"Cao Dong, what's the matter?"

At this time, Wu Zhong, head of the security department, had already brought six security guards and came quickly.

"What's the matter with you? Wu Zhong, you see what kind of people you recruit. You actually let these two Cloud City Groups collect debts and get involved in the company. How did you become the head of the security department? "

Cao Peng angrily scolded Wu Zhong, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you any more. Hurry to blow these two people out for me. Don't affect my mood here."

"The debt collector of Yuncheng group?"

Hearing this, Wu Zhong felt a little numb on his scalp.

Because he knew very well that what Cao Peng hated most was that people from outside came to the company to collect debts, so he arranged so many security guards at the company gate. Unexpectedly, people got mixed in.

What's more, it's people from cloud city group.

You know, although bell group has defaulted on many companies' foreign debts, the total foreign debts of some other companies are less than half that of Yuncheng group.

"You two, do you want to go out by yourself, or do I want you to go out?"

Immediately, Wu Zhong went to He Feng and Xia Menglu and asked coldly.

"Well, I said, why do you need it? Don't you see that I've been reasoning with you all the time? Can't you reason with me, too? "

He Feng sighed, very disappointed to say.

"It seems that you don't want to leave on your own!" he said

Wu Zhong waved to several security guards behind him and said, "you guys, let me blast them out."


"Paralyzed, get out of here!"

"Dare to come to our bell group to collect debts, and find a smoke, right?"

Immediately there are four security guards, to He Feng and Xia Menglu, to put the two out.

"Brother Feng..." Xia Menglu looks at He Feng.

"Lulu, since I can't reason with them with my mouth, I can only reason with them with my fist."

He Feng grinned, then stood up, directly shook his hand and blew it over.

Bang Bang

As the shadow of the fist flashed, the four security guards didn't understand what was going on. They felt a sharp pain in front of their chest. The terrible impact made them fly straight out, cover their chest and scream. They couldn't get up all of a sudden.


"What's the matter?"

"Wu Zhong, what's your situation with these security guards?"

This scene happened so fast that Cao Peng and hu er didn't see what happened. They only saw four security guards walking towards He Feng, then they flew back.

"Cao Dong, this man seems to have some Kung Fu. I, the security guards, are not his opponents."

Wu Zhong retired from the special forces. Although he was blocked by several security guards just now, he didn't see how he Feng did it. At this moment, he also smelled a strong sense of danger from He Feng.

"Kung Fu?"

When Cao Peng heard the speech, he was even more angry. "What if he knows Kung Fu? Can he fight ten at a time if he knows a little Kung Fu? Even if I can make ten calls, how about if I remember correctly, there are 30 security guards in your security department? "

"Well, Cao Dong, if more than 30 people beat him, would it make a big deal?"

Wu Zhong asked anxiously.

"Fart! Is there anyone who dares to report us bell group? "

Cao Peng glared and said angrily, "what are you still doing here? Hurry up and call all your people up. If we call all the men in the company, I don't believe that he can beat hundreds of people. "

"Well, this..."

Wu Zhong didn't expect Cao Peng to be so cruel.

"I grass, no wonder you can drag the foreign debt of Yuncheng group for so long, and also willing to send your daughter to Xu Hongjie's bed to win Xu Hongjie's support. It turns out that your heart is so black."

Standing not far away, he Feng exclaimed.

"You, what did you say?" Cao Peng's face suddenly changed. He didn't know much about sending his daughter to Xu Hongjie's bed.

Hu er, Wu Zhong and others in Bell group also look surprised.

They were all wondering why Cao Peng would go up to Xu Hongjie, the prince of Guangming group, because he used his daughter as bait.

"What are you still looking at? Why don't you call someone and blow this bastard out for me? no Beat him to be disabled first, and then blow him out. " Cao Peng cried out.

Hoo Hoo!

All of a sudden, a sudden burst of wind broke out.

"Cao Dong, be careful..."

Wu Zhong exclaimed, and the whole person also bullied him, trying to help Cao Peng block the blow.


However, before he could get close to Cao Peng, Cao Peng was directly kicked backward and flew out, and hit him.


Wu Zhong felt as if a train had hit him. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his ribs seemed to be broken.

Poop! Poop!

Finally, both of them fell to the ground.

Wu Zhong's whole body was about to fall apart. He felt that his ribs were definitely broken at least two times.

For a moment, Wu Zhong was so shocked that he could even break his ribs. How strong was his strength?

The key is that the opponent's use of strength is enough to show that he is definitely not a simple Hercules, which obviously has a certain Kung Fu foundation.

"Cao Dong, are you ok?"

At this time, Hu Erzheng nervously helped Cao Peng up.

Cao Peng's mouth spat out two mouthfuls of blood. He felt great pain in his chest, as if all the viscera were broken. He couldn't say a word because of the pain. There was a strong anger and a touch of fear on his face.

This guy really dares to do it himself!

What's more, he will be seriously injured as soon as he starts.

"Mr. Cao, you may not know that I came to ask you to collect debts today to convince people with reason, so that you could willingly return the foreign debts of Yuncheng group to me. However, you don't give me any face. I'll reason with you, but you'll talk about force. I can't help it. I can only talk about force with Cao Dong first. "

He Feng stood not far away and sighed with disappointment.

"You, you..." Cao Peng pointed to He Feng, still speechless.

"Cao Dong, are we going to continue to talk about force? Although I am a very reasonable person, I do not exclude the use of force. " He Feng approached Cao Peng step by step and asked with a smile.

Although there was a smile on his face, it seemed rather chilly. Cao Peng could not help shivering and his body subconsciously retreated.

"Don't come here. What do you want to do?"

"Cao Dong, you just said that you wanted to scrap me. What do you think I should do now?" He Feng asked.

"I'm just kidding you. Don't mind."

Cao Peng now regretted his death. He didn't expect that he Feng's Kung Fu would be so strong, and he was so brave that he dared to fight directly against the chairman of bell group. Isn't he afraid that he would give him the money and settle with him afterwards?

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Cao. I don't like joking. So whether you're joking with me or not, I'll take what you say seriously

He Feng said with a smile, and then approached Cao Peng two steps.

"Sir, do you dare to lay a heavy hand on Cao Dong in broad daylight? I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise when the police come, you can't escape. "

At this time, Wu Zhongqiang endured the pain, came to Cao Peng's body, said to He Feng.

"Why should I run when the police come? I just want to wait for the police to come. At that time, I just want to ask them, these police, do they want to take care of them when you owe us so much money from cloud city group? " He Feng sneered: "how? You want to stop me now? Just let you go, and you won't be so lucky this time. "

Hearing the speech, Wu Zhong's face changed.

Because he is very clear, if he Feng really wants to deal with him, he simply does not have the strength to fight back.

"Cao Dong, this man's strength is too strong, and his kung fu foundation is very strong. Even if all the security guards of the security department go up together, they can't stop him." Wu Zhong quickly approached Cao Peng and whispered in the latter's ear, "look, let's give him some foreign debt and send him away? I'll think of a way to deal with him later? "

"So powerful?"

Cao Peng's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Well, I've been in the army before, and I've been in contact with some powerful experts. At present, this man, just like those people, is very powerful, and can't be dealt with by ordinary people. Only with hot weapons can there be hope. " Wu Zhong said solemnly.

"Hot weapons?"

Cao Peng can't help but roll his eyes. Where can they get hot weapons for such a small company?

He knows that Xu Hongjie has a hot weapon, but he is not Xu Hongjie's confidant. How could Xu Hongjie give him a gun?

Thinking of this, Cao Peng had to be soft for the time being and said: "our bell group has indeed defaulted on some debts of your cloud city group, but now our company's financial situation is tight and we can't get so much money all at once. Otherwise, I'll give you 500000 yuan first, and I'll make up a little more in a few days, and then I'll tell you to come and get it. What do you think? "

Hoo Hoo!

The wind broke again.

The next moment, he Feng's body has bypassed Wu Zhong, came to Cao Peng, and slapped out.


With the sound of a crisp slap, Cao Peng's body turned three times in the same place, and a mouthful of blood mixed with broken teeth spewed out of his mouth.

"What a speed

One side of Wu Zhong looked at He Feng who suddenly appeared on his side. He felt that his scalp was numb, and his pupils shrank into a seam. He didn't want to fight.

"I said, Mr. Cao, you are such a big company that you only want to send me away with half a million yuan. It's obvious that you look down on me."

He Feng and disappointed and angry said.

At this time, Cao Peng's face has a big bag, in the heart of He Feng's hatred, it is to reach a peak, wish to kill He Feng now.

But he also knows that at present, if he goes to deal with He Feng, it's his own death.

"Well, how much do you want?" Cao Peng asked, gnashing his teeth.

He has made up his mind, and so will he Feng sent away, immediately contact outside people, will he Feng to get rid of.

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