"Lulu, how much does bell group owe us? I forgot. "

He Feng looks at Xia Menglu and asks.

"Brother Feng, the total is 26.73 million."

Xia Menglu wiped the cold sweat on her forehead.

She has already made a certain psychological preparation, he Feng may be on some security hands.

But she never thought that he Feng, in addition to the security, even Cao Peng, the chairman of bell group, was beaten as a pig.

"Do you hear me?" He Feng light looking at Cao Peng, "hurry to return the money, then I leave immediately. Brother Feng, I'm hungry. I'm in a hurry to eat. "

"Good! I'll give it to you now! "

Cao Peng gritted his teeth, took out an invoice book and prepared to write it.


He Feng close to Cao Peng, is a slap to draw out, draw in Cao Peng on the other side of the face.


Cao Peng vomited another mouthful of blood, and the other side of his face became swollen, turning into a pig's face.

"Why are you hitting me again?"

Cao Peng was almost mad. He promised to pay back the money, but he even beat himself. This is too bullying.

"You think I'm a fool. Do you think I should hit you?"

He Feng looked at the idiot and looked at Cao Peng, "how can I pay back the money like you? When I go back, you call the bank to void the invoice. How can I withdraw the money? "


Cao Peng really had this plan at the beginning. If he Feng really accepted the invoice and left, he would call the bank at the first time, but he didn't want to be fooled at all.

Not only was he not deceived, but he slapped himself directly.

"Well, can I transfer the money to the bank card for you?" Cao Pengdao.

"OK, then you can transfer it to my card."

He Feng immediately reported his bank card name and account number to Cao Peng.

"He Feng? So you are He Feng? "

Cao Peng saw the name of He Feng, immediately recognized the identity of He Feng.

A few days ago, the post that he Feng was kept by Wang Xiangyun and Gong Wei spread widely. Some people who don't know Wang Xiangyun may not pay much attention to it, but Cao Peng remembered it. So as soon as I see he Feng's name, I immediately recognize his identity.

"Yes, brother Feng is He Feng, and he Feng is brother Feng." He Feng nodded with a smile, "it's a pity that it has nothing to do with your repayment. Don't think that if you have heard of brother Feng's name, brother Feng will erase the change of 30000 yuan for you. I tell you, no way


Cao Peng mouth smoke smoke, also did not speak, take out the mobile phone to He Feng transfer.

Now that you know the identity of He Feng, you don't need to investigate in the back. Just find someone to deal with him.

After a while, he Feng received a text message to remind him of the balance, with an extra $26.73 million.

"Tut Tut, Cao Dong, I thought you bell group were really out of money. With the help of your fingers, it turned more than 26 million yuan. How could it be that you were out of money? It's estimated that you still have hundreds of millions in your card, right

He Feng transferred the money to Wang Xiangyun and asked with a smile.

"It doesn't matter to you how much money I have left on my card. Now I've returned the account of Yuncheng group to you. Can you go? "

Cao Peng asked coldly.

"I know you've paid the bill, but it's just one of the things we came to bell group." He Feng stretched a waist to say.

"What else can I do for you?"

"Well, where's the head of your finance department? Didn't you come to work today? "

He Feng did not answer Cao Peng's words, but glanced around, pretending to doubt.

"It seems that you have nothing to do with where our finance minister is now?" Cao Peng asked impatiently.

"Of course it does. I heard that he seems to be a waste now. I don't know what the specific situation is. The Lulu beauty beside me used to be responsible for collecting debts from him. Now we know that the minister is seriously injured. We still want to visit her. " He Feng's way of concern.

"Well? Is she responsible for collecting debts from my brother-in-law Cheng Yong? "

Cao Peng's eyes fell on Xia Menglu and asked, "do you know who beat my brother-in-law like this?"

Between inquiries, his eyes suddenly become very sharp, staring at Xia Menglu tightly, as if to determine whether Xia Menglu's answer is a lie.

Xia Menglu hesitated for a moment and said, "I, I don't know..."

"Cao Dong, you don't even know who beat your brother-in-law like this? I thought you knew that. "

As soon as Xia Menglu opened her mouth, she was interrupted by He Feng. "In fact, it's me who abandoned your brother-in-law."

Hearing the speech, Cao Peng was stunned.

Wu Zhong, hu er, as well as some employees standing in the distance to watch, were also stunned.

They all got some news more or less. Cheng Yong, the Minister of finance department, who is the chairman's brother-in-law, seems to have been seriously injured. But no one knows who it is. Some say it was someone Cheng Yong offended, others say it was someone on the road, but there is no exact answer.

Because of this, Cao Peng asked Wu Zhong to investigate and inquire.

But don't want to, the killer who abandoned Cheng Yong, at this time actually stood in front of them, and said in front of everyone that the person who abandoned Cheng Yong was him.

"You... It's you!"

Cao Peng came back, took a deep breath, and forbeared the impulse to order people to deal with He Feng.

He Feng's skill just now he also saw, is not the ordinary person can fight.

"As for people, I'm the one who abandoned them. But I didn't mean to hurt people. As for the reason... "

He Feng said with a smile: "well, recently my girlfriend asked Cheng Yong to collect debts, but Cheng Yong took the opportunity to give my girlfriend that kind of medicine, and then took her to the hotel to open a room. Fortunately, I happened to be nearby at that time. I ran into him and stopped Cheng Yong. But after Cheng Yong was stopped by me, he not only didn't repent and admit his mistake, but also fought against me and almost killed me. Helpless, I had to be forced to defend, gave him a little lesson

"Is that a small lesson?" Cao Peng roared angrily: "he is not only disabled now, he can't take care of himself, even that place is abandoned by you, not even a man. Is that a small lesson for you?"

Hearing Cao Peng's words, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone just thought that Cheng Yong was seriously injured, but they didn't expect that the injury would be so serious.

"Brother Feng..."

Xia Menglu also looks at He Feng in shock. She just knows that he Feng has beaten the animal who bullied her so badly.

He Feng patted Xia Menglu on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Lulu, I will not let go of any man who bullies you. Really, for me now, it's just a small lesson to make him disabled. "

Then he looked at Cao Peng again, "Cao Dong, I just abandoned him and left him a life. This is not a small lesson. What is it? Do you still need to ask me such a low-level question? "

Hearing this, Cao Peng's eyes narrowed.

He really doesn't know how to refute He Feng, because the people he abandoned over the years are not one or two.

But now his brother-in-law is abandoned. If he doesn't help his brother-in-law get revenge, can his wife's family let him go?

"He Feng, do you care about my brother-in-law Cheng Yong? If so, thank you for your concern! "

Cao Peng took a deep breath and continued to resist the impulse.

Now that the murderer is He Feng, he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Ha ha, it's right to care about it."

He Feng said with a smile: "should Cao Dong also care about my girlfriend?"

"Care about your girlfriend?"

Cao Peng glared, "what do you mean? Isn't your girlfriend all right now? "

Cao Peng wants to kill He Feng and Xia Menglu. How can he care?

"Cao Dong, I'm very unhappy when you say that. Do you know how much psychological trauma my girlfriend suffered from the incident last night? Do you know what shadow she has in her heart now? Are you ready to ignore all these things? "

He Feng suddenly approached Cao Peng, "if so, then Cao Dong let me down!"

"You, what do you want to do?"

Cao Peng see he Feng close to himself, subconsciously back two steps.

He Feng touched his nose, "since he was hurt, of course he had to make up for it. The most fundamental reason why my girlfriend has such a big psychological shadow is that she came to your company to collect debts. Therefore, the responsibility naturally fell on Cao Dong. Cao Dong, don't you tell me? "


Cao Peng subconsciously want to burst rude, feelings this guy is to rip off, he stared at He Feng asked: "then you say, want me to compensate how much to your girlfriend?"

He Feng looks at Xia Menglu and says, "Lulu, how much do you think they should pay for it?"

"I... I don't know!" Xia Menglu who met this kind of thing, simple she does not know how to blackmail others.

He Feng shook his head helplessly and said to Cao Peng: "my girlfriend is in no mood to think about this kind of thing because she is seriously injured. However, she is a better talker, so I'll make a decision for her and pay less. "

Hearing he Feng say less compensation, Cao Peng was a little relieved.

But then he Feng said: "Cao Dong, you can make a ten million compensation."

"What... What?"

Cao Peng thought he heard wrong, "how much do you want me to pay?"

"Not much, just ten million. Cao Dong, you can transfer my bank card directly. Anyway, you know my account number. " He Feng urged: "Cao Dong hurry up, we are in a hurry to have lunch."

Cao Peng stares at He Feng, and has an impulse to direct an order to besiege him Feng.

This asshole, do you think I'm an ATM?

Do you really think 10 million is 1000 yuan?

"Cao Dong, are you looking down on me and my girlfriend? Do you think it's too much to treat my girlfriend's psychological trauma? If so, I have to think of a way to leave Cao Dong with an incurable psychological trauma. "

The smile on He Feng's face disappeared, and a cold breath came out of him.

Cao Peng suddenly felt cold in his heart, and his head came back to him.

The hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses. Let's go back and calculate all the accounts with him!

"OK, I'll turn!"

Cao Peng said, biting his teeth, took out his mobile phone and began to transfer money.

"It's Cao dongshuang who's quick!" He Feng face this just restored smile.

After a while, he Feng's mobile phone once again received a text message reminding of the arrival notice, and there was another 10 million on the card.

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