"Cao Dong, the money has arrived. Let's go first."

He Feng immediately took Xia Menglu's hand and walked toward the elevator.

"Cao Dong, why did you let them go? With so many of us, he can't beat us. "

Hu er stood beside Cao Peng, some not too willing to say.

When he was at the bus station before, he Feng and Xia Menglu made him lose a big face. Just now, he thought Cao Peng would fight when he Feng learned that he Feng had abandoned Cheng Yong. Unexpectedly, Cao Peng held back all of them.


Cao Peng directly slapped hu er in the face, "you are powerful. Why didn't you rush up just now? What's more, no more nonsense, you've been done in the company! "


Hu er was ashamed and angry, but he couldn't answer half a word.

Cao Peng did not look at hu er again, but looked at Wu Zhong, "Wu Zhong, what happened here just now should have been photographed, you take a copy of the monitoring to my office."

With that, Cao Peng went to his office.

Cao Peng definitely wants to keep this monitoring, because he Feng himself admitted that Cheng Yong abandoned it just now.

Now, his brother-in-law is still lying in the emergency room of the hospital and doesn't wake up. If Cheng Yong can't wake up at all or is seriously injured, he can give the monitoring to the police, and then spend some money to get he Feng in easily.

Of course, he won't use this method easily, because he thinks it's too cheap.

After returning to the office, Cao Peng immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.


There was an impatient voice on the phone, and at the same time, there were bursts of rough gasping, "Cao Peng, I didn't let you have nothing important, so don't call me? I'm just waking up. Why are you calling? "

Hearing the speech, Cao Peng just remembered that today is Saturday, and the owner at the other end of the phone estimated that he had just woken up.

The reason is very simple. It must have been midnight last night.

"Well, Xu Shao, I just had a big problem."

Cao Peng knows that Xu Hongjie doesn't want to answer the phone at the moment, but about He Feng, he has to tell Xu Hongjie, "just now, someone came to our company to make trouble. He is a member of Yuncheng group. His name is He Feng. Relying on his fighting strength, he collected all the debts I owed Yuncheng group over 20 million yuan. "

"He Feng?"

Hearing the name, Xu Hongjie's rough breathing stopped for a while.

Then, Cao Peng heard Xu Hongjie's voice, "Xiaolan, you come down to me, I'll say a few words to your father."

"Yes, a little!" A familiar voice also penetrated into Cao Peng's ears. It was his daughter Cao Xiaolan.

"Hoo Xu Hongjie gave a comfortable chant, then said with a smile: "ha ha, that Cao Dong, I'm doing some getting up exercises with Xiaolan at the moment, don't you mind?"

"No, of course not. Xiaolan can serve Xu Shao. That's her blessing. It's our Cao family's blessing." Cao Peng is very happy to say.

"Well, that's fine."

Xu Hongjie nodded with satisfaction, "in that case, you can continue to tell me about He Feng, and tell me what happened just now in detail."

"Xu Shao, it's like this. As soon as he came to our company, he pretended to be Xu Shao's subordinate. After I saw him through..."

Cao Peng told Xu Hongjie all about what happened at the front desk just now, "in addition to collecting the foreign debt of Yuncheng group, he Feng blackmailed me 10 million. In particular, my brother-in-law was abandoned by him. Xu Shao, you must help me find a way. I must get rid of this He Feng. "

"Well! I forgot to tell you about He Feng. "

Xu Hongjie said with a smile: "Cao Dong, this He Feng is really not something that ordinary people can deal with. If you want to get rid of him, you have to pay a great price. "

"Xu Shao knows this He Feng very well?" Cao Peng surprised way, did not expect that bastard, unexpectedly also entered the eyes of many little.

"Ha ha, don't you understand? He has done me a bad job before. Of course I remember him

Xu Hongjie laughs, but he still has a fresh memory of He Feng. He has always let people pay special attention to He Feng's affairs. "Maybe you don't know. In our Jiangbin City, there are many people who want to deal with He Feng. What's more, the status is no worse than me. "


Cao Peng took a cold breath, "what Xu Shao said, but how many other young men in Jiangbin city?"

"Well, I'm not very clear about the rest, but there are two people who really want to kill He Feng. They are song Yan and Yin Xian."

"Er... It's these two Cao Peng was completely shocked. The status of these two people is no less than Xu Hongjie. "Since Song Shao and Yin Dong both want to get rid of him, why does he still live at ease?"

"The thing is, they really want to get rid of He Feng, but they can't do it for a while. You should know about song Yan. He is now tired of dealing with his mother's elopement. As for Yin Xian, he is now seriously ill in hospital, and is still in Nanjin city. It is said that the reason why he was seriously ill was that he Feng gave him a lot of wine, which eventually led to liver failure. "

Xu Hongjie said with a smile: "as long as they are stable in the back, they will definitely find a way to get rid of He Feng. If you have the patience, you can wait more. If you are lucky, you don't need to wait too long. "

Smell speech, Cao Peng not from frown.

"Xu Shao, if I want to deal with He Feng in advance, do you have any way?"

Cao Peng obviously didn't have the patience to wait.

If he doesn't get out as soon as possible, he will feel suffocated.

What's more, what do the people below think of themselves?

"There are ways, but it costs money." Xu Hongjie said.

"As long as you can get rid of He Feng, it doesn't matter to spend more money." Cao Peng gritted his teeth.

"OK, I'll get in touch with you and wait for my message."

With that, Xu hung up.

Cao Peng's face just showed a smile, "He Feng, I don't care who you are, but you dare to break ground on my head, I will let you die without knowing."

Dong Dong

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Cao Peng's light way.

The door was pushed open, Security Minister Wu Zhong came in, but his face was not very good-looking, "Cao Dong, something happened!"

"What accident?"

"I just went to investigate the surveillance video, but I found that the company's surveillance actually broke down today. It seems that there is something wrong with the network, and all the surveillance videos are gone." Wu Zhong frowned and said: "I asked the following people, it should not be the mistake made by the staff, it is likely that hackers have invaded the network."


Cao Peng a stare, "this He Feng, difficult or a powerful hacker?"

"I'm not sure about that, but I think he should be well prepared when he comes to our company to collect debts and make trouble. Even if he is not a hacker, he may have invited a powerful hacker. " Wu Zhongdao.


Smell speech, Cao Peng's face is more ugly, "this He Feng, thought that he had done so, I had no way to deal with him?"? By doing so, he will only increase my determination to get rid of him! "


Xu Hongjie was doing a wake-up exercise with Cao Peng's daughter Cao Xiaolan in his own home.

After hanging up Cao Peng's phone, he waited for Cao Xiaolan to help him solve the problem for a long time. Then he lay on the bed and made a call.

"Hello, little!"

Before long, there was a middle-aged man's voice on the phone.

"Good afternoon, brother Zhou. Haven't I disturbed you?" Xu Hongjie said with a smile.

"No, I just had lunch. What can I do for you?" Zhou Yin, a middle-aged man, asked.

"Ha ha, it's nothing important. It's mainly because there's a man under me who's been bullied. The bullies are very capable. It's not easy for me to deal with them here. So, I want to ask brother Zhou to help me solve this problem. Oh, by the way, brother Zhou's normal collection is OK. After all, that person is really hard to deal with, and I can't let brother Zhou help me. " Xu Hongjie said with a smile.

"A man who can't even make up his mind? What is sacred? "

Zhou Yin asked in surprise.

"This man, brother Zhou, should have some impression. His name is He Feng, and he is the husband of Wang Xiangyun in Yuncheng group." Xu Hongjie said.

"He Feng?"

Zhou Yin's pupil shrinks, "He Feng, it's really hard to deal with. As far as I know, Baiyun gang and Wolf Gang want to deal with him, but they can't do it all at once. The most fundamental reason is that he Feng is very strong. "

"If the cost is enough, I don't know if brother Zhou is willing to do it?" But Xu Hongjie asked directly.

"What price are you going to offer here?" Zhou Yin said with a smile: "I have to report this to our boss. As you know, although the Baiyun Gang is a new force, they have great ambition to unify the underground world of Jiangbin city. Now, the white cloud Gang is fighting with the Wolf Gang secretly. Although it hasn't affected our scorpion gang in a large area, as long as it doesn't have the control of the Wolf Gang, the white cloud gang will definitely fight against our scorpion gang in an all-round way. Therefore, our boss is strict with us and can no longer easily make enemies. Of course, if Xu Shaozhen can offer a certain price, I will try to persuade our boss. "

"Brother Zhou, if it's the situation you said. Well, I think the price I quoted is meaningless. You should quote it yourself, brother Zhou. " Xu Hongjie said.

"Ha ha, as far as I know, although he Feng is not an ancient martial artist who has cultivated his inner strength, his combat effectiveness is no less than that of an ancient martial artist with inner strength. And there are rules in the industry. In the early Ming Dynasty, the price of guwu was 20 million yuan. He Feng should be a little worse than the ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty, so I'll take 15 million less. What do you think? " Zhou Yin analyzes Tao.

"Fifteen million? OK, then according to the price you said. As soon as he Feng is settled, I will transfer money to you immediately. "

Xu Hongjie's way of singing and laughing.

He knew that the price was completely within Cao Peng's tolerance.

"Well, let's say that first. I'll go to our boss first, and then I'll give you an answer."

"OK, thank you, brother Zhou. By the way, brother Zhou, if he Feng can be dealt with, I'll give you an extra 5 million yuan! "

"Five million?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yin was obviously silent.

Three seconds later, he just said: "I know, wait for my news!"

Hung up the phone, Xu Hongjie mouth raised a smile.

Then, looking at the sexy young woman under her eyes, "Xiaolan, it's time for me now, ha ha ha..."


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