"Brother Feng, do you really want to play?" Xia Menglu looks at He Feng in surprise. She doesn't think he Feng is the kind of person who likes gambling.

"Just play around!"

He Feng answered casually, then looked at Ru Qing and asked, "Oh, right, do you want money to play cards?"

"Of course, I want money, otherwise it's fun to play cards in the middle of the night?"

Ru Qing sneered at He Feng, "how, you won't tell me, you don't have money with you?"

"Why? Of course. I have a lot of cash on me. "

He Feng is very domineering laugh, and then pull Xia Menglu out of the room.

Ru Qing followed and locked the door.

Before long, three people came to a room at the end of the corridor. Before they opened the door, they heard the cry inside.

"Open the door, open the door, look who I've brought."

Ru Qing knocks heavily on the door and shouts at the same time.

After a while, the door was pushed open and a pungent smell of smoke rushed out.

In addition to the smell of smoke, there are also some other strange smell, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Xia Menglu directly covered her nose, which was obviously not suitable.

He Feng doesn't matter. No matter how bad the smell is, it's much better than the smell in the blood sea corpse mountain.

"Lulu, we won't play in it for long. You can bear it a little bit." He Feng leads Xia Menglu and says in a low voice.


Xia Menglu nods. Since he Feng wants to play, she certainly won't turn around and leave because of the pungent smell.

"Well, isn't that Lulu? You're here, too? "

The one who opened the door was a middle-aged woman. She looked like she was in her thirties. She was dressed in household clothes, and her hair was simply tied, which made her look very casual. And there was a cigarette in the corner of her mouth.

When she saw he Feng hand in hand with Xia Menglu, she was shocked. "I'll go. Isn't this your boyfriend?"

"Hello, youyou. This is my boyfriend. His name is He Feng." Xia Menglu said with a smile: "originally I didn't want to come, but my boyfriend said he wanted to come and meet you, so he pulled me over."

"Ha ha, OK. Young man, my name is youyou. I'm the second landlord here. I helped Lulu find her house and confiscate her deposit. I collect at least one month's deposit for other people. "

Youyou is very forthright and familiar. He Feng said: "you can catch up with youYou. It's very capable. However, Lulu also has pursuers in our tour station apartment. Besides, he's playing cards in the room now. Do you want to go in? "

"Thank you for reminding me, but since I'm here, I have to go in and get to know everyone." He Feng smiles and looks inside.

He had seen three tables in the living room.

A mahjong table, four people sitting there playing mahjong. There are also two small tables. The two groups are playing cards respectively.

The desk is full of cash, in all denominations.

To sum up, there must be fourteen or five people, most of whom are men, but there are also three or four women.

"Well, come in."

Youyou took a look at He Feng, but he didn't say anything more. He took two steps to the side.

And as soon as she gets out of the way, Xia Menglu appears.

"Well, isn't that Lulu? He came to play, too? "

"Ha ha, yes. She's been in our apartment for two months. Seems she's only been here twice? And be pulled hard by Ru Qing dead to come over. But it doesn't seem to be so grudging today? "

"I wipe, who is the man next to her, holding the hand of Lulu beauty, should not be her boyfriend?"

"Zhang Qiang, look, your goddess Lulu seems to have been taken away by others."

A group of people are very excited to see Xia Menglu coming.

But when everyone saw that Xia Menglu was still holding a man, they were all surprised. Then they looked at a man who was frying the golden flower.

The man who fried the gold flower was Zhang Qiang. He was in his mid-20s, shaved and wearing a big gold ring. He seemed to have a lot of money.

Since Xia Menglu lived in Yuzhan apartment, he began to pursue Xia Menglu.

It is precisely because of his pursuit that other men who like Xia Menglu have never harassed her again.

They thought that Xia Menglu would fall into Zhang Qiang's hands in the end, but they didn't think that now Xia Menglu was holding hands with other men, and still brought back the Yuzhan apartment at night.

"Well, isn't that Lulu's boyfriend? At noon today, when Ru Qing and I were eating out, we saw them eating together. They were intimate. "

In Zhang Qiang's side, Li Duojin also took a look at He Feng, and then said with a smile.

He also knows that Zhang Qiang likes Xia Menglu very much. He was originally prepared to wait for Ru Qing to tell Zhang Qiang, but now Xia Menglu and he Feng appear, and he says it directly.


Zhang Qiang's face suddenly became very ugly, straight up, strode to Xia Menglu and he Feng, "Lulu, who is he?"

"Zhang Qiang..."

Xia Menglu frowned slightly and said, "Zhang Qiang, this is my boyfriend. His name is He Feng. In the future, please stop looking for me, or my boyfriend will be angry. "

Xia Menglu knows that Zhang Qiang does like himself, but she thinks that Zhang Qiang likes his appearance more than he really likes himself. Moreover, she also heard that Zhang Qiang was very familiar with the property manager and often went to the property side to molest girls.

At the same time, Zhang Qiang likes gambling, smoking and drinking. She knows very well that she doesn't like this kind of man at all. In addition, she doesn't have the slightest feeling for Zhang Qiang, so no matter how much Zhang Qiang pesters her, or even goes to her room in the middle of the night to knock on the door and express herself in a loud voice, she doesn't feel the slightest bit moved, on the contrary, she is more and more disgusted with Zhang Qiang.

"Are you really looking for a boyfriend? I've been chasing you for a long time. You just told me that you are busy at work and have no time to fall in love, so I'll wait for you and don't let other men harass you. Now you tell me that you have a boyfriend? Are you kidding me? "

Hearing these words from Xia Menglu, Zhang Qiang is very angry.

"I didn't fool you. It was because I couldn't stand your obsession that I found out all kinds of reasons for rejecting you. You just didn't want to give up."

Xia Menglu shook her head. "If it bothers you, I'm deeply sorry!"


"Well, Zhang Qiang, it's normal for men to love women. Lulu's freedom is to find her boyfriend. Don't interfere too much. There are too many flowers in the world. I'll introduce one to you later. You'll be satisfied with it. "

You you see Zhang Qiang seems to lose his temper, quickly hold him. She has a good feeling for Xia Menglu. Naturally, she doesn't want her boyfriend to be bullied by Zhang Qiang.


Zhang Qiang just snorted, but still gave youyou face. Instead of losing his temper, he Feng looked at him and said, "boy, since you are Lulu's boyfriend, how dare you come to play with us?"

"Brother Feng..." Xia Menglu wants to stop He Feng. She thinks he Feng will lose money when he plays with Zhang Qiang. After all, Zhang Qiang is the best player in the card field.

"Lulu, just watch. I'll play with brother Qiang for a while. It won't be long."

He Feng interrupts Xia Menglu with a smile, then looks at Zhang Qiang and asks, "what do you want to play?"

"Whatever you choose, I'll play with you whatever you want." Zhang Qiang snorted, "however, no matter how much you lose, you have to play with me for an hour, OK?"

"An hour?"

He Feng frowned. He didn't want to waste an hour here. "It seems to me that you are playing with fried flowers. Do you have capped ones?"

"When we played, the ceiling was twenty. But now that you want to join in, we certainly respect the guests. The guests say that as much as the ceiling is set, so much. " Zhang Qiang said indifferently.

"In that case, let's not cap it. At least we are men. It's boring to play capped, and I'm He Feng. It looks like he Feng is no different from a loser. It's nice to have a few thousand yuan on him, but it's fun to play fried gold without capped.

"I don't have a lot of money on me, but I'm Lulu's colleague. I'm all employees of Yuncheng group, with a monthly salary of 10000 yuan. Can you rest assured?" He Feng touched his nose.

"Cloud City Group? Ten thousand a month? "

Smell speech, people this just suddenly, originally is a white-collar, and also Cloud City Group, no wonder Xia Menglu will fall in love with him.

"Well, since you have money, I'll play with you. But don't cry when you lose. "

Zhang Qiang hummed coldly.

Knowing that he Feng and Xia Menglu are from the same company, he is even more angry with him Feng. He secretly decides that he Feng must lose all his money today.

"Don't worry, even if you win all my money, I will never cry." He Feng laughs.

"How much cash do you have with you?" Zhang Qiang asked.

"Cash? Not much

"In that case, go to youyoujie to exchange some cash. Each of us has to have at least 10000 yuan in cash. What do you say?"

Zhang Qiang's eyes look at Li Duojin and others who play with him.

"Ten thousand? I don't care! "

"I have no problem, either."

"Hey, hey, it's only ten thousand. It's a small idea."

Li Duojin and two others agreed.

"All right, ten thousand is ten thousand."

He Feng doesn't matter.

Immediately, several people took out their mobile phones to transfer 10000 yuan to youYou, while youyou took 50000 yuan in cash to He Feng and others.

At this time, he Feng and Zhang Qiang have been seated, a total of five people play.

He Feng, Zhang Qiang and Li Duojin, as well as Hu Yue and Su Xiong, are good playmates with Zhang Qiang.

But now they are no longer sitting on the small table, but on the mahjong table.

They play so much that others are not in the mood to play any more. They just let the big table out, while they stand behind and watch.

Playing cards are two pairs of unopened new cards. After Zhang Qiang opened the cards, he Feng and other humanitarians said, "now draw cards to see the size. The biggest one will be in the villa first."

We all know the rules of frying golden flowers. He Feng also knows how to play. When he had nothing to do abroad, he often played with us.

Although, when he played with those people, he lost most of the time.

But he lost because he didn't cheat.

And now

Fools don't cheat!

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