediately said, and then looked at the female front desk, "hurry to contact Minister Wu Zhong of the security department, let him bring people here immediately, just say there are two swindlers here, let him bring people to take them to the police station."

"Yes The female receptionist understood it now, picked up the landline in front of her and dialed Wu Zhong.

"Brother Feng, what should we do now?" Xiamenglu some worried looking at Hefeng Road, after all, this is in someone else's site.

"What else can we do? If one set of principles doesn't make sense, tell another set of principles."

He Feng shrugged and said, then looked at Cao Peng, "what... Cao Dong, right? As a matter of fact, Lulu and I are employees of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group. This time we come here, we mainly want to recover the money owed by you to our company from Cao Dong. The total amount is... Lulu, how much is it? "

He Feng didn't know how much money bell group owed Yuncheng group, so he immediately looked at Xia Menglu.

"Brother Feng, this is a copy of the money they owe our company." Wang Xiangyun quickly took out a IOU from his bag and handed it to He Feng. At the same time, he was speechless.

Originally, brother Feng's so-called another set of principles is to ask for money directly.

"Oh, it's 26.73 million."

He Feng looked at the IOU and said to Cao Peng with a smile: "Cao Dong, you are a big boss. You should not have the cheek not to pay off such a little foreign debt, right?"

"Paralyzed, it turns out that you are employees of Yuncheng group, and you have sneaked into our company. Hum, those security guards are really shit eaters. I don't know how Wu Zhong recruited people. "

Cao Peng understood the identity of He Feng and others, immediately waved: "special, hurry out, I don't have money now, even if I have money, I won't give it to you now."

He Feng said with a smile: "so, Cao Dong is not ready to pay back the money?"

"What do you care if I don't pay you back? Son of a bitch, today you use a lot of identity to cheat me. I haven't reckoned with you yet! "

Cao Peng looked at He Feng with disdain.

Yuncheng group, a small employee, was not paid attention to by him at all.

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